Bachelor of Management Studies Honours in Human Resource Management

The Bachelor of Management Studies Honours in Human Resource Management is a four-year degree programme with 120 course credits worth courses along with industrial training and scientific research in the field of Human Resource Management. This programme is carefully designed with the utmost intention of producing highly skilled management graduates specialized in Human Resource Management who will be ideal candidates to meet the highest industry standard in people management. Accordingly, at the completion of the programme the candidate should be an empathetic and ethical professional, who is sensitive to employee and employer concerns and be able to consider the social, cultural, environmental and economic consequences of organizational, national and international Human Resource Management and Development related issues and positively contribute.

In order to accomplish the above-mentioned intention, the degree programme offers most relevant courses, with the appropriate mix of both qualitative and quantitative subject areas in the Human Resource Management discipline, also promote understanding of the field both from a local and a global perspective. In addition, the courses offered are designed in a way to enhance and strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the learners through theoretical knowledge and industry experience. Apart from the above, the programme would create a basis for the participants to acquire the competency relating to other functional areas of management and the partnering role the Human Resource Manager has to play in creating and delivering value through symbiotic relationship.

As a result, the study educational programmes has the potential to foster great people professionals who can contribute to the development of Human Resources on a variety of levels, including team, organizational, and national levels.

Programme Code :
BMSHons (Hum Rsc Mgt)
Programme Category :
Undergraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Faculty of Management Studies
Programme duration :
Minimum Four Years
Discipline(s) / Course(s) :
Human Resources Management

A person seeking admission for the degree programme, should complete 18 years of age by the date of the registration and shall be required to have;

a)  Any three passes in one and same sitting at the General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) Advanced Level Examination, Sri Lanka, or,

b)  Successfully completed any Foundation programme adding up to 60 credits at Level 1 and Level 2 offered by the Open University of Sri Lanka, or,

c)  Successfully completed an advanced certificate programme having 30 SLQF credits at SLQF Level 2 offered by the Faculty of Management Studies of OUSL, or,

d)  Successfully completed an advanced certificate programme of OUSL having 30 SLQF credits at SLQF Level 2, or,

e)  An equivalent or higher academic or professional qualification acceptable to the Senate


Other than the applicants in the category ‘c’ above will be subjected to a selection test administered by the Faculty of Management Studies if necessary.

The selection test comprises with three main parts:

1. Aptitude Test

2. General Knowledge Test

3. Communication Skills for Managers

You will be selected for the degree programme based on your performance at the common selection test conducted by the Faculty of Management Studies and your choice of preferred degree programme.

Non-Tuition Fee


Registration Fee:

Rs. 500.00

Facility Fee:

Rs. 2,500.00

Library Facility Fee:

Rs. 100.00

Start @ OUSL:

Rs.  8,500.00


Tuition Fee – Local Students

Level 03/04 per credit (Rs. 1720.00*60 credits)- Rs.103,200

Level 05/06 per credit (Rs. 2150.00*60 credits)- Rs.129,000

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

This undergraduate program is conducted by the Faculty of Management Studies. For more information, contact; Head of Department: Mr. K.P. Nishantha or Department Programme Coordinator: Ms. R. Vinothra/ Ms.Yasodha Dolawaththa

Address : Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Studies, OUSL
Contact : 011 288 1413, 070 361 6177
Email :
Contact Programme Coordinator

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