The key mandate of universities world over is mainly teaching and research. However, this mandate has been relegated in many universities in Sri Lanka. High quality university education involving training and research not only provides the human capital for socio economic development but also transforms individuals and societies through poverty reduction and increased global competitiveness.
The Open University of Sri Lanka(OUSL) recognizes that developing the capacity of its academic staff by providing them with opportunities to engage in research would pave path to explore and validate novel ideas in research, innovation and other intellectual activities. This would, in turn, contribute to national development in the long term. Thus, on the initiative and recommendation of the Vice Chancellor,the OUSL established the Research Division in February 2014 to serve as a vehicle to spearhead its research mandate. This Division is headed by the Director, Research.
The Division of Research will advance the academic and research mission of the university while promoting a culture that exemplifies excellent service, transparency, collaboration and innovation.
The Division of Research promotes faculty, staff and student success by facilitating collaborative and innovative research, scholarship and creative activities. The Division strives to expand research and national development, integrate research with instruction and public service, and foster cross disciplinary collaboration.
- Create an environment of innovation:
The OUSL with the support ofitsResearch Division will bring together research and education acrossa broad spectrum of science, engineering, social science, management and otherareas in order to foster multidisciplinary discoveries and inventions that arise through the mixing of students, faculty and researchers across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
- Integrate education and research:
In addition to course work, students will participate in research throughout their education; each faculty member will both teach and engage in research, in order to foster excellence and creativity.
- Lay the foundation for a high level research in the university that will help attract, create and retain local talents within the island.
Core Values:
- Excellence
- Ethical and accountable conduct
- Academic integrity and regulatory compliance
- A diverse and inclusive community of people, ideas, and research initiative
Proposed Activities:
- Provide funds, necessary infrastructure and incentives for research to support aspiring researchers.
- Seek funding for specific projects that are of national or international interest from donor agencies.
- Organization of training seminars and workshops for proposal writing and dissemination of knowledge through publications.
- Organization of research symposiums with international collaboration
- Establishment of a grant scheme for innovations.
- Developing a database of potential donors for research projects.
Competitive Research Grants
Competitive Research Grants – 2025
The Open University of Sri Lanka seeks to conduct and promote research of a multidisciplinary nature to develop the capacity of the academics to engage in high quality research that will produce tangible outcome, which will benefit the nation as well as help policy makers in Sri Lanka. To this end, the OUSL welcomes multidisciplinary research proposals from the academic community of the OUSL in any discipline that cross cut fields to address issuesrelated to its priority areas of research in the field of both natural and social sciences.
The Open University of Sri Lanka seeks to conduct and promote research of a multidisciplinary nature to develop the capacity of the academics to engage in high quality research that will produce tangible outcome, which will benefit the nation as well as help policy makers in Sri Lanka. To this end, the OUSL welcomes multidisciplinary research proposals from the academic community of the OUSL in any discipline that cross cut fields to address issues related to its priority areas of research in the field of both natural and social sciences.
These Research Grants are open to the current faculty of the Open University of Sri Lanka. To be competitive, proposals should demonstrate collaboration among different Faculties and Departments of the University. You may obtain matching funds or in-kind resources from collaborators in order to complete the research project with the prior approval of the OUSL. In providing funds, the long-term sustainability may also be considered based on specified project goals.
The application process will start on 1s’ September 2024 and close on 15. November 2024. Funding will be approved for one year at a time, but the program is designed to fund projects up to a maximum of 3 years. Extension of grants after the first year will depend on rigorous evaluation of the progress of work of the previous year. The Grants will typically fall within the range of Rs. 500,000/- to 1,000,000/- a year.
Please submit your application for research grants based on the format given herewith to reach the Director/Research, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda at dirr.earch@ou ac a on or before 15. November, 2024.
