Solar Remote Laboratory


The Open University of Sri Lanka built Sri Lanka’s first solar remote laboratory as a leading provider of open and distance learning. There are three major functions of this solar remote lab: Experiments on solar panel characteristics for university students Facilities for researchers to conduct research. Maintain a full database of solar power generation and weather conditions. There is a significant difference or specialization of this laboratory, which is, Through the internet, students can participate in the lab remotely and perform experiments. Consequently, this laboratory is open to students worldwide, not just locals. The lab comprises three primary solar panel units, with one unit placed indoors and two units positioned outdoors. Through these experimental units, students can conduct tests on the characteristics of solar panels under both controllable and uncontrollable conditions. For instance, they can examine various light intensities, different wavelengths, and diverse load conditions, among other factors. This project started in 2020, and taking almost two years to complete.

LAB developed by

Eng. HDNS Priyankara, Eng. GMKB Karunasena



Funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union