Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching

The B.A in English and English Language Teaching is a four year special degree which includes the study of Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Literature and relevant areas of Education. It is meant for anyone who wishes to enter the ELT profession and, would, therefore require a sound knowledge of the theories of ELT.

Subjects: Literature and Society, Basic Concepts in English Language Teaching, Discourse Analysis and ELT, The Second Language Classroom: Issues and Concerns, The Theory and Practice of Language Testing, Teaching English for Special Purposes, Principles of Education, Psychology of Learning, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics, Methodology of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Research Project, Literature in the Second Language Classroom, Computers & ELT (Adjunct Course)

Programme Code :
Programme Category :
Undergraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Dept. of Language Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Programme duration :
Minimum 04 Years
Discipline(s) / Course(s) :

Entry Requirements

a.  All applicants should be above 18 years of age.

b. Those who have passed all six courses of the OUSL Diploma in English Language and Literature programme will be permitted direct entry to the Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching programme.  Applicants who qualify under this category should nevertheless submit an application before the closing date.


c. Those who have passed the OUSL Advanced Certificate in English, after 2012, (NOT Advanced Certificate in English for Business and Professional Communication offered by the OUSL) with the required grades will be permitted direct entry to the Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching programme.  Applicants who qualify under this category should nevertheless submit an application before the closing date.


d. National Diploma in Teaching English (ESL) of two (02) years duration from a National College of Education (NCOE)


e. Any other recognized two (02) year teacher training qualification in Teaching English as a Second Language acceptable to the Senate of the OUSL.


f. Passed 3 subjects (including English Literature) at the GCE Advanced Level Examination or an equivalent qualification.

All the applicants except those applying under category (b) and (c) are required to sit for a Selection Test


Application Fee
Online Application Fee Rs. 750.00
Local Students
Registration Fee Rs. 500.00
Facility Fee Rs. 2,500.00
Library Facility Fee Rs. 100.00
Tuition Fee per Credit (Level 3) Rs. 2,260.00
Tuition Fee for Six Subjects (30 credits) Rs. 67,800.00
TOTAL Rs. 70,900.00
Installment Plan
1st Installment 60%
2nd Installment 40%
Foreign Students
Registration Fee US $ 100 per year
Developed Countries US $ 50 per credit
Developing Countries US $ 25 per credit
The above fees are only applicable for the academic year 2023-2024. They may be subject to change in subsequent years.

The graduate of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, OUSL who has completed the BA Honours in English and ELT, is an effective communicator who can present ideas clearly with a sensitivity to his/her audience, a critical reader, a knowledgeable and experienced teacher/professional, with a strong interest in language and literature. S/he can impart knowledge skills and values related to the English language, literature and linguistics and can inculcate in students a love for the English language and literature in English, with the competence and professional ability to teach students for whom English is a second language. S/he can make principled and ethical decisions in professional spheres and is a culturally sensitive citizen, respectful of cultural as well as other forms of diversity, able not only to embrace but also celebrate difference,. S/he is a critical and creative thinker who exercises critical judgment in problem solving. S/he is a team worker with strong leadership qualities and initiative and achieves goals through collaboration with respect for the view of others. S/he is an intellectually curious life-long learner with the potential to engage in post-graduate studies.

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

For further details of the BA in English and ELT contact the following coordinators:


For details about Level 3 (1 st year) :

Contact Programme Coordinator

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