Faculty Research Grants
Open University Research Sessions
Innovation Grants
The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
The Open University of Sri Lanka seeks to promote innovations and would like to help the academic staff and the students (both graduate and postgraduate) pursuing innovations. There is a strong emphasis on innovative solutions to address unique and complex challenges of the 21st century. In this regard, the key question would be “How do we find resources and support to begin such innovative projects?” As the first step in answering the question above, the OUSL Innovation Grants program is being initiated to support innovations, explorations, and other scientific developments by way of designs, products and methods etc in order to raise awareness and encourage engagement in innovative efforts by the members of the academic staff and the students of the OUSL. Grant recipients receive a maximum of Rs. 100,000/- as financial support for such work. These Innovation Grants are open to members of the academic staff and current students of the Open University of Sri Lanka. You may obtain matching grants in cash or thing (e.g. resources from collaborators) in order to complete the innovation project with the prior approval of the OUSL. In providing funds, the specified project goals, the feasibility of optimum utilization of the outcome of the innovation and long-term sustainability etc may become important factors. In case you are a current student and if you wish to apply for a grant you will need to have a faculty mentor who is aware of your plans to use your funds and is willing to advise you through the proposed project. Then you will need to complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) as a preliminary exercise. In case of members of the academic staff, they may submit their EOIs as per the format given below. Item Nos.
5, 6, 7 and 9 are relevant to students only. The EOI should include the following information in brief.
1. Project Title:
2. Name of the Applicant: (Students must provide Registration Number)
3. Contact Telephone / e mail:
4. Department / Faculty:
5. Course of Study: (for students only)
6. Year of Study: (for students only)
7. Name of Faculty Advisor: (for students only)
8. Project Description in Brief:
▪ – Short project title:
▪ – Goal / objectives of your project:
▪ – What problems does your project address?
▪ – What solutions does your project offer?
▪ – What is the innovation?
▪ – How is this solution different to what is currently available on the market?
▪ – What is the potential market for your proposal?
▪ – Total project cost:
9. Consent of the Faculty Advisor: (for students only)
10. Signature and date
Please email your completed EOI with the consent of your mentor that he / she is willing to supervise you through the proposed project to on or before 31st October 2024. A hardcopy should also be sent to Director – Research, OUSL. EOI received after this date may not be considered for the current round of funding. Once you have submitted your EOI, it will be assessed to see whether it is suitable for consideration of an innovation grant. Then you will be invited to submit the written formal application. The closing date for formal application will be notified later.
Research Awards
- Prof. S. P. Karunanayake – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Prof. F. M. Nawastheen – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Dr. K.D.R.L.J. Perera – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Dr. J. D. Careemdeen – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Prof. C. S. De Silva – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Dr. A. G. B. Aruggoda – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Prof. B. C. L. Athapattu – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. K. M. L.A. Udamulla – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. P. A. K. Karunananda – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. G. N. Paranavithana – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. S. D. R. Perera – Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Prof. G. T. M. Hewage – Department of Social Studies
- Mr. W. D. Manoj – Department of Legal Studies
- Prof. K. S. D. Perera – Department of Chemistry
- Prof. R. Senthilnithy – Department of Chemistry
- Dr. S. K. Rodrigo – Department of Chemistry
- Prof. G. K. R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
- Dr. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi – Department of Botany
- Dr. M.A.A.B. Dilhan – Department of Botany
- Dr. W.H.M.A.T. Herath – Department of Botany
- Dr. U. A. Jayawardana – Department of Zoology
- Dr. D. D. G. L. Dahanayaka – Department of Zoology
- Dr. Saminda Fernando – Department of Zoology
- Dr. R.L.A.S. Rajapakse – Postgraduate Institute of English (PGIE)
- Dr. Romola Rassool – Postgraduate Institute of English (PGIE)OUSL RESEARCH AWARDS 2021
- K. Ketheeswaran – Department of Special Needs Education
- T. Mukunthan – Department of Early Childhood & Primary Education
