About us

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) is the only state University in Sri Lanka which offers a wide range of academic programmes of study through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. It offers Certificate, Diploma, Degree, and Postgraduate Degree programmes in a wide range of disciplines through its six Faculties, namely, Education, Engineering Technology, Health Sciences, Management Studies, Humanities & Social Sciences and Natural Sciences and the Postgraduate Institute of English (PGIE).

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) is the faculty which has the largest student population of the Open University of Sri Lanka. It offers academic programmes ranging from Foundation level to PhD degree level through its five departments, namely, Legal Studies, Social Studies, Language Studies, English Language Teaching, and Information Studies Unit. The Faculty is dedicated to provide quality educational opportunities for adult learners for professional and personal advancement and excellence in scholarship and researching in contemporary disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences.

History of the HSSSRS

In 2017, the Research Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Open University of Sri Lanka, organized a Student Research Symposium for the first time.  The theme of the Symposium was “Understanding the past, analyzing the present, facing the future: Humanities and Social Sciences and shaping vibrant communities”. The Symposium was supported by the Open University and The Asia Foundation that year. The Symposium was an immense success with over 40 undergraduate and postgraduate students presenting high quality papers over a period of two days.  The discussions that the symposium generated were invigorating and enthusiastic and generated opportunities for interaction between the four departments of the faculty.  Subsequently, it was agreed that a Student Symposium would be organized biennially by the faculty.

The objectives of the SRSHSS:

♦  To strengthen the research culture within the faculty of HSS
♦  To provide feedback for ongoing student research projects
♦  To develop student skills in research communication
♦  To provide students with opportunities to disseminate their research findings.

Expected outcomes of the SRSHSS:

♦  Strengthened analytical and research skills of students.
♦  Improved research presentation skills among students (both writing and oral skills).
♦  Increased interaction among students from diverse disciplines.
♦  Strengthened research culture within the faculty.

About the HSSSRS 2023

“New Directions in the Humanities and Social Sciences”

This is the 3rd Student Research Symposium organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (SRSHSS). It will be held on the 19th May 2023 at the Colombo Regional Centre of the Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala. Abstracts are called from both undergraduate and postgraduate students under four tracks. The abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a Conference Proceedings volume. All presenters will receive certificates of presentation and the best undergraduate and postgraduate presenters from each track of themes will be presented the Best Paper Awards.

Proceedings of the HSSSRS -2023
HSSSRS Invitation -2023
Agenda of the HSSSRS-2023


Pre Symposium Webinar

Conference Team

  • Prof. Anton Piyaratne / Dean ,Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Prof. Camena Gunaratne / Faculty Advisor to the FRC, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Dr. Sanmugeswaran Pathmanesan /  Symposium Chair /Head , Department of Social Studies
  • Dr. Radhika De. Silva  / Convener
  • Ms. Nipuni Ranaweera / Co-convener
  • Ms. Purnima Perera / Chair-Publicity and Promotion Committee
  • Dr. Thiwanki Wickramasinge / Chair-Finance Committee
  • Ms. Subhashi Wijesinghe / Chair-Abstract Review Committee
  • Ms. Ruwanthika Ariyaratne / Chair- Logistics Committee
  • Mr. Ramindu Perera
  • Ms. Pushpa Premaratne / Assistant Registar , Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Ms. Prasadi Wedage / Management Assistant, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Members in Sub Committees

  • Dr. Sanath Wijesinghe
  • Dr. Nimmi Menike
  • Dr. Kala Chandramohan
  • Dr. Judy Pullenayagam
  • Ms. Senuri Weerasekara
  • Dr. Thilanka Perera
  • Ms. Chathurika Hansamali 

Important dates

Call for abstracts :   15th January 2023      
Deadline for abstracts submission :   15th February 2023    Extended until 25th February 2023
Notification of acceptance of abstracts :   15th March 2023
Submission of revised abstracts :   23rd June 2023
Registration for the conference opens :  05th August 2023
Registration for the conference ends :  15th August 2023 Extended until 22nd August 2023 @ 23.59 pm
Conference date :   19th May 2023 25th August 2023

Abstracts are called from both undergraduate and postgraduate students under the following four tracks.

Globalisation, Gender, Education, Communication, Social Media, Development, Policy Studies, Health, Culture, Religion, Organizational Behavior, Inequality, State and Society, Social Justice, Democracy, Governance and Politics, Peace and Conflict, Trade, Sustainability and Environment, Ethics, Youth and Development.

Language and Society, Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning and Assessment, Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Cultural and Literary Studies, Translation Studies, Psycholinguistics, Intersections between Language and Literature.

Law and Justice, Environment and Society, Human Rights, Constitutional and Administrative Law, Disability Justice, Criminal Jurisprudence and Criminal Justice, Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Industrial Law, Contract, Family and Property Law, Commercial Law and Governance, Law and Technology.

Librarianship, Information Management and Dissemination, Archives and Records Management, Digital Humanities and Digital Archives.

Call for abstracts

The findings of completed research or part of findings of ongoing research may be submitted for oral presentation at the SRSHSS2023

Follow the submission guidelines to prepare your abstracts.
Word count:   Maximum 300 words
Font and font size:   Times New Roman 12
Key words:  Up to 5
Language:  English

Submit your abstracts via hsssrs@ou.ac.lk on or before the deadline specified under the ‘important dates’.

All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts. If the abstracts are accepted, the corresponding authors will be notified on the due date, along with the abstract and reviewers’ comments.

Submission of the revised abstract

The abstract needs to be revised according to the reviewers’ comments. The revised abstracts should be submitted on or before the deadline using the  abstract template provided below.

No revised abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.

These abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Abstract submission template

Sample Abstract :                                   Template file :

Contact details

Email: hsssrs@ou.ac.lk

Contact the Symposium Conveners

Dr. Radhika De Silva                                                    Ms. Nipuni Ranaweera
☎️ 0112881229                                                          ☎️ 0112881057