Senior Professor in Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
BSc Agri (Hons) (Peradeniya), MPhil (Peradeniya), PhD (Cranfield)Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Senior Professor
, Room No 347-Third Floor of Science and Technology Building
Office: 0112881323, Ext: 323
Last Updated on 3 months
Areas of Specialization:Soil and Water Engineering
Research interests:Groundwater Resources Assessment, Groundwater Quality, Climate change Predictions and Adaptation for climate change impacts on water and agriculture
Affiliations:- Visiting Scientists at the Cranfield University, UK from October 2005 to March 2006.
- Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Earth, Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK from January to July 2011
- Member of Research Council of the National Institute of Fundamentals Studies, Hantana, Kandy.
- Steering Committee member of the CAPnet –Lanka of the South Asian Consortium of Water Partnership.
- Steering Committee member of the Sri Lanka Water partnership and Lanka Jalani
- Steering Committee member of the Netwater of Women Water Professionals
- Best Paper Presentation Award in the Sub section of Irrigation and Water Resources in 1996 at the Annual Sessions of Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, for research paper on
De Silva, C.S, K Weatherhead and K.R Rushton (1996). Sustainability of Agro well irrigation on hard rock aquifers of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, 8:163-174
- Merit Award for excellent scientific research for 2001 by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka for
Research on “Identifying optimum agro well dimensions for sustainable irrigation in Anuradhapura District”.
- Excellence in Research Award for 2003 by the Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda. For research paper on
De Silva, C.S (2002) Sustainable groundwater resource management in the Thirappane Tank Cascade System. Journal of National Science Foundation, 30(3&4): 97-108
- Commonwealth Academic Fellowship Award for 2005 at Cranfield University, United Kingdom by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom.
- Annual Research Award for 2005/2006 by the Open University of Sri Lanka for research paper on
De Silva, C.S (2006) Impacts of climate change on potential soil moisture deficits and its use as a climate indicator to forecast irrigation need in Sri Lanka. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya., pp79-90, ISBN 955-1308-05-0
- Annual Research Award for 2008 by the Open University of Sri Lanka for research paper on
De Silva, C.S., E.K.Weatherhead, J.W. Knox, J.A.Rodrihuez-Diaz (2007). Predicting the impacts of climate change-A case study of paddy irrigation water requirements in Sri Lanka. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 93(2007)19-29. Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Annual Research Award for 2009 by the Open University of Sri Lanka for research paper on
Mikunthan, T. and C.S De Silva (2008). Vulnerability assessment for shallow aquifers using chemical quality of groundwater: A case study from Thirunelvely and Kondavil in Jaffna District. Tropical Agricultural Research, University of Sri Lanka, Vol 20: 303-312.
- Presidential Awards for Scientific Research 2007by the National Research Council of the Presidential Secretariat.
- Presidential Awards for Scientific Research 2008 by the National Research Council of the Presidential Secretariat.
- Commonwealth Academic Fellowship Award for 2010 at University of Birmingham, United Kingdom by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom
- Annual Research Award for 2009/2010 by the Open University of Sri Lanka for research paper on
C.S De Silva and T.Mikunthan (2010). Estimation of groundwater recharge in limestone aquifer using an improved soil moisture balance method: A case study in Jaffna District.
- Ph.D Supervision Award (2012) under SUSRED Scheme of the National Science Foundation and the cash prize of Rs 300,000
Selected Refereed Journal papers
- De Silva, C.S, E.R.N Gunawardena and K.R Rushton(1990). Soil water dynamics related to water logging in a sloping catchment, Journal of Hydrology. 123:179-295.
- De Silva, C.S (1993). A preliminary study on Agro wells in Hard rock aquifer, with special reference to well performance. Tropical Agricultural Research, 5: 17-28.
- De Silva, C.S, K Weatherhead and K.R Rushton (1996). Sustainability of Agro well irrigation on hard rock aquifers of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, 8:163-174
- De Silva, C.S and K.R Rushton (1996). Interpretation of the behaviour of agro well systems in Sri Lanka using radial flow models. Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 41(6) 825-835.
- De Silva, C.S and K.Weatherhead (1996). Optimising the dimensions of agro wells in hard rock aquifers in Sri Lanka. Journal of Agricultural Water Management, 33:117-126.Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- De Silva, C.S (1997) Groundwater regulation through design of agro well dimensions in the North-Western Province of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, 9:288-301
- De Silva, C.S, N. Fernando, R. Sakthivadivel and D Merry (1998). Managing groundwater in hard-rock areas through agro-well design and development. Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol. 15. No 3, 333-348.
