
Constitution of the “Spectrum” of the Open university of Sri Lanka
1. Title: The name of this society shall be known as the Spectrum of the Open University of
Sri Lanka
(OUSL) hereafter referred to as the ‘Spectrum’.

2. Registered office: Department of Physics, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

3. Objectives:
(a) To organize activities to create an interest in the field of Physical Sciences, in general, and Physics among the students of the University and the Community at large.

(b) To conduct projects to assimilate and disseminate knowledge and experiences in the field of Physical Sciences, in general, and Physics.

(c) To recognize and appreciate the individual performances in the field of Physical Sciences, in general, and Physics.

4. Membership:
4.1 (a) Staff members of the OUSL
(b) Professionals of good standing, acceptable to the Executive Committee on such terms and conditions as may be specified.

4.2 Student membership
Registered students of the OUSL are eligible to apply for the student membership of the society for the specific period. Student membership is valid until he/she is the registered student of the OUSL.

5. Composition of the Executive Committee
(a) President (1)
(b) Vice President (1)
(c) Secretary (1)
(d) Asst. Secretary (1)
(e) Treasurer (1)
(f) Asst. Treasurer (1)
(g) Committee members (9)

6. Constitution
(a) All the members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the general membership at its Annual General Meeting (AGM).
(b) The AGM shall be presided by the President or in his/her absence, by the Vice President.
(c) The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by nominations/ballot in the order (a)-(f) in the paragraph 5.
(d) The Executive Committee has the right to appoint organizers when necessary for approved activities.
(e) The AGM shall be held in the month of January except for the inaugural meeting.
(f) The period of the office of the elected members of the Executive Committee shall be until the 31st day of January of the year after their election.
(g) A person shall not be elected to hold the same office for more than two consecutive years.
(h) The members of the Executive Committee other than President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be from among the members and the student members of the society.
(i) The President, Vice President, Secretary and the Treasurer shall be from the permanent staff members of the Department of Physics.

7. Quorum:
(a) The quorum for a general meeting shall be one third of the membership.
(b) The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be five members.

8. Cessation of the post of an office bearer:
(a) Any member of the Executive Committee may resign from office by a written request addressed to the President or the Secretary of the Society.
(b) Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings shall cease to hold office.
(c) The general membership shall have the power to expel any member of the Executive Committee proved to have acted in a manner which would bring the Society into disrepute, with a 2/3 of vote of its membership.
(d) The Executive Committee shall fill a vacancy created by the modes described in (a), (b) or (c) above, as early as possible and the person so appointed shall hold office for the rest of the un expired period of such office.

9. Executive Committee meetings:
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every three months.

10. Minutes:
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and keeping the Minutes of all the meetings and to have them confirmed at the next meeting.

11. Special General Meeting (SGM):
The Secretary shall convene a SGM on a written request of one fifth of the general membership.

12. Financial Administration:
(a) The Treasurer shall maintain all the financial reports.
(b) Money which exceed the sum of rupees three thousand (Rs.3,000/-) shall be maintained in a current or savings account. However, the Executive Committee may decide to invest the money to procure attractive return.
(c) Audited annual statement of the account and investments up to the end of December of the previous year ratified by the Executive Committee, shall be presented to the general membership at the AGM.
(d) Withdrawal of money shall be allowed with the signatures of the Treasurer and the President or Secretary.
(e) The Spectrum shall have an account opened (Savings and/or Current) at the People’s Bank, OUSL branch, Nawala, Nugegoda.

13. Inspection of Books:
The list of members and the account books shall be made available for inspection by the members of the Spectrum provided one week’s notice in writing is given to the Secretary.

14. Auditing of accounts:
An auditor will be appointed at the AGM.

15. Membership fees:
(a) Annual membership fee shall be Rs.250.00 for members.
(b) Annual membership fee shall be Rs.100.00 for student members. Student membership is
valid until he/she is the registered student of the OUSL.
(c) Life membership fee shall be Rs.2,500.00
(d) Each member shall pay their annual dues by the end of January each year.
(e) New members shall pay their annual dues in full at the time of application for membership.
(f) Any person who is in arrears for more than one year shall cease to hold membership.

16. Amendments:
Any amendments to this constitution of the Spectrum shall be made with a vote of at least two third of those present voting in favour at a general meeting.


Dr. N. Karthikeyan.

Snr. Lecturer in Physics

071 485 6389



Dr. G.D. Illeperuma

Snr. Lecturer in Physics


071 440 6268



Mr. D.L.N. Jayathilaka.
Lecturer in Physics


071 817 4739


Vice President

Prof. G.K.R. Senadeera

Professor in Physics



Assist. Secretary

Dr. N.U.S. Yapa.
Snr. Lecturer in Physics



Assist. Treasurer

Dr. K.N.D. Bandara
Snr. Lecturer in Physics



Recent Events

The Physics workshop for advanced-level students was conducted from 8th to 11th November 2022, with the participation of nearly a thousand students.