Workshop on Career Exploration and Trends in the World of Work

February 23, 2023

Workshop 03
Name of the program: Workshop on Career Exploration and Trends in the World of Work
Resource person: Prof. PMC Thilakarathne (Prof. PMC Thilakarathne Vice Chancellor OUSL), Dr. Beshan kulapala (Tech Entrepreneur Former Director & co-founder of Vega innovations Sri Lanka)
Venue: Via Zoom
Date: 23.02.2023
Time: 7:30 p.m to 09:00 p.m
This programme conducted by the Career Guidance Unit for all the undergraduates and graduates students. The resource persons of the event were Prof. PMC Thilakarathne, Dr. Beshan kulapala, Mr. Buddhi Paranamana, Mr. Indika Ranathunga, Ms. Kavshali Basnayake and Ms. Nadinka Wannakuwatte