- De Silva, C.S (2002) Sustainable groundwater resource management in the Thirappane Tank Cascade System. Journal of National Science Foundation, 30(3&4): 97-108
- De Silva, C.S and S Hohne (2005) Groundwater Vulnerability assessment and protection measures-An example from Sweden. Journal of National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka, 34(1):43-51. Sri Lanka
- De Silva, C.S., E.K.Weatherhead, J.W. Knox, J.A.Rodrihuez-Diaz (2007). Predicting the impacts of climate change-A case study of paddy irrigation water requirements in Sri Lanka. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 93(2007)19-29. Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- De Silva, C.S and K.R Rushton (2007). Groundwater recharge estimation using improved soil moisture balance methodology for a tropical climate with distinct dry seasons. Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 52 (5) 1051-1067. IAHS Press. U.S.A.
- De Silva, C.S and K.R. Rushton (2008) Representation of rainfed valley rice fields using a soil-water balance model. Journal of Agricultural Water Management. Elesvier publications. ScienceDirect. 95 (271-282).
- Mikunthan, T. and C.S De Silva (2008) Vulnerability assessment for shallow aquifers using chemical quality of groundwater: A case study from Thirunelvely and Kondavil in Jaffna District. Tropical Agricultural Research, University of Sri Lanka, Vol 20: 303-312.
- Mikunthan, T. and C. Shanthi De Silva. (2009). Estimation of groundwater recharge in limestone aquifer using an improved soil moisture balance method: A case study in Jaffna district. Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research.21 (1):51-61.
- De Silva, C.S and T. Mikunthan (2010) Estimation of aquifer parameters of limestone aquifers- A case study in Thirunelvely and Kondavil of Jaffna District. OUSL Journal, Vol 6, 75-90
- Mikunthan, T. and C. Shanthi De Silva. (2010). Sensitivity of crop and soil parameters in estimation of groundwater recharge using an improved soil moisture balance method. Journal of Dry Zone Agriculture. 1(1):44-58.
- M.D.M.Gunawardhana and C.S De Silva (2011). Impact of temperature and water stress on growth, yield and related biochemical parameters of Okra. Accepted in Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research. Vol. 23 (1):77-83.
- C. S De Silva and J. A. Rodriguez-Diaz (2011) Spatial impacts of climate change on major climatic factors in Sri Lanka. Sabragamuwa University Journal. Vol 10 (1): 60-75
- M.D.M.Gunawardhana and C.S De Silva (2011). Determination of optimum harvesting time for Okra (Abelmoscus Esculentus Var. Haritha) to cope with Temperature and Water Stress due to Global Warming. Sabragamuwa University Journal. Vol 10 (1): 76-89.
- Mikunthan, T. and C. S. De Silva. (2012). Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Jaffna Limestone Aquifer. Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research. Vol.23 (2):177-185.
- M.D.M.Gunawardhana and C.S De Silva (2014). Identifying the impact of temperature and water stress on growth and yield parameters of Chilli (Capscium Annuum L). OUSL Journal, Vol 7, pp 19-34.
- De Silva, C.S (2014) Simulation of potential groundwater recharge from the Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka using HYDRUS-1D model. OUSL Journal, Vol 7 pp 34-51.
- Full papers in Conference Proceedings
- Gunawardena, E.R.N, A Jeyabalasingham, C.S De Silva and K.R.Rushton (1990). The use of interceptor drainage technique in alleviating water logging in irrigation systems. Proceedings of the Symposium on Irrigation and Water Resources, Kandy, Sri Lanka. pp123-138
- De Silva, C.S and K Weatherhead (1994). The use of large diameter wells (Agrowells) for supplementary irrigation in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Down Under’ 94, Adelaide, Australia. 2B: 595-599.
- De Silva, C.S (1995). Drip irrigation with agrowells for vegetable production in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Micro irrigation Congress, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. 949-954.
- De Silva, C. S (1996) Impacts of land use on soil erosion in mid-country of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Erosion and Sediment Yield, Exeter, UK, 37-39.
- De Silva, C.S (1997) Modelling of groundwater at the large diameter well system in Sri Lanka with radial flow model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Analytic based modelling of groundwater flow, Nunspeet, The Netherlands, 36-40.
