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Plant Stress Physiology with special interest in Stomatal Physiology
Senior Lecturer (Grade 1), Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka (April 2001 to present)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka (April 1995 – April 2001)
Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka (May 1986 – April 1995)
B.Sc. General Degree
Plant Growth and Development (BYU 5302) – 2019- to date
Post-harvest Technology of Fresh Produce (BYU 5308) -2019- to date
B.Sc. Special Degree in Botany
Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (BYU 4307) -2020- to date
Project 1:
Incorporation of selected essential oils into bio-safe fruit coatings to control anthracnose and enhance post-harvest quality of mango fruit cv. Willard
Funding source: Faculty Research Grant 2018, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Project 2:
Co-investigator/Co-supervisor for an M.Phil.
Impact of induced temperature and water stress due to global warming on selected tissue-cultured crop plants
Funding source: Faculty Research Grant 2016, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Project 3:
Effect of silicon treatment on diseases and quality of hydroponically grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)
Funding source: Faculty Research Grant 2009, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Project 4:
Principal Investigator (collaborative work with Dr. Martin MaCAinish , Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
Stomatal behavior of salt sensitive and salt resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana
Funding source: Association of Commonwealth Universities 2003
K.I.C. Amarasinghe (The Open University of Sri Lanka)
Title: Impact of induced temperature and water stress due to global warming on selected tissue-cultured crop plants
K.G.A. I. Rasanjali (The Open University of Sri Lanka)
Title: Identification of suitable irrigation intervals using a Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) to combat water stress on selected crop plants exposed to induced temperature stress (Thesis submitted)
o Dinesha Withanaarchchi – Acclimatization of Citrus sinensis (Bibile sweet orange) plants propagated through in vitro shoot tip culture. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Shyamali Jayasena – Control of Banana fruit fungal pathogens using plant essential oils. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Sonali Jayawardena – Leaf anatomical studies of Munronia pinnata (wall.) Theob. (Meliaceae) morphotypes in Sri Lanka. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Virangi Kottegoda – Comparative study of the mechanisms of salt tolerance in cultivated rice and their wild relatives. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Y.M.C Nisansala – Effect of potassium on anthracnose and stem-end rot disease of TomE JC mango (Mangifera indica L.). Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o V.P. Adikkalam – Effect of plant growth regulators on the post-harvest quality of vanilla (Vanilla fragrance L.) pods. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Amila Mananadeva – Management of pineapple mealy bug wilt associated virus (PMWaV) in pineapple using different fertilizer applications. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o S. Sanjeewani – Control of anthracnose in banana cultivar kolikuttu (Musa sp.) with essential oils and bio-safe fruit coatings. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
o Chathuranga Liyanage – Basil oil incorporated beeswax coating to increase shelf life and reduce anthracnose development in mango cv. Willard. Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka
2. Samarakoon, A.B. and Perera, L.K.R.R. (1985) Salinity and plant growth –studies on some sea shore plants. Oral presentation at the 41st Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 68-69
3. Bandarage, G. Iqbal, S.S., Jayakody, L.K.R.R., Liyanage, L.S.G., Ramasinghe, W. and Ranawaka, G.R. (2007). Credit conversion scheme for the B.Sc. Degree Programme offered through distance and face-to-face teaching methods in Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions, The Open University of Sri Lanka. Oral presentation at the Annual Academic Sessions of The Open University of Sri Lanka and extended abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 4
4. Weerahewa, H.L.D., Jayakody, L.K.R.R., Perera, S.A.T.A. and Somaratne, S. (2013) Enhanced disease resistance and quality of hydroponically-grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) through silicon supplementation. Oral presentation at the 33rd Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology (IOB) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 40
5. Kottegoda, V.K., Jayakody, R. and Senadeera P. (2014) Comparative study of the mechanisms of salt tolerance in cultivated rice and their wild relatives. Oral presentation at the 70th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 22
6. Amarasinghe, K.I.C., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2017). Preliminary study on impact of induced temperature and water stress on yield parameters of tissue cultured Ananas comosus (Pineapple) – Variety Kew. Oral presentation at the Open University Research Sessions (OURS 2017) and extended abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 429
7. Amarasinghe, K.I.C., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2018) Adverse effects of induced high temperature stress and water stress on tissue cultured banana plants (AAA cv. Cavendish). Oral presentation at the 38th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology (IOB) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 57
8. Amarasinghe, K.I.C., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2018).Impact of temperature and water stress on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa variety ‘Suwandel’). Oral presentation at the Open University Research Sessions (iOURS 2018) and extended abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 97
9. Liyanage, K.C.M, Karunanayake, K.O.L.C. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2019). Reducing postharvest disease development and increasing shelf-life of mango fruit cv. Willard with essential oil-incorporated bio-safe fruit coating. Oral presentation at the First National Symposium of Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology (SLAMPP) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg. 18
10. Rasanjali, K.G.A., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2020). Influence of organic based super absorbent polymer (ZEBA) on growth of Cabbage and soil water content under temperature and water stress condition. Oral presentation at the Open University Research Sessions (OURS 2020) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg.
11. Dilrukshi, S., Rasanjali, K.G.A., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2020). Effect of a water saving super absorbent polymer on irrigation intervals of temperature and water-stressed chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. Oral presentation at the Open University Research Sessions (OURS 2020) and abstract published in the Proceedings. Pg.
12. Rasanjali, K.G.A.I., De Silva, C.S. and Jayakody, L.K.R.R. (2021). Effect of super absorbent polymers and different irrigation intervals on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under temperature stress condition. Oral presentation at the Open University Research Sessions (OURS 2021) and abstract published in the Proceedings Pg.
NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication (2015)- awarded by the National Research Council of Sri Lanka
OUSL Research Award– 2020 – The Open University of Sri Lanka
Commonwealth Scholarship – United Kingdom (1991 – 1994) – awarded by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, U.K. to read for a PhD at Lancaster University, U.K.
Commonwealth Academic Fellowship-United Kingdom (2003)- awarded by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, U.K. to carry out post-doctoral research at Lancaster University, U.K.
Life membership and fellow of the Institute of Biology (IOB), Sri Lanka
Life membership of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), Sri Lanka