Mr. K. Gnanaretnam

B.SC, PGDE ( Merit), M.Ed, M.Phil (Edu)

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education

Mr. K. Gnanaretnam is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). With 25 years of experience as a Physical Science Graduate Teacher (1985–2010), he has been serving as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at OUSL since 2010.

Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Psychology, Educational Research.

Mathematics Education, Teacher Professional

Physical Science Graduate Teacher – 25 years ( 1985- 2010),

Lecturer & Senior Lecturer at OUSL -15 years (2010- today)

Education Faculty Coordinator at BRC

PGDE Centre Coordinator

1. Presented a research paper on ?The influence of the students? school based term test achievements in Mathematics towards the performance at their G.C.E.(O/L) Mathematics results? at the annual Dissemination of Research Findings, conducted by the Department of Research & Development , National Institute of Education, Maharagama.

2. Presented a research paper on “The relationship between the marks of General common paper at G.C.E (A/L) examination and the G.C.E.(A/L) streams of the students” at the annual Dissemination of Research Findings, conducted by the Department of Research & Development , National Institute of Education, Maharagama.

3. A book “Aasiriyam Vetripera” ( For the success of Pedagogy) Published by Kumaran Book house in September , 2013

4. An article on New profile of Teacher Professionalism Published in the annual educational magazine Paarvai ? 2013 by Faculty of Education , OUSL

5. An article on Teaching Ethics Noorul Hudha-6 th Moulavi Convocation’s peacial Issue-2013 Published in the Manbau lHudha Arabic college, Oddamavadi

M.Ed OUSL, M.Ed EUSL, M.Ed Jaffna University & M.Phil EUSL
Lions Club international 306C2- Region 12 Region Chairman