- F.M. Nawastheen – Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education
- H.S. Rambukwella – Postgraduate Institute of English (PGIE)
- D.M.W. Munasinghe – Department of Early Childhood & Primary Education
- G.K.R. Senadheera – Department of Physics
- R.S. Ranasinghe – Department of Civil Engineering
- G.T. Madhubhashini – Department of Social Studies
- W.H.M.A.T. Herath – Department of Botany
- Roshan Perera – Department of Botany
- D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka – Department of Zoology
- T.K. Weerasinghe – Department of Botany
- K.R.M. De Silva – Department of Language Studies
- C.S. De Silva – Department of Agriculture & Plantation Engineering
- V. Sivalogathasan – Department of Human Resource Management
- S.P. Karunanayake – Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education
- R. Senthilinithy – Department of Chemistry
- K.D.R.L.J. Perera – Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education
- K. Sarath D. Perera – Department of Chemistry
- D.T. Abeysinghe – Department of Chemistry
- I.U. Atthanayake – Department of Mechanical Engineering
- S. R. Weerakoon – Department of Botany
- N.N. Punchihewa – Department of Zoology
- K.M.L.A. Udumulla – Department of Civil Engineering
- P.W.H.K.P. Daulagala – Department of Botany
- D.D.D.H. Alwis – Department of Chemistry
- K. Vivehananthan – Department of Basic Sciences
- A.K.L.A. Wijenayake – Department of Chemistry
- B.C.L. Athapattu – Department of Civil Engineering
- Mrs. B.A.R.R. Ariyaratna – Department of Legal Studies
- Mr. H.H.M.P. Kumara – Centre for Educational Technology and Media (CETMe)
- Ms. J. C. Hapugoda – Department of Organizational Studies
- 3MT (Three-Minute Thesis) Competition 2023 Certificate of Recognition
- Ms Sajantha Thevashayinath – Faculty of Health Sciences
Best Educational Video Production 2021 Award
- N.N. Punchihewa – Department of Zoology
- T.K. De Seram – Centre for Educational Technology and Media – Aquatic Ecosystem
Best Interactive Multimedia 2021 Award
- Saminda Fernando – Department of Zoology
- Gaya Ranawaka – Department of Zoology
- Tharanga Jayasuriya – Department of Computer Science
Winners in Research Awards 2020
- Prof. C.S De Silva – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Dr. R.S. Ranasinghe – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. R.S. Ranasinghe – Department of Civil Engineering
- Dr. U.S. Premaratne – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Ms. T.M.D.N. Medagedara – Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. I.U. Athtanayake – Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. L.K.R.R. Jayakody – Department of Botany
- Dr. K.O.L.C. Karunanayake – Department of Botany
- Prof. S.R. Weerakoon – Department of Botany
- Pro. K.S.D. Perera – Department of Chemistry
- Dr. R. Senthilnithy – Department of Chemistry
- Dr. A.K.L.A. Wijenayaka – Department of Chemistry
- Prof. G.K.R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
- Dr. U.A.D. Jayawardena – Department of Zoology
- Dr. T.S.P. Fernando – Department of Zoology
- Pro. G.R.R. Gaya Ranawaka – Department of Zoology
- Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka – Department of Zoology
- Dr. N.N. Punchihewa – Department of Zoology
- Dr. F.M. Nawastheen – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Pro. S.P. Karunanayaka – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Mr. L. Medawattegedara – Department of Language Studies
- Dr. M.G.Y.L. Mahagamage – Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development (CESSD)
- Prof. B.G. Jayatilleke – Centre for Educational Technology and Media (CETMe)
OUSL Best Online Course Awardees 2020
- Mr. A. Schubert – Department of Language Studies
Winners in Research Awards 2019
- Prof. G.K.R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
- Prof. C.S de Silva – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Dr. K.A.R.S Perera – Department of Botany
- Eng. T.M.D. Nimali Medagedara – Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Dr. K.O.L.C. Karunanayake – Department of Botany
- Dr. C.D Jayasinghe – Department of Zoology
- Mr. Lal Medawattegedara – Department of Language Studies
- Prof. S.R. Weerakoon – Department of Botany
- Dr. A.K.L.A Wijenayake – Department of Chemistry
- Dr. U.S. Premaratne – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Dr. Harsha Dulari Wijesekara – PGIE
- Dr. N. Punchihewa – Department of Zoology
- Prof. B.C.L. Athapattu – Department of Civil Engineering
OUSL Best Online Course Awardees 2019
- Prof. Sithy S. Iqbal – Department of Chemistry
- Dr. A.K.L.A Wijenayake – Department of Chemistry
Winners in Research Awards 2018
- Prof. S.P. Karunanayake – Department of Secondary and Tertiary Education
- Dr. K.A.R.S. Perera – Department of Botany
- Prof. H. S. Rambukwalla – Postgraduate Institute of English
- Prof. G.K.R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
- Prof. C.S. de Silva – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Dr. N.S. Weerakody – Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
