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Publications in SCI journals
Anjalee, J., Rutter, V., & Samaranayake, N. (2021). Application of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to improve medication safety: a systematic review. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 97, 168-174. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2019-137484
Anjalee, J., Rutter, V., & Samaranayake, N. (2022). Gaps in expectations and current practices of pharmacy services among doctors and patients – an exploratory study in a Sri Lankan tertiary care hospital providing free healthcare. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 1149.
Anjalee, J., Rutter, V., & Samaranayake, N. (2021). Application of failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to improve medication safety in the dispensing process – a study at a teaching hospital, Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health, 21, 1430.
Publications in peer reviewed journals
Anjalee, J.A. L., Rutter, V., Hewanayake, Y.P.& Samaranayake, N.R (2023). Measuring safety culture among dispensing pharmacists and the effect of an educational intervention: Experience from a state sector teaching hospital of a resource limited country. The Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka, 13 (1): 14-27. DOI:
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Application of failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) in improving medication safety – a systematic review” , In proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka, held on 23rd June 2018, at Sri Lanka foundation Institute, Colombo, pp. 34.
Awarded as the best poster in pharmacy practice.
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Hewanayake Y. P, Samaranayake N.R, “Measuring safety culture among pharmacists involved in the dispensing process of a selected teaching hospital” In proceedings of the International conference on health sciences organized by Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura held on 7th – 9th October 2018, at Waters Edge, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 102-103.
Anjalee J. A. L, Hewanayake Y. P, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Effect of an educational intervention to improve safety culture among pharmacists – A study at a teaching hospital, Sri Lanka” In proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2019 organised by Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura held on 26th – 27th November 2018, at Golden Rose Hotel, Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka, pp 39. Available at SSRN:
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Doctors’ perceptions and expectations on pharmacy service – a study at a teaching hospital, Sri Lanka” In proceedings of the 132nd Anniversary International Medical Congress – 2019 organised by Sri Lanka Medical Association held on 24th – 27th July 2019, at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 55.
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Patients’ expectations and satisfaction levels on pharmacy services – a study at a teaching hospital, Sri Lanka” In proceedings of the 12th International Research Conference 2019 organised by General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) held on 11th – 12th September 2019, at KDU, Rathmalana Sri Lanka, pp. 275.
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Application of Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) to analyze the safety of medication dispensing in a tertiary care hospital” In proceedings of the International Conference on Health Sciences 2019 organised by Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (FMS USJP) held on 17th – 18th October 2018, at FMS USJP, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, pp78. Corpus ID: 213945701
Anjalee J. A. L, Rutter V, Samaranayake N.R, “Appropriateness of medication repacking in pharmacy dispensing units – A study at a teaching hospital, Sri Lanka” In proceedings of the “Research Conference in Health Sciences 2021” organised by Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura held on 31st March 2021, page138.
T. S. Guruge, L. A. Jayaweera, U. G. Chandrika and P. M. Jayaweera, “A Kinetic Study of Photodegradation of — Carotene in Water/Ethanol Solutions” , In proceedings of the International conference on chemical sciences, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 120, June 2012.