Mrs. N.R. Kuruppu

BSc (Hons) Nursing (UOR), PhD (Reading), RN

Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Nursing

I graduated from University of Ruhuna with Bachelor of Nursing Degree in 2016. I joined OUSL as a Lecturer (Probationary) in 2018. My research interests lie on the area of critical care nursing. Also I am interested in analyzing research data by using different statistical software pakages like SPSS, Amos and SmartPLS.

Critical Care Nursing

Critical Care Nursing, Patient communication, Patient engagement, Patient-centred care
July 2018 to present:

Lecturer (Probationary) in Nursing

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka.


2017 to 2021

Visiting Lecturer in Diploma in Laboratory Technology

Faculty of Natural Science, The Open University of Sri Lanka


July 2016- July 2018

Demonstrator in Nursing

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka.


January 2016- May 2016

Staff nurse

Lanka Hospital PVT limited

NGU5207- Critical care Nursing

Reading for a PhD study on ‘Developing and pilot-testing a communication board for mechanically ventilated patients in Sri Lankan ICUs’.

Research member of NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Wiser Wound Care, Griffith University, Australia.

Author of four sessions of NGU6602- Public Health Nursing course material, a level 6 course in Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing offered by the Department of Nursing, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Session Titles:

1. Adolescents health

2. Major societal health problems – Part 1

3. Major societal health problems – Part 2

4. Women’s health and gender inequality


Author of two sessions of NGU5404- Maternal, Neonatal and Gynecological Nursing course material, a level 5 compulsory course in Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing offered by the Department of Nursing, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Session Titles:

1. Minor Discomforts, Common Pregnancy Concerns and Layette Planning

2. Postnatal care and postnatal complications


Author of the three sessions of Training Manual- Capacity Development of Lead Mothers on Early Childhood Development, a community development program implemented by Child Funded International Sri Lanka.

Session Titles:

1. Prevention of common accidents at home

2. First-aid

3. How to take care of your own health- A guide for mothers

Editor of the FND3602- Laboratory Organization, Management and Safety

Unit Titles: Unit 4- Common Laboratory Hazards, Accident Reporting & Basic first aid Treatments

Unit 5- Personal Safety, Safety signs and Fire Prevention

Kuruppu, N. R., Chaboyer, W., Abayadeera, A., & Ranse, K. (2023). Augmentative and alternative communication tools for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units: A scoping review. Australian Critical Care, 36(6), 1095-1109.


Kuruppu, N. R., Tobiano, G., Ranse, K., Abayadeera, A., & Chaboyer, W. (2024). Facilitators, barriers and acceptability of implementing a communication board in Sri Lankan intensive care units: A qualitative descriptive study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 83, 103708.


Kuruppu, N. R., Chaboyer, W., Tobiano, G., Abayadeera, A., & Ranse, K. (2025). Feasibility of implementing a communication board to improve communication interactions of mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units at one Sri Lankan hospital- A pilot randomised controlled trial. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 87, 103891.


Kuruppu, N.R., Ranse, K., Tobiano, G., Abayadeera, A., & Chaboyer, W. (accepted Dec 2024). Acceptability of implementing a communication board for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care units: A cross-sectional sub-study of the intervention arm of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Australian Critical Care.

Tobiano, G., Huang, T. Y., Lee, B. O., Ou, S. F., Kuruppu, N. R., & Gillespie, B. M. (2024). Medical device‐related pressure injuries in the operating room: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing.


Latimer, S., Ou, S-F., Huang, T.Y., Kuruppu, N., Lee, B-O & Chaboyer, W. (accepted Sept 2024). Skin microclimate as an indirect risk factor for pressure injuries: A prognostic factor systematic review and framework synthesis. Journal of Wound Care.

Arachchi, M. A. J. D. M., Kumari, A. G. D., Wickramasinghe, R., Kuruppu, N. R., & Madhavi, A. P. (2017). Stigmatization in Leprosy: A descriptive study from patients’ perspective in Sri Lanka. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), 5(9), 10-13.


Rathnayake, R. M. A. K., Nimalika, W., Suranji, M. D. C., Kuruppu, N. R., & Madhavi, A. P. (2017). Quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A descriptive study in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Applied Research (IJAR)3(9), 503-505.

Kuruppu, N. R., Tobiano, G., Ranse, K., Abayadeera, A., & Chaboyer, W. (2024, April 10-12). Development of a communication board to enhance communication interactions of mechanically ventilated patients in Sri Lankan intensive care units [Oral presentation]. ANZCIS/ACCCN Intensive Care Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.