- Dr. H.L.D. Weerahewa – Department of Botany
- Prof. S.R. Weerakoon – Department of Botany
Winners in Research Awards 2017
- Dr. S. Kugamoorthy – Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education
- Dr. B.C. Liyanage – Department of Civil Engineering
- Mr. L. Medawattegedara – Department of Language Studies
- Prof. G.W.A.R. Fernando – Department of Physics
- Dr. H.S. Rambukwella – Postgraduate Institute of English
- Dr. Roshan Perera – Department of Botany
- Dr. G.K.R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
- Prof. C.S. De Silva – Department of Agricultural & Plantation Engineering
- Prof. V. Sivalogathasan- Faculty of Management Studies
- Dr. H.L.D. Weerahewa – Department of Botany
- Prof. S.R. Weerakoon -Department of Botany
Winners in Research Awards 2016
- Dr. H.L.D. Weerahewa – Department of Botany
- Prof. C.S. De Silva – Department of Agricultural & Plantation Engineering
- Prof. Sythy S. Iqbal – Department of Chemistry
- Prof. Shironika P. Karunanayaka – Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education
- Prof. S.R. Weerakoon – Department of Botany
- Dr. S.R. Hettiarachchi – Department of Chemistry
- Prof. V.P.S. Perera – Department of Physics
- Dr. K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi- Department of Botany
- Dr. K.A.R.S. Perera – Department of Botany
- Dr. G.K.R. Senadeera – Department of Physics
UGC Postgraduate Grants Schemes
Ethics Review Policy
Ethics review policy of the Open University of Sri Lanka
1. Policy statement/ Preamble
The ERC OUSL was established to ensure the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research by staff and students of the University. The purpose, objectives, scope, composition, and Terms of Reference) of the ERC are outlined below.
The primary objective of the ERC- OUSL is to protect the welfare, rights, dignity, and safety of human and non-human participants used in research. The Open University of Sri Lanka firmly believe research that override the health, well-being, and care of research participants should never be permitted. This also takes into consideration the principle of justice. Justice which requires that the benefits of research be distributed fairly among all groups in society, taking into account age, gender, economic status, culture and ethnic considerations. ERC- OUSL shall provide independent, competent and timely review of the ethics of proposed studies.
In their composition, procedures, and decision-making, ERC- OUSL needs to ensure independence from externally imposed conditions to the best of its ability.
2. Purpose
To describe the overall function and scope of responsibilities of the ERC- OUSL to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of all actual or potential research participants.
3. Objectives
- To maintain ethical standards of best practices in the conduct of research by protecting the welfare, dignity and rights of all research participants and researchers
- To ensure that animals which are used in research are treated humanely
- To create awareness of ethical issues arising from research and develop relevant guidelines and procedures
- To contribute to the highest standards in the conduct of research
- To develop relevant guidelines and procedures that will contribute to the highest standards of research
- To enlighten the scientific community on the need to adhere to proposed ethical framework
4. Scope
The ERC- OUSL will be mandated to review any research study that involves humans and non-human subjects, biological samples, and data for their ethical acceptability in a timely and transparent manner.
5. Composition of the ERC- OUSL
The ERC- OUSL will comprise 19 members representing the following categories:
a) The Chairperson of ERC – OUSL will be Director /Research
b) Nine (9) members who are Senior Professors/ Professors from each Faculty as follows: 2 from the Faculty of Health Sciences, 2 from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 from the Faculty of Natural sciences, 1 from the Faculty of Education and 1 from the Faculty of Engineering Technology, 1 from the Faculty of Management and 1 from Post Graduate Institute of English (In case no Senior Professor/ Professor is available in a Faculty, a Senior Lecturer shall be nominated).
c) Six (6) members from external institutions representing the following disciplines,
i) Medical Sciences, ii) Natural Sciences, iii) Law, iv) Allied Health Sciences, v) Social Sciences vi) Information Technology
d) A member with expertise in statistics
e) Legal Officer of OUSL
f) A lay member
6. Appointment and Responsibilities of members
All members (including b, c, d and e above) are to be nominated by the relevant Faculties and appointed by the Senate of the OUSL. Each member shall be appointed for a period of three years with provision for re-appointment, and renewable at the discretion of the Faculty Board for not more than two consecutive terms. The committee shall elect its Secretary from amongst its members. The ERC- OUSL shall have provision to seek expert advice outside the membership, if needed.
