1st Series
Topic: "Getting Published in High Impact Journals"

Som Naidu, Associate Professor (Learning Transformations), Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia

Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, Distinguished Professor, University of New Mexico, USA

Kazu Yamaji, Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

4. Tsuneo Yamada, Professor in Department of Informatics & Center for Open Distance Education, The Open University of Japan

5. Godson Gatsha, Educational Specialist in Higher Education, Commonwealth of Learning, Canada

6. Professor Rohan Samarajiva, Founding Chair, LIRNEasia

7. Naveed A. Malik, Founder Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan

8. Kathryn Chang Barker, Consulting Education Futurist and Strategist & Higher Education Expert Consultant at Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), State of Qatar


Diplomatic Skills Programme for Academics at BIDTI

The IRU and Staff Development Centre (SDC) of the OUSL together with the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute (BIDTI) joined hands to organize an exclusive 2-day workshop on “Diplomatic Skills Programme for Academics” which was held on the 6th & 7th June at BIDTI. Programme objectives were that academics develop their capacity to deal with foreign counterparts in a manner productive for the personal and institutional development. They become more conversant of international protocols relevant to their field and become outstanding performers in international events.

Ms. Pamela Dean, Director General of the BIDTI welcoming the audience
Ms. Pamela Dean, Director General of the BIDTI welcoming the audience
Dr. Prasad Senadheera, Director of International Relations, OUSL addressing the audience

An array of subjects which included an Introduction to Diplomacy, Diplomatic protocol, Etiquette & Correspondence, Communicating Skills, Negotiating Skills (both bilateral and multilateral), Organizing and attending international conferences and Techniques in developing partnership were covered. These topics were presented by highly skillful and dynamic resource persons with years of experience within the field. They were able to share their knowledge gained at first hand, while catering to the needs and occasions befitting that of an academic.

Nominees representing the Faculties of OUSL, CETMe, and academics invited from the Universities of Kelaniya, Moratuwa, Sri Jayawardenepura and Wayamba University of Sri Lanka were among the participants of this event. Without doubt, the insight gained through the participation of this workshop will be of fundamental importance for all the participants engaging in and forging partnerships with overseas individuals or institutes, and especially in organizing international events, including conferences.

At the end of the 2-day workshop, all participants were awarded a certificate by Ms. Pamela J. Dean, the Director General of BIDTI. The IRU is hopeful of continuing their partnership with the BIDTI in conducting this programme again, in the future.


OUSL is a member of the Asian Association of Open Universities and in 2020 and we will host the 34th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities in 2021.

2nd Series
Topic: "Point-of-Care Devices for Diagnosing Infectious Diseases"

1. Wamadeva Balachandran, Research Professor, Brunel University London, UK

2. Nancy Ridenour, Dr. Jenny Vacek & Dr. Judy Liesveld, University of New Mexico, USA

3rd Series
Topic: "The meeting of so many nationalities with such earnestness of purpose"

4. Srinivasa Rasgavan, Professor, Head of the Department of Library and Information Science and the chair of the School of Library & Information Science, Bharathidasan University, India

2. Ormond Simpson, Visiting fellow, London University

3. Brian Haas PhD, Assistant Professor of psychology, University of Georgia, USA.

3. Brian Haas PhD, Assistant Professor of psychology, University of Georgia, USA.

4th Series
Topic: "Microbiome, the future of Medicine"ies with such earnestness of purpose"

1. Janaki Lelwala Guruge, Senior Research Scientist, Center of Genome Science and Systems Biology, Washington University School of medicine, USA.

2. Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, PhD –

3. Jeanne Marecek, Senior Research Professor in psychology, Swarthmore College, USA

4. Rajiv Jhangiani, Special Advisor of the Provost on Open Education, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

5th Series
Topic: "Latest Trends in High Rise Building Design & Construction"

1. Priyan Mendis, Senior professor of infrastructure Engineering in University of Melbourne, Australia, Leader of Advance Protective Engineering Structure, Director of Australian Research Council

2. Bart Rienties, Professor of Learning Analytics, The Open University, UK

3. Aminudin Zuhairi, Senior Lecturer of Open and Distance Education, University of Terbuka, Indonesia

4. Jeetendra Pande, Assistant Director-Research, Assistant Professor- Computer Science Department, Utkan open University, India

6th Series
Topic: "Affordable Health Care Solutions for Developing Countries: Design & Development of Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering (22nd January 2020)"

1. Muhammad Yar

2. Bart Rienties, Professor of Learning Analytics, The Open University, UK

3. Aminudin Zuhairi, Senior Lecturer of Open and Distance Education, University of Terbuka, Indonesia

4. Jeetendra Pande, Assistant Director-Research, Assistant Professor- Computer Science Department, Utkan open University, India

Public Lectures by Vising Fellows
Topic: "Learner Support Services"

1. Saumya, Assistant Professor at School of Social Work, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India

2. Md. Fakhrul Islam Patwary, Assistant Professor at School of Social Science, Bangladesh Open University