- De Silva, C.S (1997) Groundwater regulation policy in Agro well systems of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trend in Hydrology, Roorkee, India. 1:305-312
- De Silva, C.S (1997). Low cost drainage for alleviating water-logging problem in irrigation projects of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Drainage Workshop, Penang, Malaysia. 2:P24.1- P24.12.
- De Silva, C.S (1998) Managing harvested rainwater to ensure sustainable irrigation and water security in Drier parts of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Symposium on Rain Water harvesting for Water Security, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda. Vol 4 # 1:26-29.
- De Silva, C.S (1998) Groundwater resources as supplementary irrigation in the dry and intermediate zones of Sri Lanka for drought mitigation. Proceedings of the Workshop on the role R&D Institutions in Natural Disaster Management Colombo, Sri Lanka Vol 1:18.1-18.4
- De Silva, C.S (1998) Need to increase recharge to the aquifer in Sri Lankan hard rock terrain. Proceedings of the third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater-TISAR 98,Amsterdam, Netherlands, Peters et al. (eds.) Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 9058090175, 349-351
- De Silva, C.S (1998), Farmer owned agro-well irrigation in Sri Lanka, OUR Engineering Technology of the Open University of Sri Lanka, Vol 4 #2 13-17.
- De Silva, C.S (2000) Development of guidelines for efficient use of Agro wells. Proceedings of the National Conference on Status and Future Direction of Water Research in Sri Lanka. ISBN 9290903961, 39-48
- De Silva, C.S (2001). Efficient use of surface and groundwater in the Tank Cascade System in Sri Lanka. OUR Engineering Technology of the Open University of Sri Lanka, Vol 6 # 1, 17-20.
- De Silva, C.S (2002) Regulation of shallow groundwater resources in hard rock areas of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Use of Groundwater for Agriculture in Sri Lanka, 30th September 2002, pp 42-52
- De Silva, C.S (2002) Sustainable Shallow Groundwater Resource Management in the Hard Rock Terrain of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the IESL’s 3rd International Seminar: “The Engineer in Sustainable Social & Economic Development: The Regional Contribution towards Agenda 21”, 19th &20th October 2002, Colombo, pp 115-120
- De Silva, C.S (2003). Importance of Water Balance Studies for Efficient Use of Water Resources in the Tank Cascade Systems of Sri Lanka-A Case Study in Meegassagama. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka., Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, pp55-61
- De Silva, C.S and N.Ayomi (2004). Impact of Intensive vegetable Cultivation on Agro-Well Water Quality in Malsiripura Region of Kurunagala District. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya, pp121-134
- De Silva, C.S (2006) Impacts of climate change on potential soil moisture deficits and its use as a climate indicator to forecast irrigation need in Sri Lanka. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya., pp79-90, ISBN 955-1308-05-0
- De Silva, C.S and K. Weatherhead (2006). Spatial impacts of climate change on irrigation need for maha season paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka. Third National Symposium on Geo-Informatics, Central Environment Authority, Colombo. 25 August 2006, pp 101-112, ISBN 955-1308-04-2, Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya.
- Amarasinghe, S.R. and C.S. De Silva (2006) Water quality assessment of agrowells in Vavuniya District for the use of Agricultural and Domestic purposes. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, pp41-54, ISBN 955-1308-05-0
- C.S De Silva and Tanuja Ariyananda (2006). Impact of Rainfall Runoff harvesting in drought prone areas-A case study in Kotawehara of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Rainwater harvesting, 27-29 September 2006, Kandy, Sri Lanka. pp96-102
- De Silva, C.S (2006) Impacts of climate change on water resources in Sri Lanka. 32nd WEDC International Conference on Sustainable Development of water resources, water supply and environmental sanitation, BMICH, Colombo, 13-17th November 2006, pp502-508
- De Silva, C.S (2007). Impacts of climate change on rainfall runoff and water security in Sri Lanka- Predictions for 2050s. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, pp183-196, ISBN 955-1308-09-4
- Mukunthan, T and C.S.De Silva (2007). Preliminary Study on Nitrate contamination in Shallow Aquifers-A case study in Thirunelvely and Kondavil in Jaffna District. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, pp23-32, ISBN 955-1308-09-4
- De Silva, C.S. and S.R. Amarasinghe(2008). Water Quantity Assessemnt of Agro wells in Vavuniya District. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, pp55-66, ISBN 955-130-811-7.