The letters of appointment shall be issued by the Vice- Chancellor.
The letter of appointment shall include the date of appointment, length of tenure, responsibilities/ Terms of References.
Members shall agree to their name and profession being made available to the public, (e.g., on the ERC- OUSL website).
Upon appointment, members shall be provided with the Terms of Reference of the ERC- OUSL, an up-to-date list of names of members and their contact information and any other relevant information about the processes and procedures of ERC- OUSL and proposals.
Appointments shall allow for continuity, the development of expertise within the ERC- OUSL, and the regular input of fresh ideas and approaches. All members are encouraged to attend education and training sessions.
7. Conflicts of interests
Members shall be required to sign a confidential agreement and a declaration of Conflicts of Interest stating inter alia, that all matters of which he/she becomes aware during the course of his/her work on the ERC shall be kept confidential; that any conflicts of interest, which exist or may arise during his/her tenure on the ERC shall be declared.
8. Attendance and Remuneration
Members will be expected to participate in regular meetings and other relevant specialised working groups as required.
The Chairperson shall participate at these meetings when required.
Members may seek a leave of absence from the ERC for a period not exceeding six months.
Membership will lapse if a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the ERC or fails to attend at least 2/3rds of scheduled ERC meetings each year without reasonable excuse/apology. A member may resign from the ERC at any time upon giving one month notice in writing.
In the event that membership has lapsed, the Chairperson shall notify the member of such lapse of membership in writing. Steps shall be taken to fill such vacancy having duly informed the Vice-Chancellor.
External members shall be paid an honorarium and travelling expenses.
9. Terms of Reference / Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the members of ERC- OUSL to read, understand, and respect the rules set by ERC- OUSL.
Detailed functions
Overall function
The ERC- OUSL is responsible for carrying out the review of proposed research before the commencement of the research. The ERC is responsible for acting in the full interest of potential research participants and concerned communities, taking into account the interests and needs of the researchers.
The functions of the ERC are:
i. To consider written applications and provide independent, competent and timely review and monitoring of the ethics of research projects involving human and non-human subjects, biological samples and data.
ii. To be available to researchers for consultation on ethical issues
iii) To develop guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for ethics review and ethical conduct of research, as per the national/ international guidelines.
iv. To work out the principles and procedures that govern research projects involving biological, clinical, psychological or social processes in human beings.
v. To report at least once in three months to the Senate of its proceedings.
vi. To conduct and promote education and training in research ethics for both staff and students in collaboration with SDC
vii. To train committee members to ensure the quality and consistency of ethics review
10. The terms “human subjects” and “non – human subjects” relate to those who are among the living as well as those who are dead included in a study. ERC-OUSL should be receptive to diverse methods to be employed in studies and shall not be limited to the methods listed below:
i. Surveys, interviews, focus groups or ethnographic observations.
ii. Review of medical records where there is access to personal information.
Interventional studies including psychological, physiological or medical treatment/testing
iii. Collection of data from registries, repositories or databases where personal health/ medical information are stored and/or
iv. Use of biological specimens (tissues, biopsies, organs, blood, urine, saliva, faeces).
11. References
Standard Operating Procedure of the Ethical Review Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Research Funding Policy
Material Transfer Agreement
Split – Site Scholarships
Research Allowance
Research unit by-laws
Guidelines for PhD and MPhil Thesis Submission
Guidelines for Supervision of Postgraduate Research Degree
Annual Progress Review of MPhil and PhD Degree Candidates – Oral Presentations
List of Recommended Journals to Publish Research Articles
Webinars & Workshops
Prof. S.R. Weerakoon
Director/Research Unit
Open University of Sri Lanka
P.O. Box 21, Nawala,
Nugegoda 10250, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 288 1510
Ext.: 510

Director / Research Unit
Prof. Shyama R. Weerakoon
Senior Professor of Botany