Oral Presentations
1. Dilsha. R.A.N., Wijesinghe. R.M.I.G., & Perera. P.P.R. (2017). Community perception on the use of paracetamol (acetoaminophene) in a selected Sri Lankan population. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA), pp 48 – Presenter
2. Karunanayaka. K.D.S.V., Dilsha. R.A.N., Tanuja. R.W.N., Buddhika. R.B.J., & Samarasekara. P.W.G.D.P. (2017). Government pharmacists’ perception on continuing education. Open University fresearch Session (OURS), 15th, 181-185. – Presenter
3. Perera. W.A.U., Jeewanthi. H.V.R., Jayawardana. K.P.D.N.S., Krishanthi. M.H.T.D., Dilsha R.A.N., & Samarasekara. P.W.G.D.P. (2017). Reasons for recurrent admission of patients with asthma in district general hospital Embilipitiya. Open University fresearch Session (OURS), 15th, 213-217.
Poster Presentation
1. Rajapaksha. R.P.C.S., Perera. R.M.P.D., Handuwala. N.S., Munidasa. K.G.P.K., & Dilsha R.A.N. (2017). Factors related to misuse of antibiotics among the general community of Mahara medical officer of health area. Annual Scientific Sessions of Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka, pp 31
Ongoing Research:
1. Potential drug-drug interactions in the prescriptions of discharged patients at a selected Teaching Hospital in Colombo District