Prof. F.M. Nawastheen

B.A. (Hons) (UPDN), PGDE (OUSL), M.Sc. in Curr. & Inst (Malaysia), PhD in Curriculum & Pedagogy (UKM)


Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education

Welcome to my academic journey! I’m Fareed Mohamed Nawastheen. Currently, I work as a Professor in Secondary and Tertiary Education at the Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education in the esteemed Faculty of Education at the Open University of Sri Lanka.

From the vibrant city of Jaffna, my educational journey started at the prestigious Jaffna Osmania College, laying the foundation for my academic pursuits and setting the stage for a remarkable journey in the realm of knowledge. I continued my academic endeavours at the renowned University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, earning my bachelor’s degree. Eager to explore the vast landscape of education, I had an enriching experience at Universiti Putra Malaysia, where I earned my Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction in 2002. Additionally, I pursued my doctoral studies in Curriculum and Pedagogy at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Curriculum and Pedagogy, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology

Curriculum and Pedagogy, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Teacher Education, Online Education, Teaching Geography
From 05.02.2021 onwards Serving as Professor in Secondary & Tertiary Education in the Faculty of Education of the Open University of Sri Lanka


Year 2017 – To date: Senior Lecturer (Grade I) in Education,

Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education,

Faculty of Education,

The Open University of Sri Lanka.


Year 2014- 2017: Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Education,

Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education,

Faculty of Education,

The Open University of Sri Lanka.


Year 2006-2014: Lecturer in Education,

Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education,

Faculty of Education,

The Open University of Sri Lanka.


Year 2005-2006: Project Officer (Curriculum Developer)

Department of Social Sciences,

National Institute of Education,



Year 1999-2005: Assistant Project Officer (Curriculum Developer)

Department of Social Sciences,

National Institute of Education,



Year 1998-1999: Assistant Lecturer in Geography,

Department of Geography,

University of Peradeniya,


M.Ed Degree Programme from 2016-2023

Course Team Leader, PGDE Degree Programme: Curriculum Theory and Practice
Course Team Leader, MTE Degree Programme: Teacher Educator as Curriculum Developer
Course Coordinator, MEd Degree Programme: Research Methods in Education
Course Coordinator, MEd Degree Programme: Teacher Education.


