Mr. P.G.P. Maduranga
DemonstratorDepartment of Physics
Ms. Asna Imtiaz
Temporary DemonstratorDepartment of Zoology
Mrs. Niluka Damayanthi
Senior Lecturer (Gr.I)Legal Studies
Mr. W. A. C. Weeramanthree
Technical officer (Gr.II Seg. B)Department of Civil Engineering
Dr.(Ms.) W.A.L. Niwanthi
Senior Lecturer (G II)Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology
Mrs. G.M.C.S. Megasooriya
LecturerDepartment of Computer Science
Mr. R.L. Perera
Senior Lecturer (Gr.II)Legal Studies
Dr. Dinali E Devendra
Senior Lecturer (Gr. I)Dept. of Language Studies
Ms. J. Kirushika
Lecturer (Probationary)Centre for IT Educational Services (CITES)
Mr. Ushan Shirantha Fernando
Temporary DemonstratorMs. A. A. M. S. Fernando
Lecturer (On Contract)Department of Organizational Studies
Mrs. K.D.A Waijayantni
Staff Technical Officer IIDept. of Mechanical Engineering