MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Managing procurement, logistics and supply chains sustainably are globally recognized trends and becoming the most demanded professional fields around the world.  Those areas have become the utmost important strategic requirements of implementing sustainable, transparent, and accountable practices with good governance to minimize the unethical fraudulent practices in any origination, which needs to be sustained in this digitized world.

In order to cater to such demand, MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management programme is designed by the Faculty of Management Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka with sector-leading experts and well-established industry connections to enrich you with cutting-edge knowledge on Public Procurement, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management. The public sector is the largest purchaser and stakeholder of many business firms.

Why study supply chain at the Open University of Sri Lanka?

  • An engaging curriculum with open and distance learning
  • A globally recognized qualification
  • Strengthening you networking
  • Outreaching career development

To whom we cater?

MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management is specifically catering,

  • To Public sector officers
  • To Private sector professionals
  • Professionals working abroad

Professionals seek future career prospects in procurement, logistics and supply chains

Please click on the “Apply Online” icon, which will direct you to the program selection window. Then, select “MSc. in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme.” Fill in the required details and pay an application fee of LKR 1000 (Sri Lankan Rupees) to complete the process.

Ensure that your application is successfully submitted before closing the window.

The MSc in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management program is designed through collaboration between academic experts and industry practitioners, ensuring a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. This well-structured, two-year program includes rigorous coursework and a research-based dissertation, equipping participants with the skills and expertise required for excellence in the field.

Entry Requirement
01. A Bachelor’s degree with at least ninety (90) credits from a recognized university, with executive/ managerial experience of a minimum of one (01) year.
02. A professional qualification equivalent to SLQF Level 5 or above with executive/ managerial experience of a minimum of two (02) years, or,
03. An equivalent or higher academic or professional qualification acceptable to the Senate with executive/ managerial experience of a minimum of two (02) years.

Please click on the “Apply Online” icon, which will direct you to the program selection window. Then, select “MSc. in Public Procurement and Supply Chain Management Programme.” Fill in the required details and pay an application fee of LKR 1000 (Sri Lankan Rupees) to complete the process.

Ensure that your application is successfully submitted before closing the window.

Course Fees

Total Course Fee Rs.470,200/=
Duration of the Programme – 2 Years

Installment Credit Value No of Credits Credit Value (Rs.) Registration/Reregistration Fee (Rs.) Total Fee (Rs.)
1st Year
1st Installment 7000 21 147000 4200/= 151,200.00
2nd Installment 7000 15 105000 105,000.00
2nd Year
3rd Installment 7000 15 105000 4000/= 109,000.00
4th Installment 7000 15 105000 105,000.00
Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

This postgraduate program is conducted by the Faculty of Management Studies. For more information, contact; Head of Department: Dr. Sujeevi Sapukotanage or Programme Coordinator: Ms.R.H. Asari Tharuka Perera.

Address : Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Studies, OUSL
Contact : 070 633 5589
Email :
Contact Programme Coordinator

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