Editorial Board Member/Editor

  1. Editorial Board Member- Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
  2. Chief Editor- PAARVAI Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka.
  3. Memeber of Editorial Board: Conference Proceeding, OURS 2016, Open University of Sri Lanka
  1. Nawastheen,F.M. (2023). Usaaththunaiyidal Baanikal: APA usaaththunaiyidalukkaana valikattal kurippukaludan (Referencing Styles: APA referencing guidelines), Excellent print
  2. Nawastheen, F.M. (2020). Fundamentals of Curriculum (kalaittiṭṭa aṭippaṭaikaḷ). Jaffna, Jeewanathi Publishers, ISBN: 978-955-0958.
  3. Nawastheen,F.M.,& Safeer M.U.M. (2020). Usaaththunaiyidal Baanikal: APA usaaththunaiyidalukkaana valikattal kurippukaludan (Referencing Styles: APA referencing guidelines),Jaffna, Jeewanathi. ISBN: 978-955-0958-21-4
  4. Nawastheen, F. M., & Shifani, R. (2019). Suya Olungupaduthappatta Kattral (Self-Regulated Learning). Jaffna: Jeevanathi
  5. Nawastheen, F.M.& S.A.C.M.Karamath (2010), Puvi Nadukkam (Earthquake) Additional Reading Book for School Students, National Institute of Education ISBN 978-955-674-126-1
  6. Nawastheen, F.M.& S.A.C.M.Karamath (2010), Boomikampaa (Earthquake) Additional Reading Book for School Students, National Institute of Education ISBN 978-955-674-118-6
  1. Nawastheen, F.M., P. Ramathass, & Shifan, S. (2023). ENSURING TEACHING AND LEARNING AMIDST THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN SRI LANKA. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 7(4), 1–9.
  2. Nawastheen, F.M., Kingston Pal Thamburaj, S. Shifaan, & Tamilmullai Thannimalai. (2023). A study on the readiness and attitudes of Sri Lankan Tamil medium teachers towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 10(6), 54–62.
    Thannimalai T, Ponniah K, and Nawastheen FM (2022). Attitudes and skills of Tamil language teachers towards the use of ICT in teaching and facilitation. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 9(4): 15-27.
    Thannimalai, T., Ponniah, K., Nawastheen, F. M., Jose, F., & Jaiseelan, S. (2022). Attitudes and acceptance of information and communication technology (ICT) among urban and rural teachers in teaching and facilitation. Int. J. Adv. Appl. Sci, 9, 16-23.
    Sumanasena, M. L.H., & Nawastheen F.M., (2022). Teacher job satisfaction: a review of the literature. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(4), 1-12.
    F.M.Nawastheen, S.Shifaan, & M.W.A.Bisthamy. (2021). Primary school teachers’ perceptions towards the Remote Teaching and Learning Activities (RTLA) during lockdown period in Sri Lanka. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 1-15.
    Nawastheen, F. M., Gafoordeen, N. & Fathima Hifaza, M.F. (2021). Classroom Management Practices in the Secondary Schools – Teachers’ Perspectives from Kalutara Educational Zone in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) 8 (1), pp.306-311. DOI:
    Tennakoon, S., & F. M. Nawastheen. (2021). Teachers’ Awareness and Participation in the School-Based Teacher Development Programme in Mathugama Education Zone” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) 5 (11), pp.242-245. DOI:
    Nawastheen, F. M., & Perera, S. A. S. K. (2021). Students’ Perceptions on Participating in Remote Learning Activities in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic. Studies in Learning and Teaching, 2(3), 33-44.
    Nawastheen, F. M. (2021).Concerns-Based Adoption Model in The Successful Curriculum Implementation – A Literature Review. Inam International E-Journal of Tamil Studies, 7(28), 45–57. Retrieved from
    Nawastheen, F.M. (2021). Sri Lankan Teachers’ Concerns Towards Implementation of Curriculum Reforms in the Competency Based Curriculum Reforms, Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 5 (1), 1 18
    Wanasinghe, W.M.S. and Nawastheen, F.M. (2020). Improving Master Teacher’s Supervision of Teaching Practice of Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Research Reinforcement 8 (1), 1-5. ISSN 2348-3857
    Nawastheen, F.M. Jazeel, M.I.M. Rasif Sifani, K.C. and Ponniah, K. (2020). Teachers’ Roles in Developing Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Among Students of Puttalam Division in Sri Lanka. Journal of Critical Reviews. 7(19): 5076-5084. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.19.600
    Sumanasena, M.L.H., Nawastheen, F.M. and Jayawardena, P.R., (2020). Job satisfaction of teachers working in most difficult schools, with special reference to Puttalam Education Zone, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 43(1), 39–52.DOI:
    Ponniah,K. Thannimalai, T.M. and Nawastheen, F.M. (2020), Multigrading Classes Application And Teacher’s Preparation In Low Enrolment Schools In Malaysia, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (6), 7122-7135, DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I6/PR260717
    Fareedha, M.R.F and Nawastheen, F.M (2020). Participation of Muslim male students of Matale education zone in higher education. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4 (2), 17-32.
    Safeer, M.M. U., & Nawastheen, F.M (2019). Problems faced by graduate teachers who recruited without indicating their subject category in the Tamil medium schools in Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(4), 379-397.
    Nawastheen , F.M. (2019). Educational and curriculum changes in Sri Lanka: in light of literature. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 342-361.
    Mohamed Azmie, and Nawastheen, F.M. (2017). The Students’ Enrollment in the Bilingual Education in the Kalmunai Education Zone, Educationalist Research Journal 7 (2). 10-20. ISSN 1800-1378
    Nawastheen, F.M., Wanasinghe, W.M.S. and Senaviratne, P. (2017). A Study on PGDE Student-Teacher Efficacy Beliefs in the Sri Lankan Context. OUSL Journal, 12 (1), pp.27–44. DOI:
    Nawastheen, F.M. (2017). Geography Teachers’ Innovation Configuration of 5E Model in the Implementation of Curriculum Reforms in Sri Lanka, Educationalist Research Journal 7 (1). 5-22. ISSN 1800-1378.
    Safeek, N.M.M. and Nawastheen, F.M. (2016) Instructional Leadership of Principals in developing Classroom teaching and learning activities, Educationalist Research Journal 5. 5-24. ISSN 1800-1378
    Nawastheen, F.M. Sharifah Nor, P. and Tamby Subahan, M.M. (2014). Teachers’ Levels of Use of the 5E Instructional Model in the Implementation of Curriculum Reforms in Sri Lanka, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7, (17), 3561-3570,
    Sharifah Nor, P. and Nawastheen, F.M. (2013). An evaluation on the implementation of 5E instructional model in teaching geography in Sri Lanka, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (5): 721-728, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.16.05.11869


