Prospective Students
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Phone: +94 11 288 1000
You are here: OUSL / Faculty of Engineering Technology / Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Energy for Circular Economy is a fully online postgraduate programme offered jointly by The Open University of Sri Lanka, University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya, and University of Ruhuna. The programme has been developed as a part of the Europe – Sri Lanka Capacity Building in Energy Circular Economy (“EUSL-Energy”) project involving four partner universities in Sri Lanka and in collaboration with three European HEIs (Royal Institute of Technology-Sweden, Centrale Supelec-France, and University of Twente-Netherlands).
Energy transformation from weather-dependent resources on earth to useful energy services with a minimum impact on the environment is a challenge faced by many societies in the contemporary world. With climate change and other environmental degradation due to the use of energy services causing significant issues specifically in the emerging economies, the need for innovation, optimal use of technology and sustainable energy cannot be understated. Higher-level education in the energy sector therefore is seen as a necessary tool to equip the personnel in the industry to ensure better living conditions and sustainable life for all citizens.
Potential graduates of this programme will obtain knowledge and expertise in the areas of energy technology and management, including but not limited to solar PV, solar thermal, wind power, wave power, geothermal energy, energy storage, nuclear energy, hydroelectric and other traditional energy fields, smart grids, energy management in buildings, industry and transportation, energy auditing, energy systems planning, energy economics, energy policy and development, carbon accounting and reduction, and environmental pollution controls. The graduates shall enter energy technology and management related careers as leaders in design, site analysis, policy planning and implementation, auditing, management, quality control, sales, and as entrepreneurial initiators.
Both Local and International students can apply for this master progrmme, The process for applying to master programme is the same for international and domestic students. Please review the information below to better understand what is required, and follow this three-step process. Be sure to save your Applicant Number so that you can use it in future to access your application.
For candidate to be enrolled for the study programme, he/she shall possess
How to Apply
Note: You need to provide information considered as MANDATORY including an email address and a mobile number, both of which may be your own or of a family member/friend. The university may use them to communicate with you, to acknowledge receipt of your application and to provide you additional information as and when necessary.
Note: Select the payment method and proceed further by following the instructions given. Application fee inclusive of grading test fee is LKR 5000 (Local students) & USD 15 (International students). You can pay this amount by credit/debit card. Applicants who do not have a Credit/Debit card can make the respective payment by cash to Regional or Study Centre of The OUSL mentioned in the advertisement.
For Sri Lankan Studetns: LKR 400000
For International Students: USD 2500
Programm Coordinator
Eng. Ruchira Abeweera
(+94) 112 881 227 / (+94) 777 821 752