Welcome to the Learner Support Cell of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Learner Support Cell (LSC) is established at the faculty of Health Sciences to address student issues and to provide support to the learners in order to complete their studies successfully. LSC maintains WhatsApp groups for all four Programmes of the faculty to be in touch with the students. Further we conduct student forums for all four programmes at the end of the 1st semester with the Dean of the faculty of Health Sciences, Head of the department and the academic staff members to discuss student issues and concerns. We also conduct workshops to support students in their academic activities.
The Chairperson of the LSC, who represents the Faculty of Health Sciences communicates with the representatives from all the departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences to successfully implement learner support activities of the faculty.
Contact email: lscfhs@ou.ac.lk
Phone number: 0719655179
Study Tips for Distance Education
Open and distance learning (ODL) is practiced at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). ODL is a teaching and learning strategy that offers open and flexible access to learning opportunities to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Initially you might find this a challenging task, but eventually you will develop multiple life skills including self-organization, time management and lifelong learning.
How to be an effective learner
Create a separate space for your studies
Pick one place to study with natural light. Recreate your environment with minimum distractions. Do not forget to keep your phone away.
This will help you to focus on your studies. You should maintain a diary (eg: creating a google calendar) (https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37095?hl=en) with your day schools, upcoming exams. Do not forget to have breaks and physical activities.
Plan your studies
You can plan your studies according to the number of credits you registered. Remember one credit requires 50 hours of study time and you know how many hours you need to spend studying according to the number of credits you have taken in each semester. Accordingly, calculate the number of hours you have to study each week. Also bear in mind the number of credits for each course (the second digit of your course code depicts the number of credits). Schedule study times for each course accordingly and stick to the schedule.
Stay Organized
Store all of your study materials in such away so that you could locate those.
Login to your LearnOUSL account on a regular basis
Do you know how to access LearnOUSL where you will receive all your e-course material? Please click here to login to LearnOUSL.
Course profiles and assessment criteria are all given in LearnOUSL. Do not rely on other students to get relevant information. You must log in to your account on LearnOUSL and receive all the information provided to you. Please contact the Department if you do not have access to courses that you have registered in each semester. Be sure to reach out to your teachers if you have any questions via LearnOUSL (Discussion forum) or email. Contact details of the co-ordinators and the lecturer are given in your LearnOUSL platform.
Check MyOUSL, Student email account and LearnOUSL announcements regularly
The teacher can contact you via MyOUSL (http://ums.omis.ousl.lk/),
OUSL student email and LearnOUSL. Therefore, it is a must you regularly check these learner management systems.
Practice Good Zoom Etiquette
No one would like to be embarrassed. Other participants as well as you will be affected by keeping your microphone unmuted/ video on. Therefore, when you do not want anyone to see you or hear you, double check that your video is off, and you are on mute.
Be motivated
Being a student in the ODL system, you may have many obstacles and challenges. But you need to remember this is the time for you to gain knowledge and stay connected with the people in your life who inspire you. Having short-term and long-term goals in life will make it easier for you to be motivated.
“When there’s a hill to climb don’t think waiting will make it smaller”
Make sure that you do activities for better physical and mental health. Any form of exercise is a good place to start.
Support provided for learning at OUSL
Day schools- Day schools are interactive sessions where you get the opportunity to meet the respective course teachers to clarify any difficulties in your study material. Attending a day school will immensely help you to perform well in the exams. However, day schools are not compulsory.
Laboratory/ work based-training/ projects– Practical work is an integral part of many courses and attendance is compulsory.
Online Support– Most of the courses are supplemented with an online component via LearnOUSL. An account is created for each student registered for the programs and you could access your online course via the LearnOUSL account created for you.
Library– Speak to library staff and investigate borrowing facilities and online library resources including; electronic books and Open Educational Resources. For more information, please visit http://lib.ou.ac.lk/