  1. OUSL-Journal-2022
  2. Sri Lanka Journal for Social Sciences 2022
  3. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH) 2022
  4. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH) 2021
  5. OUSL-Journal-2021
  6. Journal of Learning for Development-December 2020/2021
  7. OUSL-Journal-2020
  8. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH) 2020
  9. Open University Research Session- 2020
  10. AAOU- 2020
  11. SLIIT International Conference for the advancement of Sciences and Humanities (SICASH2020)
  12. Open University Research Session 2019
  13. International- Open University Research Session 2018
  14. Open University Research Session 2017
  15. SEUSL 7th International Symposium 2017
  16. First International Research Conference on Engineering, Science & Humanities held on November 09th – 10th, 2016 | Graduate Center, UKM, Bangi, Malaysia.
  17. Reviewing the Course Material (on ODL Format), HETC – EDP Grant Project, University of Jaffna – 2016
  18. Reviewer, International Conference of Open University of Sri Lanka (IOURS) 2018
  19. Reviewer – 1st International Research Symposium of National Colleges of Education – 29th-30th November 2017 Organized by Pasdunrata National College of Education, Kalutara
  20. Reviewer, International Conference of Open University of Sri Lanka (IOURS) 2017
  21. Reviewer, International Conference of Open University of Sri Lanka (IOURS) 2016
  22. Reviewer – IRCESH 2016 – 1st International Conference on Eng, Sci & Humanities 2016, November 9-10 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
  23. Reviewer, RISAND- 3rd International Symposium,  30. May 2016. Faculty of Islamic Studies & Arabic Languages, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  24. IntSym 2016, 7th & 8th December 2017. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  25. IntSym 2017, 20 &21 December 2016. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  26. Reviewer- Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICe) 2018
  27. Scientific Committee – ICEDU 2018, Conference Proceedings 4th International Conference on Education, The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM),

TV Programmes

  1. Makkal Sevai @ Vasantham TV  (05-06-2016) “Causes and Effects of Environmental Pollution
  2. Makkal Sevai @ Vasantham TV  (04-09-2016) Participated in a live programme of Vasantham TV on 04.09.16 from 8 am to 9 am to give necessary information to those who completed Advance Level Examination.


  • Assistant Editor,  Paarvai – Faculty Annual Magazine, Faculty of Education, The Open University  From 2016 to 2018
  • Chief Editor, Paarvai – Faculty Annual Magazine, Faculty of Education, The Open University  2019 Onwards.
  • Editor – Cyclone (Sooravali), An additional Reading book for school children, Published by the National Institute of Education.

