Someone to listen…..
As the affairs we go through daily become more complex in present day environment, we are faced with many challenges in life, you may have had a long day at work, unable to complete assignments on deadline, an argument with your spouse, may be your children are not behaving like they “should”, or you may just have something that is bothering you for no apparent reason.
Although you may handle life’s challenges on your own, sometimes a little outside help, a different or more objective point of view, can help you with putting your problems in different perspective and handling them more effectively, where the professional service we deliver at the counselling unit could help a great deal
Our Goal
The OUSL Counselling Unit aims to offer confidential and professional help to all enrolled students and staff members. We recognize the need to promote mental health and wellbeing of our students and staff. The OUSL Counselling Unit is administered by the Dept. of Psychology & Counselling.
How we can help…
The Counselling Unit will be committed to meet the needs of all students and staff members of the OUSL and we strive to create an environment where you can feel at home.
With Counselling, you have the opportunity to open up about your difficulties in a confidential, non-judgmental setting.
- Stress, depression, and anxiety related issues
- Educational problems
- Adjustment difficulties
- Relationship and family issues
- Workplace related issues
- Psychological problems
- Addiction difficulties
- Self-esteem, confidence issues
- Peer pressure

The counselling service is FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL.
The Counselling Unit will provide the following services:
Work with the counsellor individual basis to address personal or emotional problems which may impact your academic, professional, or daily life.
Groups can provide an opportunity to explore oneself through view of others, provide platform to relate others, benefit from their experiences and support while offering them your own(Small Group workshops)
Note: All the members of the group must commit to confidentiality..
As we contribute for quality education, we provide tailormade skill training and staff development programs in counselling and psychology for the academic and non-academic staff members.
The workshops conducted promoting mental health and skill training. They will be designed upon the requirements of respective departments or student facilities.
Please contact counsellors to get further information about workshops.
- Individual Counselling
- Group Counselling
- Workshops and Talks on Relevant Aspects
- Training and Advice on Counselling Skills to Staff
Consultation Hours:
Our counsellor will be available at the Counselling Unit, OUSL Health Centre – Nawala, on Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm.
Drop-in at the Counselling Unit
Meet a Counsellor at one of the above consultation hours, on a first-come, first-served basis and/or by appointment at the Counselling Unit.
Counselling Unit
Healthcare Centre
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda
Make an appointment:
Telephone: 011 2881361 (Ext 6702)Please call during working hours of counsellor
Mobile : 070 251 0820 (WhatsApp Calls available)
Email: counsellor@ou.ac.lk
Our Counsellors…….. |
Ms. W. Tharindu Krishanthini Botheju
Educational Qualifications
- Master of Science in Psychological Counselling – Girne American University, Cyprus – 2019
- Bachelor of Arts – Bangalore University, India – 2012
- Diploma in Counseling Psychology – University of Colombo – 2016
Professional Qualifications
- Counsellor – Holy Cross Meditation and Counselling Center, Marawila, Sri Lanka – 2021
- Counsellor – Alokaya Counselling Center, Family Planning Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2016-2017