Bachelor of Pharmacy Honours Degree Programme

The Department of Pharmacy is one of the six Departments that make up the Faculty of Health Sciences at The Open University of Sri Lanka. Our Department conducts a professional Pharmacy undergraduate programme that leads to the Degree in Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) through open and distance learning methodologies.

Pharmacy is the profession responsible for the appropriate use of medications, devices and services in order to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes. As such, pharmacists need to be well-equipped with knowledge, attitudes and skills required to deliver high quality, consistent and safe treatments to their clients. Thus, our B.Pharm. Degree Programme is designed to develop a professional Pharmacist with knowledge, favorable attitudes and skills in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to suit the needs of the healthcare sector and the relevant academic and research fields. Furthermore, we aim to develop motivated, self- directed learners who have the capacity to efficiently and effectively contribute to their profession and the work place, maintaining international standards.

Thank you for visiting our website. You are welcome to contact the Department for more information.

Programme Code :
Programme Category :
Undergraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Dept. of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences
Programme duration :
Minimum 04 years
Discipline(s) / Course(s) :
Pharmaceutical Chemistry , Clinical Pharmacy , Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy , Pharmaceutics

Applicants should possess the following qualifications

• Minimum three (03) Pass grades in one sitting in the Science stream, including a Credit pass (C) in Chemistry, at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination.


• Certificate of Proficiency or Efficiency in Pharmacy, Ministry of Health , Sri Lanka or Diploma in Pharmacy, University of Colombo.
• Minimum Simple pass (S) for English at the G.C.E (O/L) Examination, or
• An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the OUSL Senate.

• Pass the selection test conducted for the purpose of admission

Local Students

Application Fee: Rs. 750.00

Please refer the the Prospectus

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

This Undergraduate programme is conducted by the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences. Download Prospectus  or Contact Head, Department of Pharmacy, Ms. R. B. J. Buddhika for further details.

Address :
Dept. of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda
Contact :
011 288 1131; 011 288 1000 – Ext 6600/6601
Email :
Contact Programme Coordinator

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