Scholarly Articles

  1. Nawastheen, F.M. (2020) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teachers. In F.M.Nawastheen (Ed). PAARVAI-Volume 9. Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka: PP 22-27. OUSL Publication, ISSN 2012-8134.
  2. Nawastheen, F.M. (2020). Types of Curriculum. Kadal-Educational, Psychological & Sociological Magazine. Volume- 25, PP 21-24. Jaffna. ISBN: 9789554676923.
  3. Nawastheen, F.M. (2020). Special Education- A historical Perspectives, Kadal-Educational, Psychological & Sociological Magazine. Volume 24. PP 07-13. Jaffna. ISBN: 9789554676923.
  4. Nawastheen, F.M. (2019). Referencing methods in research. Kadal-Educational, Psychological & Sociological Magazine Volume 23 (July-December). PP 19-23. ISBN: 9789554676923.
  5. Nawastheen, F.M. (2019), Effective Teaching and Shulman’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge Concepts for Teachers. Kadal-Educational, Psychological & Sociological Magazine. Volume 22 (January-June). Jaffna. ISBN: 9789554676923.
  6. Nawastheen, F.M. (2017) Curriculum and Socio-Economic Aspects). In S.Kugamoorthy (Ed). PAARVAI-Volume 7. Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka: PP 24-32. OUSL Publication, ISSN 2012-8134.
  7. Nawastheen, F.M. (2017). Trends and challenges in Pre-School Education in Sri Lanka. Poonthunar. Vol 6, Poonakari Cultural Forum, Divisional Secretariat, Poonakari.
  8. Wanasinghe, W.M.S., and Nawastheen, F.M. (2017). Introduction to the Curriculum. In W. M. S. Wanasinghe (Ed) ADEEGSHA Volume -07, (8-19). Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka: OUSL Publication, ISSN 2012-8150.
  9. Nawastheen, F.M. (2016) Influences of philosophical principles on Curriculum. Āciriyam. Volume 60-61,pp 59-68. ISSN 2021-9041
  10. Nawastheen, F.M. (2016). Educational Psychology. Kadal-Educational, Psychological & Sociological Magazine,Volume 14 (April-June), PP 14-77. ISBN: 9789554676923.
  11. Nawastheen, F.M. (2016) Influences of educational philosophical principles on Curriculum, Āciriyam, Volume 62-63(August-September), pp 59-68, ISSN 2021-9041.
  12. Nawastheen, F.M. (2016), Teachers’ Professional Development Tavaḷam- annual magazine (02 December) pp 21-24.
  13. Nawastheen, F.M. (2015). Curriculum approaches. In S.Kugamoorthy (Ed) PĀRVAI Volume -06, Annual Educational Magazine. Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. PP 35-44. OUSL Publication, ISSN 2012-8134.
  14. Sri Ranganathan & Nawastheen, F.M. (2015). Non-Behavioral Personality: A summary translation of the oration of Dr.Kottalawala at the 10th anniversary of the Faculty of Education. In S.Kugamoorthy. (Ed). PĀRVAI-Volume -1. Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. PP 01-12. OUSL Publication,. ISSN 2012-8134
  15. Nawastheen, F.M. (2015), Introduction to Curriculum. Akaviḻi. Volume- 12 (119) July. PP 4-10. ISSN: 1800-1246.
  16. Nawastheen, F.M. (2015), Educational Research and Sampling methods. In S.Kugamoorthy. (Ed) PĀRVAI-Volume-5, Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.pp105-122. OUSL Publication, ISSN 2012-8134.
  17. Nawastheen.F.M. (2010). 5E Model- A new approach to classroom Teaching -Learning process. In T.Thanarai (Ed). PĀRVAI-Volume -1. Annual Educational Magazine, Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.pp 51-61. OUSL Publication, Kumaran Press. ISSN 2012-8134.
  18. Nawastheen, F.M. (2006). New curricular reforms in the Secondary school curriculum. MakuṭamSpecial Megazine. Sri Sanmuka Ladies College, (PP 42-50. Trincomalee.
  19. Nawastheen, F.M. (2006) The Teaching Models,. In M.Manokaran et al., (Eds). KOORMATHY. Volume 4. An Annual Magazine. Tamil Language Unit. 87-92. State Printing Department. Ministry of Education. Sri Lanka.
  20. Nawastheen, F.M. (2006) For the Prospective Teacher. AHAVILI. Educational magazine, June 2006 . PP 06-10. ISSN: 1800-1246
  21. Nawastheen, F.M. (2005), The Ceylon University, A Historical perspective –In S. Sivanirthanantha. (Ed) GOORMATHI Volume 3. An Annual Magazine. Tamil Language Unit. 87-92. State Printing Department. Ministry of Education. Sri Lanka.
  22. Nawastheen, F.M. (2004), Importance of library research in the research process. In N. Nadaraja,(Ed) GOORMATHI– Volume 2 . An Annual Magazine. Tamil Language Unit. 144-147. State Printing Department. Ministry of Education. Sri Lanka.
  23. Nawastheen, F.M. (1999), Library Research- GEETHAM. Annual Magazine of Sangeeta Nattiya Sangam of University of Peradeniya. PP 82-85. University of Peradniya..
  24. Nawastheen, F.M. (1997), Jaffna Muslim – A Historical Perspective. AL INSHIRAH– Annual magazine of Muslim Majlis of University of Peradeniya. PP 75-76. University of Peradeniya.