- Mihunthan, T and C.S De Silva (2008) Nitrate pollution in Groundwater: A case study in Thirunelvely and Kondavil of Jaffna District. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Pp 67-77, ISBN 955-130-811-7.
- De Silva, C.S (2009). Spatial effects of Climate Change on the dry zone of Sri Lanka based on HadCM3 model. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, ISBN 978-955-1308-13-1. pp69-78.
- Mikunthan, T. and C. Shanthi De Silva. (2010). Sources and extent of groundwater pollution in shallow aquifer: A case study from Jaffna district Sri Lanka. C. Sarala (Ed). In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Hydrology and watershed management, India – 2010, pp. 41 – 48.
- C.S. De Silva and J. Tellam (2011) Simmulation of Nitrate Leaching and groundwater pollution in vegetable cultivation using HYDRUS -1D model. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, ISBN 978-955-1308-14-8. pp 167-178.
- Godawatta, V.N.A, De Silva, C.S and M.D.M.Gunawardhana (2011) Effect of mulch on growth and yield of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) to cope with global temperature stress due to climate change. International Conference on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture (ICICCA), University of Ruhuna, Mapalana Kamburupitiya. Dec 20th 2011, pp 95-102
- Gunawardhana, M.D.M, De Silva C.S and V.N.A Godawatta (2011) Impact of temperature and water stress on growth and yield of selected crops. International Conference on Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana Kamburupitiya. Dec 20th 2011, pp 150-157.
- C.S. De Silva (2012). Present water crisis in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and climate change impacts on rainfall. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Post graduate Institute of Agriculture, ISBN 978-955-1308-17-9 pp 21-30.
- C.S. De Silva (2013). Importance of modeling and its feasibility in predicting the future climate in Sri Lanka. . Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Post graduate Institute of Agriculture, ISBN 978-955-1308-18-6, pp 15-28
- Anomi, G.V.N and C.S De Silva (2013). Adaptation to temperature stress due to climate change: A study on soil properties, growth and yield of groundnut. Water Resources Research in Sri Lanka. Post graduate Institute of Agriculture, ISBN 978-955-1308-18-6 pp 83-92.
- C.Shanthi De Silva (2013). Impact of climate change on water resources and agriculture in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate change impacts and adaptations for food and environmental security. Published by Coconut Research Institute, Sri Lanka, Colombo. pp 67-72
- C.S.De Silva (2014). Impact of Climate change on water resources management in Sri Lanka. SHOBA. Environmental Magazine. Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy. Pp 24-28.
- C.S De Silva (2014) Rainwater Harvesting as an adaptation measure for the impact of climate change on water resources in the Central Hills of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Symposium on “Mainstreaming rainwater harvesting as a water supply option” International Water Management Institute, Battaramulla. 5th September 2014, pp72-79.
- Published Abstracts
- De Silva, C.S (2000) Optimum well dimensions for sustainable irrigation. Vidya, Vol: 2, No: 4, 7.
- De Silva,C.S, Lekamge, L.D and U.Coomaraswamy (2004) Content in Agriculture and rural development for women and girls in Sri Lanka through distance learning, 18th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities, Shanghai, China, 28-30 Novemeber 2004, p 64.
- Samaranayake,D.S, De Silva, C.S and U. Coomaraswamy (2003) Distance Learning Resources for Rural Women and Girls in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. 12-14th November 2003.pp 67-68
- De Silva, C.S (2003) Sustainable Livelihood Options to cope with drought by women in the Kurunagala District of Sri Lanka, proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2003, 19th November 2003.pp 38
- Amamrasinghe, R and C.S.De Silva (2004).Agrowell water quality assessment in Vavuniya District for domestic and agricultural purposes. Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2004, pp12
- Godawatta., N.A and C.S De Silva (2004). Impact of intensive vegetable cultivation on agrowell water quality for drinking and agricultural purposes in malsiripura region of Kurunagala District. Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2004, pp15
- Muthukumari, K.M.A and C.S De Silva (2007) A preliminary study to select soil amendments to improve the soil in the Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala for successful growth of Okra (Hisbiscus Esculentus). Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2007, pp84-86
- C.S De Silva (2007). Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2007, pp87-89
- Nishantha, E.A.D.N,; W.P.K, Silva,; N.S. Weerakkody and C.S. De Silva (2007). Pathogenicity of isolates of Cornespora Cassicola from Papaya and Rubber. Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2007, pp 90-92
- Gunasena, H.A.I.; K.H.S Peris and C.S De Silva (2007). Effect of different potting media mixtures on growth of durian (Duriao Zibethinus) and Jackfrout (Artocarpus Hetarophyllus) Grafts. Proceedings of the OUSL Inaugural Annual Academic Sessions-2007, pp110-112.
