Ms. H.M. Anuththara Ekeli
Lecturer (On contract) – Politics and International Relations UnitDepartment of Social Studies
Ms. D.M.D.C Sadamali
Lecturer (On Contract)Accounting and Finance
Ms. M. V. R. D. S. Wickramasinghe
Temporary DemonstratorDepartment of Chemistry
Dr. Sujeevi Sapukotanage
Senior Lecturer Gr. IDepartment of Marketing Management
Ms. P.W.G.D.P. Samarasekara
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)Dr. M.E.R. Perera
Senior Lecturer (G I) - On Sabbatical LeaveTextile and Apparel Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology
Dr (Mrs) G.G.W. Chamali Wijesekara
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)Department of Nursing
Dr. Uthpala A. Jayawardena
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)Department of Zoology
Mr. N.M. Siyad
Lecturer (Probationary)Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ms. N.D.D. Wickramasinghe
Senior Lecturer Grade IIDepartment of Pharmacy
Dr. Yohan Mahagamage
Centre for Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development