I work as a Lecturer (Probationary) attached to the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, OUSL from 2018. I completed my first degree in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (BSc. MLS) (2013) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Masters in Experimental Biotechnology from the University of Peradeniya in 2020. During the key appointment period, I have built my expertise as an academic in the field of medical microbiology, particularly laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases. This position also enables me to aspirate diverse learning experiences through the different roles I play as a supervisor of undergraduate research projects and counsellor/mentor of BMLS students. I am passionate about human bacterial pathogens and laboratory methods for the diagnosis of bacterial infections, specifically molecular techniques.
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PO Box 21, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Email: pio@ou.ac.lk
Phone: +94 11 288 1000
Email: pio@ou.ac.lk
Phone: +94 11 288 1000