The study Center of the Open University of Sri Lanka located in Hatton has been established with a view to provide equitable learning opportunities for Nuwara-Eliya District people of the Central province. The Study Center started its operations in 2002. Hatton Study Center is keen to provide higher educational opportunities to the students who are facing difficulties in pursuing their higher educational goals without obtaining local university admissions by writing the advanced level examination. We are the only government recognized university in Nuwara Eliya District which consists of 5 Divisional Secretariat Divisions and 491 Grama Niladhari Divisions.
Our Center is expanding its educational activities to focus on these students and to decrease the educational backwardness of the Nuwara Eliya District. We have a good staff who can build a good rapport with our learners. Moreover, there are some deficiencies in the infrastructure facilities which will be overcome in the near future. It is planned to relocate our center with all the facilities in a new location soon. But yet we are providing a satisfactory holistic service to our learners with available facilities. We are always committed to making a better future for our learners. We enthusiastically assist learners in our area to raise their education levels in line with the mission to provide lifelong learning opportunities through Open, Distance and Flexible Education with a commitment to excellence in teaching and research.
Message from Assistant Director
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Open University of Sri Lanka , Hatton Study Centre. Student life is a beautiful, yet hectic part of life. People go through all kinds of struggles during this time. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has grown into an important global strategy in resolving problems of access to education. Distance education is clearly different from regular education in terms of a student or teacher’s physical presence. For the most part, it translates into increased freedom for both learners and educators.
I want you to know that the entire staff is here to support, sustain, and encourage you as you commit to study at Hatton Open University Study Centre. We could not be more privileged to welcome you into this vibrant learning community. It is you who make us what we are, and we look forward to the fresh ideas and energy you bring to our campus. I speak for the entire community of the Open University in saying we are so happy you have made the decision to join us. Welcome!
K.G.T Dilrukshi (Attorney-at-Law)
Assistant Director