Ms. P.K.S.S.Perera
Management AssistantDepartment of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Prof. (Mrs.) H.U.W. Rathnayake
ProfessorDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mr. Lahiru Wijewantha
Temporary DemonstratorDepartment of Zoology
Dr. (Mrs.) HKLK Gunasekera
Senior Lecturer Grade IDepartment of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
Ms. Pothanithy
Temporary DemonstratorDepartment of Chemistry
Dr. M.E.R. Perera
Senior Lecturer (G I) - On Sabbatical LeaveTextile and Apparel Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology
Ms. U.A. Senanayake
Management AssistantDepartment of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Dr. Sandunika Hasangani
Senior Lecturer (Gr. II)Department of Social Studies
Dr. Chanika D. Jayasinghe
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)Department of Zoology
Ms M.W.M.K . Manawadu
DemostratorDept. of Physics
Eng. I.P.T.S.Wickramasooriya
Lecturer ProbationaryDept. of Mechanical Engineering