W.S. Ranasinghe
Management Assistant Grade 3
Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering
Dr. G.N Dilrukshi
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Ms. D. K. Sewwandi
Department of Organizational Studies
Ms. D. B.D Chamaleen (on study leave)
Lecturer (Probationary)-on study leave
Dept. of Mathematics
Mrs. K.I.C.Amarasinghe
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Mrs. Niluka Gamalath
Senior Lecturer (Gr.II)
Legal Studies
Mr. V. Viththagan
Workshop Engineer
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. R.M.S.S. Rasnayake
Department of Physics
Profile picture
Dr. Saminda P. Fernando
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Department of Zoology
Mr. R. Vivekanantharasa

Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
Ms.P.V.R Chamathka
Temporary Demonstrator
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Ms. Nayomi Harshani Karunarathne
Temporary demonstrator