Research Interests :
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You are here: OUSL / Faculty of Engineering Technology / Dept. of Civil Engineering
Research Interests :
Major: Civil Engineering
Minor: Structural Engineering
Programme Coordination:
BTech Honours in Engineering (Civil Engineering Specialization)
MSc. in Structural Engineering
Course Coordination:
CVX4185 – Group Project (Diploma)
CVX5443 (CVX5533)- Structural Analysis
CVX7640 (CVX6832) – Structural Design
CVY6A96 – Group Project (Civil)
CVX9310 – Advanced Structural Mechanics
CVYAK20 – Research Thesis
P.A.G.W.S. Lokeshwara, T.N.M. Thilakarathna, L.S.S. Wijewardena, P.A.K. Karunananda and T.M. Pallewatta (2023), “Seismic Performance of Three Ancient Stupas in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka”. Engineer, Vol. 56(1), pp. 21-30, DOI:
W.H.T.S. Wijerathna, R.A.M.P. Ranasinghe, P.A.K. Karunananda (2018), “Structural Assessment and Restoration of Neelagiri Stupa in Ampara, Sri Lanka”, OUSL Journal, Vol. 13(2), pp. 101-123, E-ISSN 2550-2861. DOI:
C.S. Bandara, J.A.S.C. Jayasinghe, P.A.K. Karunananda, U.I. Dissanayake (2017), “Metals used in old Bridges in Sri Lanka and the Effects of their Material Properties on Capacity Estimations”, Engineer, Vol. 50(3), pp. 9-17. DOI:
Shobitha Tharmarajah, Kamal Karunananda (2017), Assessment of Concrete Arch Dam under Possible Earthquake Loading in Sri Lanka: Case Study on Victoria Dam, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.8(10)
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga. P.B.R. Dissanayake and S.A.S.C. Siriwardane (2012) “Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Bridges for Extreme Loading using a New Damage Indicator”, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 6(6), pp. 440-453. [ISSN 1344-7912]
Kamal Karunananda, Mitao Ohga, Ranjith Dissanayake, Sudath Siriwardane and Pang-jo Chun (2012) “New Combined High and Low-cycle Fatigue Model to Estimate Life of Steel Bridges Considering Interaction of High and Low Amplitudes Loadings”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Multi-Science Publication, Vol. 15(2), pp. 313-328. [ISSN 1369-4332]
K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake and S. Siriwardane (2011) “Effect of High Amplitude Loading on Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Bridges”, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier Publication, Vol. 14, pp. 521-528. [ISSN 1877-7058]
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga and P.B.R. Dissanayake (2011) “Interval Reliability based Condition Assessment of Bridges”, Advances in Structural Engineering, Multi-Science Publication, Vol. 14(3), pp. 527-540. [ISSN 1369-4332]
Kamal Karunananda, Mitao Ohga, Tatsumasa Kaita and P.B. Ranjith Dissanayake (2010) “Condition Assessment of Multispan Masonry Arch Bridges”, Bridge Structures: Assessment, Design and Construction, IOS Press, Vol. 6(3-4), pp. 95-106. [ISSN 1573-2487]
P.B.R. Dissanayake and P.A.K. Karunananda (2008) “Reliability Index for Structural Health Monitoring of Aging Bridges”, Structural Health Monitoring, SAGE Publication, Vol. 7(2), pp. 175-183. [ISSN 1475-9217]
P.B.R. Dissanayake and P.A.K. Karunananda (2008) “Remaining Service Life Prediction of Reverted Wrought Iron Railway Bridges using Reliability Approach”, Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Vol. 36(2), pp. 151-156. [ISSN 1391-4588]
P.B.R. Dissanayake and P.A.K. Karunananda (2007) “Cost and Reliability Interaction in Bridge Maintenance”, Engineer, Vol. 40(3), pp.16-24, DOI:
P.A.K. Karunananda, S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, M. Ohga & P.B.R. Dissanayake (2019) Combined cycle multiaxial fatigue model to estimate remaining life of steel bridges, An international Conference in Advances in Concrete Technology, Structural Engineering and Design: Dedicated to Helarisi Abeyruwan , University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13 August 2019.
