- Best Paper Award (Theme: Nursing and Health Sciences, SICASH-2024)
Gunasekara, P. A. D. K., Gunawardhana, K. G. I. S., Akalanki, K. G. I., De Silva, P. H. R. V. I. S., & Sriyani, K. A. (2024). Knowledge and its associated factors related ventilator associated pneumonia among intensive care nurses: Cross-sectional study in Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancement in Sciences and Humanities (SICASH-2024). Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology. pp. 359–366. ISSN 2783-8862.
- Best Oral Presenter (International Nursing Conference, INC-2024)
Ediriweera, S. N. J., Dewasirinarayana, W. T. M., Madushika, I. G. S., & Sriyani, K. A. (2024). Impact of social media usage on behavioral changes among adolescents attending child guided clinic in District General Hospital, Hambantota. Proceedings of the 3rd International Nursing Conference (INC-2024) (November 28, 2024), Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo, p.39. ISSN 2950-7189.
- Best Oral Presentation (GNF Annual Academic Sessions of GNF- 2018)
Sriyani, K. A., Wasalathanthri, S., Hettiarachchi, P. & Gunawardena, N. S. (2018). Impact of diabetic foot ulcers: Health-related quality of life and associated factors. GNF Annual Academic Sessions Proceedings, Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka. Post Basic College of Nursing, Colombo. pp. 21-28.
- Best Oral Presentation (Theme: Health & Medicine, South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018)
Samaranatha M.S., Gangani, J.M.N., Kumari, S.A.D.C., Damayanthi, M.W.C.S. & Sriyani, K.A. (2018). Overview of teenage pregnancies in two urban hospitals. South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka. October 5th-6th 2018.p.13
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publications -2013
Sriyani, K.A., Wasalathanthri, S., Hettiarachchi, P, Prathapan, S. (2013). Predictors of diabetic foot and leg ulcers in a developing country with a rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus. PLOS ONE 8(11): e80856. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080856