Articles published in Newspapers

  1. Nawastheen, F.M. (2019). Usaaththunaiyidal paanikal (Referencing Styles) , Vidivelli Daily Newspaper 19.08.2019, page 07
  2. Nawastheen, F.M. (2019), Aasiriyarkalukkana tholilnutba poathanaasaar ulladakka arivu (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teachers- TPCK), Vidivelli, 19.04.2019,page 11
  3. Nawastheen, F.M. (2018), Palkalikkalka patta payilnerikalukku vinnappipathu thodarbana valikaattal kurippukkal ((Guidelines for applying University Degree programme) Nawamani newspaper, 2018.01.15, Colombo.
  4. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 1 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 02.05.2013 -Colombo
  5. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 2 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 09.05.13 -Colombo
  6. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 3 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 16.05.13-Colombo
  7. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 4 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 23.05.13 -Colombo
  8. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 5 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 30.05.2013 -Colombo
  9. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 6 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 06.06.2013-Colombo
  10. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 7 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 13.06.13-Colombo
  11. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 8 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 20.06.13 -Colombo
  12. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 9 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 27.06.13 -Colombo
  13. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 10 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 04.07.13 -Colombo
  14. Nawastheen, F.M. (2018) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 11 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 11.07.13-Colombo
  15. Nawastheen, F.M. (2013) Halaalum Haraamum Naamum – 1 (Halal, Haram and We) Vidivelli Weekly 21.07.13-Colombo


Thesis – Unpublished

  • Evaluating geography teachers’ concerns towards the 5E instructional model in the competency-based curriculum reforms of Sri Lanka, Thesis submitted for the Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Education in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University Malaysia) in 2014.
  • Afforestation in Central Province of Sri Lanka,  Dissertation submitted for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Hons) at the Department of Geography of the University of Peradeniya.

  1. Ketheeswaran, K., & Nawastheen, F. M. (2023). Inclusive education in the Batticaloa District: Analyzing practices, strengths, and challenges. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Research Session-2023 (ARS-2023) of the Faculty of Arts & Culture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  2. Nawastheen, F. M., & Ketheeswaran, K. (2023). Assessing learners’ satisfaction with Zoom-based course delivery. In Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions 2023 (OURS 2023), held on November 9, 2023, at The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.
  3.  Nawastheen, F. M., & Ketheeswaran, K. (September 2023). Exploring postgraduate students’ perspectives towards Zoom-based online teaching in M.Ed degree programmes. In Proceedings of the 36th Asian Association of Open Universities Annual Conference, held at Turkey.
  4. Nawastheen, F.M. Kauslaya Perera, & Ikram, M.N. (2020), Remote Learning in The Time of Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Sri Lankan Tamil Medium Secondary School Students, Open University Research Sessions 2020 (OURS 2020). held virtually at The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.
  5. Nawastheen,F.M., &  Sifani, K.C.R. (2019), Role of Teachers in Developing Self-Regulated Learning Among Students in Tamil Medium Secondary Schools in Puttalam, Open University Research Sessions 2019 (OURS 2019) held at The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.
  6. Anas,P.L, & Nawastheen, F.M.(2019). Teachers’ perception towards in fulfilling diverse learners needs in the classroom teaching-learning process, South Eastern University International Arts Research Symposium -2019. (468-475). Oluvil. South Eastern University.
  7. Thusarika, W.D. &   Nawastheen, F.M. (2019), School based assessment practices: how students and teachers perceived. South Eastern University International Arts Research Symposium -2019. (457-467). Oluvil. South Eastern University.
  8. Nawastheen, F.M. Gonsalkorala,L.R. Shamindha Wanasinghe, W.M. and  Seneviratne, P. (2016), A Study on PGDE Student-Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs in the Teaching and Learning Process, 30th Annual Conference Asian Association of Open Universities- AAOU2016, At Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria held on 2016/10/26,  Metro Manila, Philippines.
  9. Azmie, R.M. and Nawastheen, F.M. (2017).  The students’ enrollment in the bilingual education in the Kalmunai Education Zone. 7th International Symposium. 613-621. Oulvil. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-627-120-1.
  10. Nawastheen, F.M. & Moahmed Azmie (2017). Teachers’ Perception towards Difficulties of Bilingual Students in the Schools of Kalmunai Education Zone, Ruhunu University International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences – 2017.03.29
  11. Safeek, N. M. M. & Nawastheen, F.M. (2016). The Instructional Leadership Role of Principals in Developing Good Practices In Teaching & Learning Process In The Tamil Medium Schools of Puttalam District In Sri Lanka. 6th  International Symposium 2016. (1-12). Ouluvil . South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  12. Vasanthamalar, K. & Nawastheen, F.M. (2016). Managerial Roles of School Principals in Handling Conflict Between Principal and Teachers In Their Interaction in Teldeniya Tamil Medium Schools, 6th  International Symposium 2016. (13-22). Oluvil. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  13. Nawastheen, F.M. and Sharifah Nor, P. (2016).  Teachers’ Innovation Configuration of 5E Model in The Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum Reforms In Sri Lanka. The 7th UPSI-UPI International Conference in Education. (622-631). Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-2084-19-8.
  14. Nawastheen. F.M (2015), Paper presented on Teachers’ concerns towards implementing competency-based curriculum reforms in Sri Lanka at Faculty Annual Research Dissemination Seminar February 2015, Faculty of Education, OUSL.
  15. Nawastheen. F.M, Sharifah Nor, P and Subhan Tamby Meerah (2013), Teachers’ Levels of Use of the 5E Instructional Model of Curriculum Reforms in Sri Lanka. 6th  International Seminar on Regional Education (Seminar Internasional Pendidikan Serantau Ke-6). (159-170). Rafflesia Hall NIOSH, Bangi, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-2267-54-6. Published in proceedings CD.
  16. Nawastheen, F.M. & Sharifah Nor, P. (2012), Teachers’ Concerns in the Implementation of 5E Instructional Model in Sri Lanka. 3rd  International Conference on Education on Learner Diversity. (317-333). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia . ISBN:978-983-2267-43-0. Published in proceedings CD/

