Prof. Champika Liyanagamage

PhD (CMB), MBA in Finance (CMB), BSc (Mgt) Special, (USJP), CBA, FCPM.

Professor in Accounting and Finance

Faculty of Management Studies

Professor Champika Liyanagamage is a Professor in Accounting and Finance with more than 22 years of experience in teaching at the university level. She is committed to teaching and research, particularly in diverse disciplines in Corporate Finance, Banking, Project Management and Economics while being mindful of contemporary issues in such disciplines in a national and global context. She is dedicated to helping university students develop full potential in their studies with a strong philosophy of teaching and knowledge of many different methods to motivate them to develop their expertise in specific areas. Further, she believes herself to be a dedicated partner in university programs and outreach events that help promote learning and support the community.

Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics and Project Management.

• Banking performance • Bank competition • Financial intermediation • Financial markets and institutions • Financial stability • Corporate Finance • Financial Economics • Behavioral finance

• AFU3303 – Aesthetics and Anthropology for Accounting and Finance
• AFU5404 – Project Appraisal
• AFU5498 – Research Methodology for Accounting and Finance
• AFU6799 – Research Project in Accounting and Finance
• AFU6420 – Bank and Financial Institutions Management
• AFU6426 – Ethics and Contemporary topics in Accounting and Finance

Research publications in refereed journals

1. H.D.D.Champika Liyanagamage and R.S.P. Amarathunga (2023). The Effect of e-
Procurement Technology on Performance of Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka: The
Mediating Role of Procurement Practices International Journal of Governance and
Public Policy Analysis (IJGPPA) 2023 Volume 05 Issue 01
2. Liyanagamage C. , Abeysekera T W M S N and Weerasekera C.P. (2022). Moderating
effect of Age and the Level of Education on Customer Satisfaction of Internet Banking
Management Issues I, no. 6, ISSN 2513-2377
3. Liyanagamage, C. (2021). Effect of Inter-Industry Competition and Financial Freedom on
Competitiveness of Commercial Banking Sector, Financial Studies, Vol 25 (1), pp 30-47.
4. Liyanagamage, C. (2021). Bank Competition and Economic Growth: The short-run and
long-run effects, International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, Volume 10, Issue
1, pp. 20-33.
5. Liyanagamage, C. (2021). Banking sector competitiveness: Does competition for off-
balance sheet banking matter? International Journal of Research in Business and Social
Science 10(2) (2021) 195-202
6. Liyanagamage, C. (2021). Determinants of Financial Sustainability of Financial
Intermediaries. International Journal of Finance and Banking Studies, Volume 10, Issue
1, pp. 1-10.
7. Liyanagamage, C. (2021). Examining the Competitiveness of Sri Lankan Banking Sector,
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science 10(3) (2021)
8. Liyanagamage, C. and Madusanka, P.H.A.C. (2021). Modeling for Stock Price Forecasting
in Colombo Stock Exchange: An Historical Analysis of Stock Prices, International Journal
of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-9.
9. Liyanagamage, C. (2020), The Role of Asymmetric Information in an Imperfect
Competitive Banking Sector, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,
Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 136-140.
10. Liyanagamage, C. and Ranasinghe, R. (2020), Factors Determining Adoption of
Outsourcing Logistics Functions: A Study of Manufacturing and Trading Sectors in Sri
Lanka, Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology, Volume 9 Issue 2, pp.
11. Liyanagamage, C. and Silva, K.D.T., (2019). Impact of Employee’s Attitudes on
Motivation to Product Cross Selling – A Study of Sri Lankan Banking Sector, Management
Issues, Volume 4, pp 42-54
12. Liyanagamage, C. and Gunathilake, M.D.U, (2019). Analyzing the effects of work related
attitudes on organizational commitment of clerical employees at the Ministry of Health,
Sri Lanka, International Research Journal of Business and Management, Issue 02 Volume

