I. Admission Requirements for direct registration
The candidate should have one of the following qualifications:
- a Master’s Degree from the Postgraduate Institute of English, Open University of Sri Lanka OR
- a Master’s Degree with a research component in a relevant field from any recognized University OR
- a Master’s Degree in the relevant field and at least two research papers published (accepted for publication) in peer-reviewed journals after completion of the Master’s Degree. OR
- Any other qualification accredited by the PGIE and acceptable to the Senate of the OUSL.
A research proposal* of 3,000 – 3,500 words to demonstrate her / his capability to undertake research. The proposal should conform to any specific guidelines set out by the PGIE.
High proficiency in academic English
II. Admission requirements for provisional registration
(Details are available at the PGIE office)
Admission Requirements
- a Master of Philosophy Degree from the PGIE OR
- a Master’s Degree by research (Minimum SLQF level 10) in a relevant discipline from a recognized University, OR
- an equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Board of Management of the PGIE, AND
- at least two research papers published (or accepted for publication) in peer-reviewed journals, AND
- at least two research presentations at a national/international Conference.
A research proposal* of 3,000 – 3,500 words to demonstrate her / his capability to undertake research. The proposal should conform to any specific guidelines set out by the PGIE.
*(The proposal should contain sufficient information on the background, justification, objectives, research plan and research methodology, as well as a brief literature review, to enable a determination of whether the proposal is suitable for an advanced degree. The proposal should also conform to any specific guidelines set out by the PGIE. Such proposal shall be presented to a Research Panel appointed by the PGIE. The research Proposal will be evaluated by a Research Committee appointed by the PGIE to determine whether the proposal is suitable for an advanced degree.)
NOTE: Applications for higher degrees will only be considered on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the proposed research and its relevance to English Studies and the possibility of securing appropriate supervisors.