PhD in Education – University of Peradeniya

  1.  K. Gnanaratnam PhD/19/20/003. The University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Thesis Title: Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Mathematics Teachers and its impact on the students’ achievements- With special reference to the Batticaloa Education Zone. (In Progress).
  2. K.Punniyamoorthy PhD/19/20/009.University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Thesis Title: Investigating Self-Efficacy Beliefs of NCOE Teachers in the Batticaloa Education Zone. (In progress)


Master of Education – OUSL

  • Reg No: 50607627 Ahmed Fowzan Hilma. Dissertation Title: Action Research on Improving Geometrics Mathematics skills among G.C.E O/L students in Panadura Education Zone. Completed in 2015.
  • Reg No: 41327645 Razick Mohamed Azmie. Dissertation Title: A Study on Minimizing the dropouts in Grade 9 of Bilingual Education Schools in Kalmunai Education Zone. Completed in 2017.
  • Reg No: 213337942 Mrs Karuppaiyah Vashanthamalar. Dissertation Title: The Managerial Role of School Principal in Handling Conflict Between Teachers and Principals-With special reference to the Teldeniya Tamil Medium Schools. Completed in 2017.
  • Reg No: 514411186 Mrs. Muddarage Lakshmi Hemamala Sumanasena.Dissertation Title: Job Satisfaction of Teachers Working in Most Difficult Schools in Puttalam Education Zone. Completed in 2019.
  • Reg No: 113276380 Mr. Peer Lebbai Anas. Dissertation Title: Evaluating the Teachers’ Role Towards Meeting Diverse Learners’ Needs in the Classroom Teaching & Learning Process. Completed in 2019.
  • Reg No: 614411230 Miss. Kulam Cader Fathima Sifani –Dissertation Title: The Role of Teachers in Developing Self-Regulated Learning among the Secondary Schools’ Students in the Puttalam North Education Division. Completed in 2020.
  • Reg No: 714408938 Mrs Mohamed Haldeen Fathima Rismila- Dissertation Title: Drop out of Secondary Tamil Medium Schools’ Students in the Kuliyapitiya Education Zone. Completed in 2020.
  • Reg No: 70908080 Wathupiti Kandage Darshani Thusharika-Dissertation Title: Students and Teachers’ Perception of School-Based Assessment. Completed in 2019.
  • Reg No: 309080740 Mr Kalanthar Mohamed Nazar-Dissertation Title: Study of Factors Affecting Students’ Results of Grade 5 Scholarships Examination in the Sainthamaruthu Education Division. Completed in 2020.
  • Reg No: 613249956 Mrs Govarthanan Suthamathy. Dissertation Title: Impact of School disciplinary Context on the Students’ Educational achievements. Completed in 2021.
  • Reg No: 609080970 Miss. Mohamed Fulail Fathima Hifaza. Dissertation Title: Classroom Management Practices of the Senior Secondary School Teachers in the Kalutara Education Zone. Completed in 2021.