- De Silva, C.S (2007). Consequences of climate change impacts on Southwest Monsoon Rains and natural management in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the twelfth international Forestry and Environment Symposium 2007. University of Sri Jayawardenapura. 30th November 2007, Kalutara, pp7-8, ISBN 978-955-9054-63-4.
- A.S. Rathnayake and C.S De Silva (2008). Water quality of wells used for drinking purposes in coastal areas of Hambantota district. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions-2008 Proceedings, 21-24
- C. Shanthi De Silva (2008). Predicting the impacts of climate change on rainfall runoff in Sri Lanka and possible adaptation measures. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions-2008 Proceedings, 30-33
- Nilanthi Fernando and C.S de Silva (2009). Preliminary study on water and soil quality analysis in tsunami affected areas-A case study in a coastal belt from Panadura to Moratuwa. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions-2009- The Open University of Sri Lanka p127-130.
- S.D.Silva, C.S de Silva andW.R.G.Withrama (2009). Effect of depth of ploughing on soil moisture retension and growth of rainfed sugarcane. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions-2009- The Open University of Sri Lanka p157-160.
- Wimalasena, W. R. W. De Silva., C. S and P. M.Wijerathna (2008) Comparison of growth and yield parameters of traditional and newly improved rice varieties under the green house condition. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions-2008 Proceedings, 38-40
- Egodawatta, W. M. S. K., De Silva C. S. and K. H. Sarananda (2008). Development of Ready to Serve Drink and Nectar from Pomegranate. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions-2008 Proceedings, 105-108
- Jeewandara, T. K.,. De Silva, C. S., Gunasekara, H. K. L. K and M. C. Wickramasinghe (2008). Preliminary study on the effects of N, P and K fertilizer on growth of Sandriana (Dracaena sandriana) to improve export quality. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions-2008 Proceedings, 105-108
- De Silva, C.S (2009).Impact of Climate Change predictions on food production in Sri Lanka and possible adaptation measures. Abstracts of the National Symposium on Promoting Knowledge Transfer to strengthen Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation. 7-8 July 200, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka.pp7.
- De Silva, C.S (2009) Impacts of climate change on North-east monsoon and possible consequences in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. OUSL-Annual Academic Sessions-2009, pp48-51
- De Silva, C.S (2009) Climate change effects on North east monsoon and Dry zone Agriculture in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Conference on Global Climate Change and its impacts on Agriculture, Forestry and Water in the Tropics, Tourmaline-Kandy, September 10-11, 2009.
- De Silva, C.S (2010) Spatial Impacts of climate change on major climatic factors and their consequences in Sri Lanka. Annual Research Sessions of Sir John Kotalawala Defense University pp2-4.
- De Silva, C.S (2011). Fate of nitrogenous fertilizers in the unsaturated soil zone under rainfed Chilli cultivation. OUSL Annual Academic Sessions -2011 proceedings. pp1-5. The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
- Gunawardena, M.D.M., De Silva, C. S. and Gunasekara, H. K. L. K (2011). Impact of temperature and water stress due to global warming on growth and yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). OUSL Annual Academic Sessions -2011 proceedings. Pp 6-10. The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
- De Silva, C.S. (2011). Community well water quality deterioration due to nitrate leaching and possible health Hazards.International Conference on “Community and Water Services-Challenges for sustainability, Malteser International, pp 67.
- C.S De Silva (2011) Impact of Climate change on Water Resources Management in Sri Lanka. Climate Change Volunteer Group Conference and Expo-11, Mayfair Garden Hotel, London, UK.pp 16-26
- G.V.Norica Aiome and C.S De Silva (2012) Response of maize plants (Zea Mays.L) to stressful temperatures. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open university of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp: 5-8
- G.V.Norica Aiome and C.S De Silva (2012).Effect of temperature stress and mulch on growth and yield of Chilli (Capsicum Annuam.L) Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp: 13-16.
- G.V.Norica Aiome and C.S De Silva (2012). Effect of mulch of yield of groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea.L). Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp: 17-20.
- C.S De Silva and John Tellam (2012) Nirate leaching from soils with textural differences and crop types. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp: 9-12.
