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Introducing 2 New Short Courses in Korean Language
1. Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK I)
2. Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK II)
The short courses in Korean Language are designed for those who wish to sit for S TOPIK. They specially cater to school leavers, employees, employment seekers or applicants for educational institutes who are interested in educational or employment opportunities in Korea.
These courses will be offered at two levels:
⚫ Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK I) This course offers training to sit for the S TOPIK I
⚫ Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK II) This course caters to those who want to sit for S TOPIK II
Registered students can either attend classes online (via Google Classroom/Zoom) or onsite at Korean language classroom, Department of Language Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, OUSL. There will be no evaluations in these courses. Classes are conducted by highly qualified local or Korean teachers.
Title of the courses:
1. Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK I)
2. Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK II)
Certification: 80% attendance is compulsory to obtain a certificate of participation awarded by The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Candidates should be above 16 years in age.
Accepting Online Applications through email:
Tentative commencement date is 03rd May 2025
Application fee: Rs 350
1. Language Skills for Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK I) – LKR 10,000.00.
2. Language Skills for Test Of Proficiency In Korean (TOPIK II) – LKR 15,000.00
Co-ordinator, Short Course in Korean Language, Dept. of Language Studies, OUSL, Nawala, Nugegoda
Public Information Office (PIO), OUSL, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Address :
The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
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