Kuruppu, N. R., Chaboyer, W., Tobiano, G., Abayadeera, A., & Ranse, K. (2024, April 10-12). Evaluating the feasibility of a communication board to enhance communication interactions of mechanically ventilated patients in Sri Lankan intensive care units – A pilot randomised controlled trial [Poster presentation]. ANZCIS/ACCCN Intensive Care Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.


Irani,K., Shyamali,M.A.W.,Shyamali,P.N., Wijerathna,N.S.K., Kuruppu,N.R. & Sriyani,K.A. (2020) Perceived factors affecting for maternal requested caesarian delivery in Teaching Hospital, Mahamodara.  2nd Biennial Scientific Sessions, Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka.p.28.


Liyanage, W.L.V.M., Nishshanka, N.A.I., Jayaweera J.W.V.K., Dilhani H.A.S.I., Kuruppu N.R. & Madhavi A.V.P. (2019) Knowledge, attitudes and practices of oral hygiene among school children in Modara- Mattakkuliya Zonal Educational Area. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna, p.56.

Thirimanna, B.T., Dissanayake, D.M.A.M., Neththasingha, M., Darshika, M.M.A., Kuruppu, N.R. & Priyanthi, W.N. (2019). An exploration of experiences of elderly people living in Sahana elderly care home in Sri Jayawardene Kotte, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna. P.43.


Nimalsiri,W. H. A., Dissanayake,G. E. M. N. K., Dharmarathne, N. D. C. V. K.,  Kuruppu, N. R., Madhavi,A. V. P. (2018). Usage of facebook as a communication channel: adolescents’ perspective. Proceedings of 1st Symposium of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna.p.63.


Madhavi,A.V.P., Gamage,T.V. & Kuruppu,N.R. (2018). The examination of mothers’ knowledge on antenatal exercises for safe labour practices in antenatal clinic, General Hospital, Galle, Proceedings of the International Nursing Congress 2018, University of Peradeniya.P.32.


Jayakody, J.A.S.N., Wimalasooriya, H.G.G.A.K., Wijesinghe, W.M.A.C.L., Kumari, U.N.A.K., Kuruppu, N.R. & Pramuditha Madhavi, A.V (2017). Adolescents’ experiences of self-ingestion of poisoning: Exploring the related risk factors from survivors’ perspective, National Health Research Symposium-NHRS 2017.p.146.


Abeysekara, M.S.S.K., Weerasekara, M.P.N.P., Wijesena, B.V.T.N., Perera, R.A.C.N., Sriyani, K.A. & Kuruppu, N.R. (2017). Mothers’ knowledge, believes and practices of febrile convulsion and home management. Open University Research Session, 2017.p.219-223.


Gamlath, G.G.A.W., Wijayarathna, P.G.S.S., Gunadasa, P.A.C.R., Sakalasooriya, S.S.N.D., Kuruppu, N.R., Cooray, K. & Priyanthi, W.N. (2017). Barriers to implement Kangaroo Mother Care among Post-natal mothers with premature low birth weight babies. Open University Research Session, 2017.p.289-294.


Sandamali, W.M.l.S., Himali, P.A.D., Wijesundara, W.A.T.N., Edirisinghearachchi, A.A., Kuruppu, N.R. & Pramuditha Madhavi, A.V. (2017). Risk factors for falls among elderly people in the home environment, Open University Research Session, 2017.p277-281.


Kuruppu, N., Rathnayaka, N. & Abeywickrama, R.(2016). Pain experience and satisfaction with pain management among post-operative patients: Data from Southern Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific Sessions Proceedings, The Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, pp45.


Kuruppu, N., Abeywickrama, R.P. & Rathnayaka, R.H.M.N.P. (2015). Post-operative pain experience of surgical patients. The Galle medical Journal, 20(2), 87.

2017-2021     Serving as a second supervisor for undergraduate research projects in BSc Honours in Nursing Degree Programme, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka

Kuruppu, N.R. (2024, July 3). Breaking the silence – A communication tool for ventilated patients in intensive care units [Oral presentation, winner]. Three Minute Thesis (3MT), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University.


Best oral presenter at the 2nd Biennial Scientific Sessions 2020 conducted by the Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka held on 22nd February, 2020.


1st Runner up of “Spell Master Competition” in 1st AHSDP Student’s Academic Day, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna in 2012.

Life member- Graduate Nurses Foundation of Sri Lanka

Post-Graduate Member of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN)