- Sahabandu C.W., Computing Bump-persistence Landscapes in Topological Data Analysis, RESCON 2020, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, 26th – 28th November 2020, Abstract ID: 119 – ICT, Mathematics and Statistics,77.
- Sahabandu C.W., Karunarathna W.H.D.T., Dewasurendra M, Application of the Method of Directly Defining the Inverse Mapping to Fingering Phenomenon in the Oil Industry, RISTCON 2021, ISSN: 1391-8796 Proceedings of 8th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka, February 17th , 2021, 59.
- Sahabandu C.W., Dewasurendra M., and Juman Z.A.M.S., An Extension to Method of Directly Defining the Inverse Mapping for Propagation of Harmonic Waves in Nonlinear Generalized Magneto – thermoelasticity with Two Relaxation Times Under Influence of Rotations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education: 8th and 9th October 2021, Abstract ID:18, Mathematics, 13.
- Karunarathna W.H.D.T., Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Semi-analytic Solutions for the Transitional Korteweg-de Vries Equation Via Similarity Solutions, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education: 8th and 9th October 2021, Abstract ID:21, Mathematics, 16.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Mathematical Modellings for Fingering Phenomenon of Incline Oil Layers With and Without Considering the Mass Flow Rates and Their Solutions Using the Method of Directly Defining the Inverse Mapping, RESCON 2021, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, 29th – 31st October 2021, Abstract ID: 99 – ICT, Mathematics and Statistics, 59.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Mathematical Modelling and MDDiM Solutions for Fingering Phenomenon during the Nano Silica Flooding, Proceedings of the ISymRU 2021, Mathematics, Statics and Data Science, 21st -22nd December 2021, 112.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., MDDiM Solutions for the Mathematical Modeling of Fingering Phenomenon in Oil Industry During the Carbonate-water Injection, RISTCON 2022, 9th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka, 19th January 2022, ISSN 1391-8796, 47.
- Sahabandu C.W., Enhanced Oil Recovery Using One-dimensional Nano Particles, RESCON 2022, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, 29th – 30th October 2022, Abstract ID: 75 – ICT, Mathematics and Statistics.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Mathematical Modelling for Fingero-imbibition during Carbonated Water Flooding with Magnetic Field Effect, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education: 14th-15th July 2023, Abstract ID: 4, 4.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., MDDiM Solutions in Solving Nonlinear Fuzzy Heat-like Equations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education: 14th-15th July 2023, Abstract ID: 5, 5.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Choice of the Inverse Linear Operator in the Method of Directly Defining the Inverse Mapping for Inhomogeneous Heat and Advection Problems, Proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2023, Sri Lanka, Vol. 24, 20 th & 21st September 2023, Abstract ID: 178, 213.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., Mathematical Modelling for Fingero-imbibition Phenomenon Influence of the Magnetic Field during Different Nano Floodings, Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions (OURS 2023) ISSN 2012-9912 © The Open University of Sri Lanka, 10th November 2023, 158.
- Sahabandu C.W., and Dewasurendra M., CFD Simulation for Miscible and Immiscible Viscous Fingering Formation for Distinct Injective Fluids, ISSN: 1391-8796, Proceedings of 11th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference University of Ruhuna (RISTCON 2024), Matara, Sri Lanka January 24, 2024, 61.
- Sabri M., and Sahabandu C.W., tailed quantum search on cyclic graphs. Proceeding of the International Research Conference of the Open University of Sri Lanka (IRC-OUSL2024) ISSN 2012-9912©The Open University of Sri Lanka, 8th November 2024.
Extended Abstract
- Sahabandu C.W., and Amarasinghe A.K., Topological Data Analysis Using
Bump-Function, Proceedings of the Vavuniya University International Research
Conference,17th November 2023, 31-35.