Karunananda, P.A.K., Herath, H.K.C.U., Madusanka, W.S. & Wijethunge, W.M.A.D., (2019). Effect of Loading Sequence in Fatigue Life Prediction of a 130 Years Old Railway Bridge. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM2019-98), Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Tharrshanth, T. & Karunananda, P.A.K., (2019). Feasibility Study on the Use of the Shredded Tin Scraps in Concrete Constructions. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM2019-143), Kandy, Sri Lanka.
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake, S.A.S.C. Siriwardane and A.M.N.D. Adasooriya, “Fatigue Life Estimation of Steel Bridges for Extreme Loading using a New Damage Indicator”, International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics (ATEM’11), Kobe, Japan, 19-21 September 2011.
M. Ohga, K. Karunananda, P.B.R. Dissanayake and S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, “Effect of High Amplitude Loading on Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Bridges”, The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12), Hong Kong, China, 26-28 January 2011.
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake and S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, “Fatigue Life Estimation of Bridges Considering the Interaction of High and Low Amplitude Loadings”, Annual Research Journal of Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November 2010, pp. 13-18.
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake and S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, “Fatigue Model to Predict Remaining Life of Steel Bridges Considering the Effect of Earthquakes”, Pacific Structural Steel Conference 2010, Beijing, China, 19-22 October 2010, pp. 1003-1010.
Kamal Karunananda, Mitao Ohga, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kazuhiro Taniwaki, “Fatigue Life Prediction of Bridges under Extreme Loading”, International Symposium on Society for Social Management Systems 2010 (SSMS2010), Kochi, Japan, 5-8 March 2010.
Kamal Karunananda, Mitao Ohga and Ranjith Dissanayake, “Condition Assessment of Bridges by Interval Reliability”, Annual Research Journal of Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November 2009, pp. 11-14.
Kamal Karunananda, Mitao Ohga, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kazuhiro Taniwaki, “Safety Assessment of Steel Truss Bridges under Corrosion Attack”, 5th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS’09), Seoul, Korea, 12-13 March 2009, pp. 150-155.
Mitao Ohga, Kamal Karunananda, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kazuhiro Taniwaki, “Maintenance Management of Multispan Masonry Arch Bridges by Reliability Concept”, International Symposium on Society for Social Management Systems 2009 (SSMS2009), Kochi, Japan, 5-8 March 2009.
Kazuhiro Taniwaki, Mitao Ohga, and Kamal Karunananda, “Optimal Bridge Maintenance Strategy Determined by the Markov Process and Two Stage Optimization Technique”, International Symposium on Society for Social Management Systems 2009 (SSMS2009), Kochi, Japan, 5-8 March 2009.
M. Ohga, K. Karunananda, R. Dissanayake and T. Kaita, “Safety Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges under Corrosion Attack”, The Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-11), Taipei, Taiwan, 19 – 21 November 2008.
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga and P.B.R. Dissanayake, “Assessment of Load Carrying Capacity of Masonry Arch Bridges”, Annual Research Journal of Sri Lankan Students’ Association in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November 2008, pp. 13-17.
Mitao Ohga, Kamal Karunananda, Ranjith Dissanayake and Kaita Tatsumasa, “Reliability Based Assessment of Multi Span Masonry Arch Bridges”, The 4th International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM’08), Jeju, Korea, 24-26 May 2008, pp. 3347-3354.
Mitao Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake and P.A.K. Karunananda, “Reliability based Bridge Path Evaluation”, Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM’07), Kyoto, Japan, 3-6 December 2007.
M. Ohga, K. Karunananda and P.B.R. Dissanayake, “Reliability based Bridge Network Evaluation”, The International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), Hiroshima, Japan. 4-6 April 2007.
Mitao Ohga, I.M.S. Waruna Kumara, Kazuhiro Taniwaki and Kamal Karunananda, “A Reliability Approach in Condition Assessment of I Girder Concrete Bridges”, The International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), Hiroshima, Japan, 4-6 April 2007.
