Projects for BSc degree Level -5 Students at OUSL

Notices for Students

Dear Students,
If any of you wish to do the final year research project in one of following topics, please contact me.
Please note you need to come to the lab at least four days per week and needs to work hard. In return you will develop many skills, gain knowledge and practical experience. Those who excel in research can expect to publish a research paper and or develop a commercial product.
If you wish to apply, please send a CV (include exam results as well)
G.D. Illepruma,
Senior Lecturer in Physics.
Contacts: , 714406268
Room 212 at dept physics or Neo space lab near CRC building

Microcontroller based device to convert a PC / Smart Phone to an oscilloscope

Digital oscilloscopes provides a high level of functionality such as rolling mode and auto detection of frequency. However these are expensive and not readily available for schools or electronics hobbyist. The objective of this project is to design a device which can be coupled with a low-end windows PC to function as an oscilloscope. High sampling rate is not required but general functionality with user friendly GUI is to be developed. Optionally increasing the functionality of the device by incorporating data logging and signal generation functionality with a smart phone is also to be explored.

Computer Programming, Microcontroller programming, Electronics


Therapeutic Robot prototype

A therapeutic robot looks like a soft toy. Some of them are made similar to pets such as cats and dogs while others are imaginary animals. These robots can respond to stimulations. For example, a robot made in the shape of a cat may close its eyes or make a sound when some one touch it. In developed countries these are used to reduce anxiety, stress as a rehabilitation’s method and as a supportive method for drowns syndrome. The student is expected to build the initial prototype of such a robot. Optionally the robot can be clinically tested and converted to a product.

Microcontroller programming, Electronics, Workshop and 3d modeling


Science Learning kit for children

Science is fun and exciting. But to see it you need to do it. In this project we wish to develop a DIY kit for STEM education. It will cover different aspects of STEM by doing fin experiments.

Knowledge in AL and OL science, Ability to think creatively, 3d modeling and workshop experience.
