Mr. Chanaka Weerasekara

M.Sc in Management (SJP) – University of Sri Jayewardenepura (SJP), B.Sc. Financial Management (Special) – Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL).

Senior Lecturer

Department of Accounting and Finance

Mr. Chanaka Weerasekara is an is a passionate and experienced academic in the field of finance. He holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Finance from the University of Sri Jayewardenapura (USJP), and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Financial Management (Special) from the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (SUSL). Chanaka is a committed individual with a passion for academia. His teaching and research interests lie in the broad area of Finance, in which fields such as Financial Management, Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, Behavioral Finance, and Quantitative Data Analysis.
Beyond the classroom, Mr. Weerasekara actively contributes to the academic community. He serves as the Chief Coordinator for the Bachelor of Management Studies Honours (BMSHons) Degree Programme, Bachelor of Management Studies Honours in Accounting and Finance Degree Programme, Bachelor of Management Studies Honours in Marketing Management Degree Programme and Bachelor of Management Studies Honours in Human resources Management Degree Programme utilizing his leadership skills and experience to ensure the smooth operation of the programmes and student success. Additionally, he held the critical role of Conference Secretary for the second International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (ICOME 2023), demonstrating his commitment to fostering academic dialogue and collaboration within the community. Mr. Weerasekara is actively involved in university initiatives and community activities, contributing to the development of students and broader community welfare.

Managerial Finance, Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, Quantitative Data Analysis

Finance, Behavioral Finance, Capital Markets, Investment, Investor Perception, Open and Distance Learning

Course Coordination:
AFU5322- Microfinance
AFU5401- Financial Securities Markets and Regulations
AFU5497-Industrial Training
AFU6425- Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
AFP9332 -Managerial Finance
AFP9367-Managing inventories

Mapping the Distance Learners’ Intelligence Types, Learning Habits, and Intended Learning Outcomes (Asian Association of Open Universities Conference-2018)
Antecedents and Consequences of Financial Literacy: A Case of Retail Investors at The Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka (Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019 11(1):21-40)
Moderating Effect of Age and The Level of Education on Customer Satisfaction of Internet Banking (Management Issues, Volume 6 – Issue (I), December 2021)
Stock Market Image- Investors’ Overall Perception Towards Capital Market: Evidence from The Colombo Stock Exchange (Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies, 2022)
Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Approach for Entrepreneurial Education – A Case of Open and Distance Learners in Sri Lanka (International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIE 2019))
Financial Health and Wealth Of White Collars: Empirical Study Between Financial Literacy And Financial Well-Being In Sri Lanka (Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2022)