P.B.R. Dissanayake, Mitao Ohga and P.A.K. Karunananda, “Remaining Service Life Prediction of Riveted Wrought Iron Railway Bridges using System Reliability Approach”, 4th International Symposium on Steel Structures (ISSS06), Seoul, Korea, 16-18 November 2006, pp. 669-677.
P.B.R. Dissanayake, and P.A.K. Karunananda, “System Reliability Modeling of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Condition Estimation”, Conference Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-10), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 August 2006. pp. 165-170.
P.A.K. Karunananda, P.B.R. Dissanayake, K.R.B. Herath & M. Ohga, “Prediction of Service Life of Wooden Deck Bridges using Structural Reliability Theory”, Third International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-03), Tokuyama College of Technology, Japan, 20-23 September 2005, pp. 713-716.
P.B.R. Dissanayake and P.A.K. Karunananda, “Prediction of Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Deck Bridges using Structural Reliability Theory”, The International Conference on Computational Method (ICCM2004), Singapore, 15–17 December 2004, pp. 333-338.
Wickramaratna, U., Wijedasa, R., Liyanagama, J., Wijewardana, L. S. S., and Karunananda, P. A. K. (2013) “Condition Assessment and Evaluation of the Narahenpita Railway Bridge”. Proceedings of OUSL Annual Academic Sessions 2013, 27-28 November 2013, pp. 33-36. [ISSN–2012-9912]
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, P.B.R. Dissanayake, S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, “Maintenance Strategy for Bridges Using Reliability Concept and Analytical Hierarchy Process”, International Conference on Structural Engineering, Construction Management (ICSECM), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 15-17 December 2011.
M. Ohga, K. Karunananda, P.B.R. Dissanayake and S.A.S.C. Siriwardane, “Combined High and Low Cycle Fatigue Model for Prediction of Steel Bridge Lives”, International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments (ICSBE-2010), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 12-14 December 2010, pp. 505-512.
M. Ohga, K. Karunananda, P.B.R. Dissanayake and A.M.N.D. Adasooriya, “Fatigue Life Prediction of Bridges Considering the Effect of Multiaxial Stresses”, International Conference on Sustainable Built Environments (ICSBE-2010), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 12-14 December 2010, pp. 513-520.
P.A.K. Karunananda, M. Ohga, K. Taniwaki and P.B.R. Dissanayake, “Application of Interval Reliability in Bridge Assessment”, International Conference on Advances in Continuum Mechanics, Materials Science, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 26-27 September 2008, pp. 307-315.
“Condition Assessment and Maintenance of Bridges by Reliability Concept”
Authored by – Mitao Ohga, Kamal Karunananda and Sudath Siriwardane
[ISBN 978-3-8443-0226-4], Printed by: LAP Lambert Academic Publishers, (2011)
“Structural Assessment of Concrete Arch bridge Under Earthquake Loadings” Authored by – Kamal Karunananda and Shobita Tharmarajah
[ISBN 978-620-0-32335-4], Printed by: LAP Lambert Academic Publishers, (2019)
“Life Assessment of High Strength Steel bridge Under Corrosion Attack”
Authored by – Kamal Karunananda, O.G.I.K Karunarathna and H.A.K.M. Madusara
[ISBN 978-620-6-14305-5], Printed by: LAP Lambert Academic Publishers, (2023)
K. A. D. D. T. Kariyapperuma, R. P. Weeraratne, H. D. M. Sanjeewani & P.A.K. Karunananda, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (2019), Experimental and Analytical Study of Residual Yield and Tensile Strengths in Partially Corroded Structural Steel, ISBN 978-981-13-9748-6, Springer, Germany.
H.K.C.U. Herath, W.S. Madusanka, W.M.A.D. Wijethunge & P.A.K. Karunananda, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Volume 94 (2020), Effect of Loading Sequence in Fatigue Life Prediction of 130 years Old Bridge, PP. 253-260, ISBN 978-981-15-7221-0, Springer, Germany.
Member of the Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka (SLAAS)- 2004
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL)- 2015
Member of the International Association of Bridge Management and Safety (IABMAS) – 2016
Founding Member of Sri Lankan Chapter of IABMAS – 2018