MSc in Environmental Science -OUSL

  • Priyanthy Jeyapragash – Completed in 2022

Professor in Secondary and Tertiary Education, Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka


  1. Member of Research Team in a study on Enhanced Programme for School Improvement (EPSI)-The Ministry of Education Achievements of Activities/ Programmes Related to Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIS) for the Period 2019, Sri Lanka Association for The Advancement of Education (SLAAED)- 2019
  1. Resource Person for conducting a workshop on curriculum development for academics of the Faculty of Arts under AHEAD programme -25 & 26 November 2019.
  2. Conference session Chair- International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
  3. Evaluating Faculty Research Proposal on “A Study on Appraisal of State Muslim Schools in Ampara District of Sri Lanka in Respect To Selected Criteria”- Faculty Research Management Committee [FRMC] Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language South Eastern University of Sri Lanka – 2017
  4. Chairperson for 3rd International Symposium- RISAND 2016, Faculty of Islamic Studies & Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, (30.05.2016).
  5. Member of Research Team in a study on Programme for School Improvement-The Ministry of Education Achievements of Activities/ Programmes Related to Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIS) for the Period 2012 To June 2016, Sri Lanka Association for The Advancement of Education (SLAAED)- 2016
  6. Member of Research Team in a study on Programme for School Improvement-The Ministry of Education Achievements of Activities/ Programmes Related to Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIS) for the Period 2012 To June 2015, Sri Lanka Association for The Advancement of Education (SLAAED)- July 2015.
  7. Member of Post Graduate Diploma in Education Programme Revision, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education- 2015.
  8. Member of  Syllabus Development Committee for the subject Curriculum- Theory & Practice of Post Graduate Diploma in Education degree Programme, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education-2015
  9. Member of  Syllabus Development Committee for the subject General Teaching Methods of B.Ed Degree Programme, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education-2015
  10. Member of  Syllabus Development Committee for the subject Geography of B.Ed Degree Programme, Department of Institutional Development, National Institute of Education-2015
  11. Resource Person for Training Visiting Lecturers of PGDE Programme for the subject Curriculum-Theory & Practice, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education- 2015.
  12. Resource Person for Training Visiting Lecturers of B.Ed Programme for the subject Curriculum-Theory & Practice, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education- 2015.
  13. Resource Person for Training Visiting Lecturers of B.Ed Programme for the subject General Teaching Methods, Department of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education- 2015.
  14. Syllabus Development Committee Member for the Subject Geography- A/L for 2016, Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education 2015
  15. Translator of an article to the Tamil translation of the second edition of National Atlas of Sri Lanka, Survey Department of Sri Lanka -2014
  16. Member of Modernized Competency-Based Curriculum Reforms Committee for Geography Grades 6-13 (for the period 2006-2010), Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education
  17. Member of writer Panel of Teacher Instructional Manual for Geography, Grades 6-13 (for the period 2006-2010), Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education
  18. Resource Person for Training ISA for Geography Grades 6-13 (for the period 2006-2010), Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education
  19. Writer of Additional Reading Book for students on Earthquake (Sinhala & Tamil), Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education
  20. Translator of Additional Reading Book for students on Cyclone (Tamil), Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education
OUSL Research Award -2024 OUSL Research Awarded at the International Research Conference – 2024 for the contribution for research during 2023
OUSL Research Award -2023 OUSL Research Awarded at the Open University Research Session  – 2023 for the contribution for research during 2022
OUSL Research Award-2022 OUSL Research Awarded at the International Research Session of the OUSL – 2022 for the contribution for research during 2021
OUSL Research Award-2021 OUSL Research Awarded at the Open University Research Session  – 2021 for the contribution for research during 2020
Graduate on Time Award: Awarded in 2014,

Faculty of Education,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.



Sengadagala Lions Club’s Sri Pathirana Memorial Prize: Awarded in 1997 at the General Convocation For Best performance in Geography,

University of Peradeniya,


Sri Lanka



Enright Memorial Prize: Awarded in 1993,

For the Best performance in GAQ in Geography,

University of Peradeniya,


Sri Lanka


Peradeniya Art Fund: Awarded in 1993

For the Best performance in GAQ in Geography,

University of Peradeniya.


Sri Lanka


Genige Cook Memorial Prize: Awarded in 1993

For the Best performance in GAQ in Geography,

University of Peradeniya.


Sri Lanka