Department of Botany offers Programmes ranging from Certificates, Advanced Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Master’s in Science through Open and Distance Learning for all those who wish to pursue higher education. In addition, we offer Foundation Courses as a qualifying course for those who have no formal qualifications and Stand Alone Courses for those who are interested in knowing more about certain areas or updating knowledge.

We make a valuable contribution to the B.Sc. Degree of the Faculty of Natural Sciences by effectively delivering both basic and more specialized course units resulting in products both knowledgeable and well-skilled in Botany both nationally and internationally.

Basic Botany courses offered at Levels 3 and 4 are designed to assist you to develop a good foundation based on which optional but industry-based course units are offered at Levels 5 & 6 in order to enhance the employment opportunities for our graduates.

Our Department is housed in the new Science & Technology building, Block 9 and Block 10 of the Colombo Regional Centre. Laboratory facilities for all courses are available at the central campus at Nawala in Block 9 &10. However, laboratory work for all Level 3 and some Level 4 & 5 courses is conducted at the Regional Centres in Kandy & Matara. A modern well equipped research laboratory is newly established in the S & T building.

To find out course details and other important information, please browse through the Botany web pages.

Hope you will find this experience rewarding and enjoyable. 

Study Programmes

Academic Staff

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

Senior Professor, Chair of Botany

Professor in Botany

Associate professor in Botany

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

Professor in Botany