Lecturer (Probationary)
BSc.Eng.(AIT),MEng(AIT)Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Website RG
Central Campus, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka
Office: 0112881477, Ext: 477
E-mail: acper@ou.ac.lk
Web: https://ou.ac.lk/mr-a-c-g-perera/
Aththanayake Chandima Gayan Perera received his BSc Engineering degree in the field of Mechatronics Engineering from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand in 2016. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he completed his Master of Engineering degree (MEng) in the field of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from the same University in 2018. He first joined the Open University as a Temporary Demonstrator in January 2019.
He currently works as a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Last Updated on 10 months
Areas of Specialization:Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Customer Experience
Applied Electronics
- Department Representative for the FETSAC 2021 (7th and 8th January 2022)
DMX3304 – Applied Electronics
DMX4410 – Electrical and Pneumatic Machines
DMX4307 – Electrical Machines and Drives
DMX5316 – Mechatronics Product Design
DMY7880_DMY7881 – Engineering Research Project (Mechanical and Mechatronics)
Publications:Journal Publications
- A.C.G. Perera, W.V. Nishadi, Construction of Magic Squares of Orders, where is odd and ∈ ℕ, Elixir International Journal: 2019.
- D.M.T.B. Dissanayake, M.D.M.C.P. Weerarathna, D.G.S.D. Dehigama, A.C.G. Perera, Constructing Strongly Regular Graphs from Skew-Hadamard Matrices, Elixir International Journal: 2019.
- S.V.A.S.H. Ariyathunge, H.M.K.K.M.B. Herath, A.C.G. Perera, Design & Implementation of an Automated Protective Film Applying Machine for the Aluminum Fabrication, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology: June 2019.
- A.C.G. Perera, Investigating the Impact of Familiarity and Product Conditions on the Ease of Use of a Product, Instrumentation Journal: Volume 6 Number 2, June 2021.
Abstract Publications
- A.C.G. Perera, Examining the Influence of Familiarity and Product Conditions on the Ease of Use of a Product, Research Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: 2019.
- W.V. Nishadi, A.C.G. Perera and H.M.C.A. Herath, Isomorphism of Graphs Obtained from Inequivalent Hadamard Matrices of Order Sixteen, Proceedings of the International Conference in Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Sri Lanka: March 2019.
- A.C.G. Perera, W.V. Nishadi, Construction of Magic Squares of Orders, where is odd and ∈ ℕ, Research Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: 2019.
- D.M.T.B. Dissanayake, M.D.M.C.P. Weerarathna, D.G.S.D. Dehigama, A.C.G. Perera, Constructing Strongly Regular Graphs from Skew-Hadamard Matrices, ResearchCongress, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: 2019.
- W.D.K.K. Weliwaththa*, H.D.N.S. Priyankara, A.C.G. Perera, Study of optoelectronic motion capture systems to analyze sit-to-stand human body movements of paraplegic patients, YSCMR (Young Scientists Conference on Multidisciplinary Research) 2021.
- W.D.K.K. Weliwaththa*, H.D.N.S. Priyankara, A.C.G. Perera, Study of designing a sit to stand transfer assistive robot device for paraplegic patients, YSCMR (Young Scientists Conference on Multidisciplinary Research) 2021.