- C.S De Silva (2013). Impact of climate change in Jaffna Peninsula and possible adaptation measures.” SCP Driving Sri Lanka towards a green economy”. 2nd Sri Lankan roundtable on sustainable consumption and production. Pp 16-17.
- Dinushani, K.K.P, C.S De Silva and M.D.M.Gunawardena (2013). Determination of crop-coefficient and crop water requirement of mungbean (Vignarata L.) in DL1B agro ecological region of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp11-14.
- C. S De Silva (2013) Water quality assessment in Jaffna, Vavuniya, Anuradhapura, Kurunagala and Hambantota in Sri Lanka for domestic purposes. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp5-8.
- Dishani, P.T.N and C.S De Silva (2013) Impact of mulch on growth parameters of Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum-Variety Thilina) plants exposed to high temperature and water stress. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp14-18
- Dishani, P.T.N and C.S De Silva (2013) Impact of mulch on yield parameters of Tomato(Solanum lycopersicum-Variety Thilina) plants exposed to high temperature and water stress. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp19-22
- Norica Aiomi, G.V and C.S. De Silva (2013) Impact of mulching on soil properties to cope with temperature stress by Maize plants (Zea Mays.L). Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp23-26.
- Munasinghe, S.S.P, Nakandala, S.A, C.S De Silva, P.Seneviratne, S.M.M.Iqbal and P.D Pathirana (2013). Performance assessment of technically specified and non-technically specified sprinkler irrigation systems in rubber nurseries in the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions of the Open University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 2012-9912, pp27-32
- Ranasinghe, E.M.S, C.S De Silva and R.U.K.Piyadasa (2014). Variability of Rainfall and relationship to Southern Oscilation in Hanbantota, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Research Conferen on Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, ISBN 2279-2309, pp 41.
- G.V.N.Aiomi and C.S De Silva (2014). Effect of mulch on soil properties and yield of groundnut plants exposed to temperature stress. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions, ISBN 2012-9912, pp 1-4.
- P.T.N. Dishani and C.S De Silva (2014) Impact of mulches on physiological parameters of tomato (Lycopersicum esculantum – variety Thilina) at different growth stages exposed to high temperature and water stress. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions, ISBN 2012-9912, pp 9-12.
- C.S De Silva (2014) Impact of climate change on water resources in Central Hills of Sri Lanka and possible adaptation measures. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions, ISBN 2012-9912, pp 100-103.
- E.M.S. Ranasinghe , C.S De Silva and R.U.K.Piyadasa (2014) inter-decadal variability of seasonal rainfall in Sri Lanka within the period of 1951-2010. Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions, ISBN 2012-9912, pp 104-108.
- E.M.S. Ranasinghe , C.S De Silva and R.U.K.Piyadasa (2014) An assessment of seasonal rainfall variability in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 2014 International Conference of the Faculty of Arts. University of Colombo. 17-18 November 2014. ISBN 2420-7365. pp36.
Books and Monograph
De Silva, C.S (2000) Agrowells for Drought Mitigation. Publication of National Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Social Welfare, Sri Lanka (Three books in Sinhala, Tamil, and English)
De Silva, C.S (2004) Livelihood Options for Coping with Drought. Publication of the National Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Social Welfare, Sri Lanka.
De Silva, C.S (2005) “Mainstreaming Gender in Water Resources Management”
Publication of the Network of Women Water Professional and Global Water Partnership, Colombo
C.Shanthi De Silva (2010). A method for forecasting the effects of climate change on groundwater resources in Sri Lanka in the 2050s and for identifying possible adaptation measures. No: 2 Monograph series, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Unpublished Thesis
De Silva, C.S (1988) Catchment Hydrology in Mahaweli System C of Sri Lanka. M.Phil Thesis. Post graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
De Silva, C.S (1995). The use of large diameter wells (agrowells) for supplementary irrigation from hard-rock aquifers of Sri Lanka. Ph.D Thesis. Silsoe College, Cranfield University , Bedford, UK.
Ongoing Research:1. Climate Change Prediction for Sri Lanka using HadCM3 (GCM of Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, UK) in collaboration with Cranfield University, United Kingdom.
2.Seasonal variability of Rainfall in Sri Lanka with collaboration with University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
3. Temperature and Water stress due to global warming in selected dry zone vegetable crops.
4. Farmers perception coping ability to climate change in selected dry zone areas of Sri Lanka
Research Supervisions:Undergraduate Projects nearly 30 uptodate
MPhils -4
PhDs -3