All departments of Study enroll students for postgraduate research degrees leading to the awards of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in compliance with university policies and guidelines.
Interested applicants are requested to contact the head of the Department of Study or academic staff members relevant to the proposed research discipline at any time of the year. The applicants will be guided to formulate proper research proposals and the application process for registering for research degrees with the assignment of supervisors is handled by the relevant Department of Study and the Faculty Research Committee.
In addition to the research degrees the Departments of study conduct master’s degrees at SLQF 9 and 10. SLQF level 10 master’s degrees require the students undertake full time research work equivalent to a minimum of 30 Credits after completing taught courses.
Post Graduate Students in the Faculty of Engineering Technology – 2021-2022
Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
Title of the MPhil/PhD Study | Candidate’s name | Supervisors’ Name/s | |
1 | Impact of temperture stress on soil water balance, crop yield and nitrate leaching on selected vegetable crops and future prediction using HYDRUS-1D modelling. | R.P.D.N Kumara | Prof.(Mrs) C.S.De Silva Dr.(Mrs) H.K.L.K Gunasekara |
Department of Civil Engineering
Title of the MPhil/PhD Study | Candidate’s name | Supervisors’ Name/s | |
1 | Investigating Sustainable limits to surface water storage | Mr. AMNAK Eriyagama | Dr. LA Udamulla Dr. V. Smakhtin Dr. I. Werellagama |
2 | Scrutinize ecosystem sustaianbility of west coast ; an approach for adaptive governance of resilient natural capital in the face of development arrays in Sri Lanka | Mr. Bandula Wickramaarachchi | Prof. B.C.L Athapattu Dr. T.M.N. Wijerathne |
3 | Protection against the scouring effect at downstream of an irrigation structure with modular gabion lining | Mr. D.P.M.B Thibbotuwawa | Dr. GN Paranavithana |
4 | Restoration of Estuarine Environment affected by Hypoxia through artificial downwelling using sustainable Sources | Ms. D.M.O.N Dissanayaka | Prof. B.C.L Atapattu Prof. Jagath Manatunge |
5 | Assessment of the air pollution in urban environments due to point source and area source emissions using air dispersion modelling : A case study on thermal power plants and vehicular emission contribution to air pollution in colombo urban area. | Ms. H.B.U. Nishajanthani | Prof. B.C.L Athapattu Prof. Shiromi karunaratna Mr. H.D.S. Premasiri |
6 | Recycled construction and demolition waste as a raw material to rural roads and pavements developments in Sri Lanka. | Mr. A.K.P Arandara | Dr. M. S.T Priyadarshana Dr. G.N. Paranavithana Prof. Ranjith Dissanayake Prof. Rajih B. Malick |
7 | Analysis and addressing payment issues in sate sector construction contracts in sri lanka. | Mr. N.Sudesan | Prof. D.A.R Dolage
Prof. Mohan M.Kumaraswamy |
8 | Analysing the Corrosionrates in reinforced concrete Structures Based on the Geographic Location and Different Exposure Conditions in Sri Lanka | Mr. S.S.S Kottearachchi | Dr. T.L Predeep |
9 | Assesing the Effect of Climate Change on the Extreme Rainfall and Floods through Hydrology Modelling in Three Climatic Zones of Sri Lanka | Mr. ADS Iresh | Prof. B.C.L Athapattu Prof. J. T. B. Obeysekara Dr. W.C.D. K. Fernando |
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Title of the MPhil/PhD Study | Candidate’s name | Supervisors’ Name/s | |
1 | Development of a framework to foster collaborative learning among engineering student using moodel learning analytics. | Ms. H.P.A Peramunagamage | Prof. HUW Rathnayake Prof. SP Karunanayaka |
2 | Performance evalution of physical layer network coded parallel relay channels operating with non-orthogonal multiple access. | Ms. P.H.P.A Bandara | Dr. D.N Balasuriya Dr. Udesh S. Oruthota |
3 | Analyzing the corrosion rate in reinforced concrete structures based on the regions,from the coastal level in sri lanka. | Mr. D.M.D.K Dissanayaka | Dr. K.A.C Udayakumar Prof. K.T.M.U Hemapala |
4 | Estimating true emotional state of an individual by reading micro facial expressions | Ms. D. Edireweera | Prof. H.U.W. Ratnayake Dr. C. R. De Silva |
5 | Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Grid Connected Distribution Network | Ms. RHG Shasikala | Dr. KAC Udayakumar Dr. Narendra De Silva |
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title of the MPhil/PhD Study | Candidate’s name | Supervisors’ Name/s | |
1 | The fatigue performance of high strength steel railway bridges based on fracture mechanics approach. | Mr. V.Viththagan | Dr. D.H.R.J Wimalasiri Dr. P.A.K Karunananda |
2 | Development and Characterization of Chameleon inspired hybrid quadrupedal mobile robot | Mr. A.P.T.D Pathirana | Eng. T.M.D.N.T Medagedara Eng. PDSH Gunawardane |