Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi J, Dissanayake DMBT, Sampath MKA, Muneeswaran K, Fernando EDR, and Fernando SSN. “Interactions between Group B streptococcus and the vaginal microbiome in pregnant women”. 28th Annual Conference on Technological Advances in Science, Medicine, and Engineering (TASME) 2024 at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus.
KumariW.P.P.P., AththanapolaA.K.K.S, JayarathneB.U., DilrukshiG.N., Abeynayake J. and Wijeratne D. T. “Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antibody and associated factors among the Healthcare workers of the Western Province in Sri Lanka”. 28th Annual Conference on Technological Advances in Science, Medicine, and Engineering (TASME) 2024 at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus. .
Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi J, Dissanayake DMBT, Sampath MKA, Jayasekara ULASL, Fonseka WASI, Vidanage UA, Fernando SSN. ‘Serotype distribution of Streptococcus agalactiae among pregnant women attending to selected antenatal clinics in Western Province of Sri Lanka’. International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2022.
Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi J , Dissanayake DMBT, Surige CS , Suranimala W, Perera WPS, Kapuwalla KG, Fernando SSN. Antibiotic resistance in Group B Streptococcus isolated from vaginal and rectal swabs of pregnant mothers. International Congress of Infectious Diseases 2022.
Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi J, Dissanayake DMBT, Weerasekera M, Silva TJ, Fernando SSN. Effect of pH and different growth media on the biofilm formation by Group B Streptococcus isolated from pregnant mothers in Sri Lanka. Research Conference in Health Sciences 2021.
Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi , Peiris MMK, Dissanayake DMBT, Wickrama WDSA, VidanageUA, Gunawardhana HDDN, Fernando SSN. Biofilm formation at different pH levels by group B Streptococcus isolated from pregnant women. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2020.
Dilrukshi GN, Dissanayake DMBT, Fernando SSN, Kottahachchi J. Preliminary Study on Carriage of Group B Streptococcus among Pregnant Women in Selected Hospitals in Western Province of Sri Lanka. SLCM Annual Scientific Sessions 2019.
Dilrukshi GN, Kottahachchi J, Dissanayake DMBT, Karunasingha J, Sampath MKA, Pathiraja RP, Vidanage UA, Fernando SSN. Group B Streptococcus colonization among pregnant women: Comparison of culture and real time polymerase chain reaction. International Conference on Health Sciences 2019, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Dilrukshi GN, Peris MMK, Dissanayake DMBT, Fernando SSN, Kottahachchi J. Vaginal carriage and biofilm forming ability of Group B Streptococcus among Pregnant Women in selected hospitals in western province of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Society for microbiology, 2019.
G.N. Dilrukshi, M.M.F. Sajida, J.M.U.N.B. Jayewardene, D.M.B.T. Dissanayake. Performance of human, cattle and goat blood as alternative to sheep blood in blood supplemented culture media. National Health Research Symposium 2017.
GAM Kularatnam, HW Dilanthi, SMV Subasinghe, S Jayasena, KADV Gunarathne, GN Dilrukshi, D De Silva, V Kesavan, EA Jasinge. Evaluation of the validity of the urine Berry spot test in screening for Mucopolysaccharidosis. Pathologist Research Symposium 2016.