13. Liynagamage, C. (2018), Macro Environment of Commercial Banking in Developing
Countries – Are They Really Conducive in Achieving Competitiveness?, IOSR Journal of
Business and Management . Volume 20, Issue 10. 2018, pp 78-87
14. Liynagamage, C. and D.R N. Saranasinghe (2018), Factors Affecting Patient Safety Culture
in Sri Lankan Hospitals, Management Issues, Volume 2 Issue (I), 2018. pp 43-52
15. Liynagamage, C. (2018), Efficiency, Stability and Optimum Level of Bank Competition for
Sustainable Development, International, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable
Development, Vol. 11, No. 09, pp. 69-80, 2018
16. Liynagamage, C. and N.Perera (2018), Relationship Between Expected Inflation and
Treasury Bond Yields in Sri Lankan Market, Management Issues, Volume 2 Issue (I),
2018. Pp 26-34
17. Liyanagamage, C. (2017) Efficiency of Sri Lankan Banking Sector – An Empirical Study,
International Research Journal of Business and Management, Volume 10 Issue 11,
Global Wisdom Research Publications.
18. Liyanagamage, C. (2016) The Effect of Concentration and Efficiency of State Banking on
Bank Competition in Sri Lanka, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance Volume 7, Issue 6
2016, PP 52-58
19. Liyanagamage, C. (2015) Financial stability in a moderately competitive banking market:
evidence from the Sri Lankan banking sector”, Kelaniya Journal of Management, Volume
4, issue 1 2015, Pg. 1-30
20. Liyanagamage, C. (2015) Effect of competitive behavior of foreign banks on competition
of domestic banking sector in Sri Lanka”, Vistas Journal of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Volume 9, 2015, Pg. 61-74.
21. Liyanagamage, C. (2014) Competition beyond balance sheet: An inquiry in to recent
trends in Sri Lankan Banking Sector. A paper published in Journal of Contemporary
Management Sciences, Vol.1 (2), pp. 54-63.
22. Liyanagamage, C. (2014) Rethinking the nexus between competition and efficiency in
emerging economies: Evidence from Sri Lankan banking sector. A paper published in
International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 5, August 2014, pp.
1 – 15.
23. Liyanagamage, C. (2014) Testing for Competitive Behavior: What Do Challenge the Sri
Lankan Banking Sector? A paper published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Finance,
Vol. III, Issue 7, July 2014.
24. Liyanagamage, C. (2008) Determinants and adjustment of capital structure: A study of
Land and Property sector of Sri Lanka.” Sri Lankan Journal of Real Estate Management,
Volume 1, 2008.

Principles of Project Management, Sinhala Book, 2020, Sanasa Publications.
 Liyanagamage, C. (2020). Introduction to Financial System: Theory and Practice, the
book published by Sanasa Publications, Narahenpita, Colombo 5.
 “Dynamics in Corporate Leverage Behaviour – A panel data analysis”, 2011. The book
Published by LAP LAMBERT Acedemic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken,
 “Is Competition in the Banking Industry necessarily Welfare-enhancing; An Overview of
the Latest Empirical Literature.” Chapter in the Handbook Of Management And
Behavioural Science Vol.-II, Wisdom Publications, Delhi, 2011.

