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Phone: +94 11 288 1000
You are here: OUSL / Faculty of Health Sciences / Dept. of Psychology and Counselling
Health Psychology, Research, Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology
PLU4302- Abnormal Psychology
PLU5303- Learning Theory and Behavior Modification
PLU5306- Clinical Psychology
Amathullah AS, Rishard M, Walpita Y. (2023). Impacts of disrespectful care and abusive care practices in maternity units and potential interventions to improve the quality of care in low- and middle-income countries: A narrative review. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 00:1-13.
Amathullah AS., Ponnamperuma L., (2023). Compassionate Love in Marital Satisfaction among Married Couples between the ages of 25-60 in the Kandy District. International Journal of KIU, 4(1), 10 – 16. https://
Salman, A. A., (Ahamad, Amathullah) & Ponnamperuma, L. (2022). The impact of compassionate love in marital satisfaction among married couples between the ages of 25-60 in Kandy district, Sri Lanka. MSF Asia Scientific Days & International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2022- University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. 4th August 2022.
Amathullah, A.S., & Ponnamperuma, L. The association between compassionate love and marital satisfaction among married males and females between the ages of 25-60 in the Kandy District. Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM) 2023 Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. June 9th, 2023.
3. Kalanasooriya,M.A, Amathullah, A.S., & Ranadeva, N.D.K. The Impact of BMI and Body Image Perception on Emotional Health among Undergraduates in the Colombo District. Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference 2023- KIU Campus. November 20th,
Sakunika, A.M.O., Amathullah, A.S., &Perera, S. Relationship between perception and performance in online learning among undergraduates in universities in Colombo district. Multi-Disciplinary Research Conference 2023- KIU Campus. November 20th, 2023.
Amathullah, A.S., Rishard, M.R.M., & Hettigoda, K. Prevalence and Causes of Pregnancy-related Anxiety in Low Middle-Income Countries- A Review of Literature. International Research Symposium, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. July 5th, 2024.
Amathullah, A.S., Rishard, M.R.M., & Hettigoda, K. Consequences and Interventions of Pregnancy-Related Anxiety in Low Middle-Income Countries- A Review of Literature. 2nd International Conference- Emerging Trends in Healthcare Sciences (ICETHS 2024), Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. September 3rd, 2024.
Muthukumarana, A.K., Mithukawya, S., & Amathullah, A.S. The Association between Embarrassment and Seeking Psychological Help among Young Adults between the ages of 20 to 29 in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. 2nd International Conference- Emerging Trends in Healthcare Sciences (ICETHS 2024), Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. September 3rd, 2024.
Lakshani, U.W., Amathullah, A.S., & Karunarathna, M. The Association between Personality Traits and Conspiracy Beliefs among Undergraduates in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. 2nd International Conference- Emerging Trends in Healthcare Sciences (ICETHS 2024), Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. September 3rd, 2024.