Physics is one of the six (06) Departments in the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Open University of Sri Lanka. Academic staff is housed at the second floor of the left wing of the Science and Technology building whereas undergraduate laboratories are located at Block 8 & 20 in the Colombo Regional Centre. Laboratories for undergraduate courses are also available at the Regional Centres in Kandy & Matara. A well equipped research laboratory with facilities for condense matter physics, electronics, geology, geophysics researches are located at the Science & Technology building.
Physics is taught in the B.Sc. degree programme in level 3, level 4 & level 5 (equivalent to first three years in conventional Universities) and also in the Foundation level courses in level 1 & 2, (equivalent to the G.C.E.Advance Level) passing of which enable students to enter the B.Sc. degree Programme. Core courses in physics in the B.Sc. Degree programme are taught in level 3 & 4 whereas level 5 courses are towards applied physics fields like astronomy, atmospheric physics, medical physics, biophysics, practical physics and nuclear physics. Basics such as fundamentals of geology, geophysics and environmental geology courses are also taught in level 5.
In addition to the academic programmes towards B.Sc. Degree, Department of physics offers Certificate courses in Applied Electronics and Applied Earth Sciences targeting professionals/employers and those who wish to gain more experiences in the particular field without completing a degree.
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