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Phone: +94 11 288 1000
You are here: OUSL / Faculty of Natural Sciences / Dept. of Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Nutrient management in Hydroponics
Analytical Chemistry
Instrumental methods of Chemical analysis
Ongoing Research
Community projects
(i) Publications of the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
13. CYU 5308-Radioanalytical Techniques
(ii) Chapter 9- Common Apparatus- A guide for beginners in research-
Publication of the Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS), 2014.
(iii)Teacher training manual for capacity building of science teachers by giving them hands- on training in laboratories towards development of core skills, abilities and attributes for teaching science and on laboratory safe practices in schools – Part I – Chemistry
(Coordinated by the National Science Steering Committee of Ministry of education and funded by National Science Foundation)
Title – A cost effective hydroponics formulation with a buffer
Title – Cost effective hydroponics formulations with a buffer for different growth stages of plants – “Grow” , “Bloom”, “Fruiting”
Preliminary investigation on removal of colour of water in Chawakachcheri area using charcoal of rice hull and coconut shell.