1. H.D.D.C.Liyanagamage and C. Sandrasegar (2023). Factors Influencing Millennial’s
Investment Decisions on Financial Instruments: A Study Based on the Colombo District.
2nd International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship, Colombo, May
2. H.D.D.C.Liyanagamage and K.L.P.L. Perera (2023). The Impact of Financial Literacy on the
Effectiveness of Savings Products Utilization (Special Reference to Industrial Workers in
Colombo District). 2nd International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship,
Colombo, May 2023
3. H.D.D.C.Liyanagamage and M.F.F.Muneefa (2023).The Effect of Corporate Governance
Practices on Audit Quality of Licensed Finance Companies in Sri Lanka. 2nd International
Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship, Colombo, May 2023
4. Liyanagamage C. and G.D.J. Sandeepa (2022), Understanding the Practices of Financial
Management In Buddhist Eightfold Path Perspective, Conference proceedings of 1st
International Conference of Management and Entrepreneurship, ISSN 2827-7570
5. Liyanagamage, C. and De Silva, S. (2019) Impact of Supply Chain Integration towards
Organizational Performance – with Special Reference to Rubber Products Manufacturing
Firms in Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Social Science and Humanities,
December 2019, NCAS, Sri Lanka.
6. Liyanagamage, C. and Gunathilake, D.M.U, (2019). Analysing the effects of job attitudes
on organisational commitment of clerical employees at the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka,
26 th Annual Scientific Sessions, College of medical administrators of Sri Lanka.
7. Liynagamage, C. (2018), Efficiency, Stability and Optimum Level of Bank Competition for
Sustainable Development – A study of Sri Lankan Banking Sector, International
Conference of Sustainable Development, August 2018, University of Oxford, UK.
8. Liyanagamage, C. and Sulaiman, M.S.M.(2017), Study on the Impact of ergonomics on
employee performance in the IT industry of Sri Lanka, 8 th  International Conference on
Business and Information, November 2017, University of Kelaniya.
9. Liyanagamage, C. and Wickramasinghe V., (2017), An Evaluation of Competitive
Strategies in Achieving Sustainable Profitability in Domestic Commercial Banks of Sri
Lanka, 14 th International Conference on Business Management, December 2017,
University of Sri Jayawardenepura.
10. Liyanagamage, C. (2014), Financial Stability in a Moderately Competitive Banking
Market: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Banking Sector, International Conference on
Business and Information (ICBI 2014), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, November 2014,

11. Liyanagamage, C. (2014), Competition beyond the balance sheet: An inquiry in to recent
trends in Sri Lankan banking sector, International Research Conference on Business,
Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2014.
12. Liyanagamage, C. (2014), Bank competition enhances efficiency. Are there any
exceptions? – A critical review of recent theoretical and empirical finding, International
Conference on Accounting & Finance – May 2014.
13. Liyanagamage, C. (2012), Competition in Sri Lankan Commercial Banking Industry: A
panzer Ross Assessment, Annual Research Sessions 2012, Faculty of Gaduate Studies,
University of Colombo, August 2012.
14. Liyanagamage, C. (2009), Does accessibility to credit improve firm growth?-Evidence
from Sri Lankan firms, Annual Academic Sessions, Open University of Sri Lanka, October
15. Liyanagamage, C. (2009), Credit multipliers, uncertainty and the future of the Sri Lankan
manufacturing sector, Annual Academic Sessions, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka, June 2009.
16. Liyanagamage, C. (2009) Growth of Sri Lankan listed firms: What factors matter?,
International Conference on Business Management, University of Sri
Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. March 2009.
17. Liyanagamage, C. (2008), Dynamism in Corporate Financing Behaviour. Is it industry
specific?-Evidence from Sri Lankan listed companies, Annual Academic Sessions, Open
University of Sri Lanka, December 2008.
18. Liyanagamage, C. (2008), Student – teacher interaction; how is it important in
contemporary distance education -With special reference to Asian countries,
Conference on Education and Educational Technology, World Scientific and Engineering
Academy and Society, Vennice, Italy, November 2008.
19. Liyanagamage, C. (2008), Inflation Dynamics: How Drives the Performance of Firms – An
Empirical study of Sri Lankan Hotels and Travels Sector, Conference of National Center
for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (NCAS), October 2008.
20. Liyanagamage, C. (2008), Credit Constraints and Inflation as Barriers to Growth  –  An
Empirical Study of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Sector, International research conference
on finance, accounting and econometrics, Serials publications, New Delhi. September
21. Liyanagamage, C. and. Guarantee, P.S.M (2007), Target Capital Structure and Dynamic
Adjustment – An empirical study of Sri Lankan firms, Second International Research
Conference on Knowledge for Growth and Development, University of Colombo, Sri
Lanka. November 2007.