Dr.(Mrs). DS Wijerarthne

B.Des(Moratuwa), M.Phil(OUSL), PhD(Tianjin), CTHE(OUSL)

Senior Lecturer Grade I (On Sabbatical Leave)

Textile and Apparel Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology

Dr.(Mrs). DS Wijerathne obtained his Bachelor of Design degree (B.Des)(2000-2004), Specialized in fashion designing, with a first-class Faculty of Architectures, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She completed her MPhil in OUSL, related to the area “Fashion Illustration Communication System” and completed CTHE attached to the OUSL in the year 2014. She completed her Ph.D. at Tiangong university, Tianjin, China, related to the area of ” Smart Clothing & Sensor Development” in the year 2021. She is presently working as the Head of the Department of Textile & Apparel Technology with effect from 1st of March 2021.

After obtaining the first degree, She worked as a Visiting Lecturer (2004/2005) in the Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, and worked as a fashion designer and product developer at the Artolife sample room, Nugegoda from 2005-2007. After joining as the Consultant and Temporary lecturer to develop Fashion Designing and Product Development degree program related to the Department of Textile and Apparel technology-OUSL, Nawala in the year 2008, she was appointed as Lecturer (Probationary) in the Department in 2009 and promoted to the post-Senior Lecturer (GII) in the year 2014.  Moreover, she works as a visiting lecturer for the University of Visual and Performing Arts during the years 2015 to 2017.

Last Updated on 6 months

Fashion designing, Fashion illustration, Fashion draping, Fashion sample development, sensor development for smart clothing fabrication

Fashion illustration communication system based on Sri Lankan identity, Costume designing, Sri Lankan clothing during the colonial occupation

Programme Coordination:
Fashion design and product development

Course Coordination:
TTI3243 Concept of fashion design TTI3136 Fashion illustration I TTI4245 Process of fashion design TTJ4247 Fashion illustration II TTI5148 Design through draping TTY5253 Fashion design projects TTY6190 Inspiration of fashion design TTY6491 Creative fashion design, TAJ5353History and Traditions of Clothing, TAI5552Principles of Fashion Design

See the attached CV

Professor S. A. Ariadurai Professor Nimal De Silva