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MSc in Environmental Science

The Master of Science in Environmental Sciences [MSc in Env. Sc.] is a programme of study developed in recognition of the importance of environmental concerns in today’s world.The programme aims to provide academic knowledge and training needed to tackle environmental problems through a multi-disciplinary approach. The MSc (Env.Sci) programme involves courses from four faculties (Natural Sciences, Engineering Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences & Education) of the OUSL. This represents the multi -disciplinary nature of the programme. It is a 60 credit programme, made up of 30 credits at Level 9 and 30 credits at Level 10 (credit rating is the expression used in the OUSL to denote the “academic value” of a course).



Programme Structure
Year 1

1. Environmental Law (LLP9501)
2. Environmental Economics and Management (DSP9502)
3. Environmental Pollution (BYP9503)
4. Environment, Society and Development (MHP9504)
5. Understanding the Environment (ZYP9505)
6. Environmental Policy Planning and Assessment (ZYP9506)

Year 2
Research Project (NEPAF01) + Three Elective Courses
Elective Courses

1. Biodiversity Conservation and Management (ZYPA602)
2. Protected Area Planning and Management (ZYPA303)
3. Climate Change (ZYPA604)
4. Environmental Communication and Education (STPA305)
5. Aquatic Resources and their Management (ZYPA606)
6. Philosophy of Science (MHPA307)
7. Cleaner Production (PHPA309)
8. Eco-toxicology and Pollution Management (CYPA610)
9. Waste Management for Circular Economy (NEPA308)

Those with a basic degree from a recognized university or

Any other higher qualification acceptable by the Senate of the OUSL.

Apply Online

Application fees: Rs. 1000/=

Local Students

Registration Fee : Rs. 1,500.00
Facility Fee : Rs. 2,500.00
Library Fee : Rs. 200.00
Field Visit Fee : Rs. 2,300.00
Tuition fee per credit : Rs. 4,090.00

1 st year total fee : Rs. 129,200.00 (In two installments)
2 nd  year total fee : Rs.142,120.00 (In two installments)

Total course fee : Rs. 271,320.00

Overseas Students

Registration Fee – US $ 100 (per year)
Developed countries – US $ 90 (per credit) ( Tuition Fee : US$ 5400* )
Developing countries – US $ 45 (per credit) ( Tuition Fee : US$ 2700*)
Fees can be paid in installments (4)

*: In addition to the above fee, refundable deposit of US $ 1000 will be charged from the
foreign students before the registration.

Those who fail in examination are required to re-registration and to pay for courses which
they have repeated.

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

Director (CESSD) – 0112 881 423



Contact Programme Coordinator

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