Dr. S Thrikawala

Senior Lecturer Grade I

PhD (IWRM, Peradeniya), MSc (Agric Econ, Guelph), MPhill (Agri, Peradeniya), BSc (Agri, Peradeniya)

Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology


Office: 0112881315/0112881089, Ext: 315/589

E-mail: sthri@ou.ac.lk

Dr. Sunil Thrikawala started his tertiary education at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 1982 and completed a BSc (Agriculture) in 1986 and an MPhill (Agriculture) degree in 1990. Thereafter, he completed a MSc in Agricultural Economics at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada in 1996. He was awarded a Netherland funded Scholarship under the SAWA Scholarship programme in 2008 to study for a doctorate at the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. He received Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2011. His specialty is in the field of Water Resources Economics. He has number of years of experience in research in the area of agricultural and water resources economics and integrated water resources management. He has worked for International Water Management Institute (May 2000 to October 2004) as an Agricultural Economist and consultant/Resource economist (July 2011 to February 2012) for SMEC. He is also a member (Resources and Environmental Economist) of the study team of the Centre for Environmental Studies of the University of Peradeniya. He joined the Open University of Sri Lanka in February 2012 as a Senior Lecturer to the Department of Agricultural and Plantation Engineering. He also serve as a member of the teaching panel of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.

Last Updated on 4 months

Areas of Specialization:

Water Resources Economics

Research interests:

Financing and cost recovery of water and integrated water resources management


Center For Environmental Studies (CES), University of Peradeniya Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya

Course Coordination:
  • AEX5243 – Farm Power and Machinery,
  • AEM4234 – Agricultural Economics and Management,
  • AEM4235 – Agricultural Marketing,
  • AEY6595/6596 – Individual Projects

Journals, Proceedings and Book Chapters:

Thrikawala S. and N.C. Narayanan (2014). Foreign Assistance, Dependence and Debt: A Sanitation Case Study, Kandy Sri Lanka. In Water Governance and Civil Society Responses in South Asia. N.C. Narayanan, S. Parasuraman and R. Ariyabandu (eds) pp 144-169. Routledge, India and UK.

Thrikawala, S., E.R.N. Gunawardena, and L.H.P. Gunaratne (2014). Sustainable urban water supply and sanitation: A case study from Kandy Sri Lanka. In Vishal Narain, Chanda Guru Goodrich, Jayathi Chourey and Anjal Prakash (eds), Globalization of Water Governance in South Asia. Pp. 290-310. Routledge, India and UK.

Narayanan, N.C. and S.Thrikawala,. (2011). Aid, Technology and Project Dependence: Case of Institutional Weakening of Water Sector from Sri Lanka. SAWAS. Vol. 2(2): 59-74.

Gunawardena, E.R.N., M.T.M. Maheesh, I.P.P. Gunawardena, E.A.S.K. Ratnapriya, M.G.T.S. Amarasekara and S. Thrikawala (2010). Transdisciplinary Research in Integrated Water Resources Management in Addressing Issues Related to Water Pollution of Mahaweli River. Symposium Proceedings of the Water Professionals’ Day, October, 2010. Editors: N.D.K. Dayawanse and R.P. de Silva.

Thrikawala, S., L.H.P. Gunaratne, and E.RN. Gunawardena. (2008). Impact of different tariff structure on residential water demand: A case Study from Kandy, Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research. Vol. 20. Pp 60-72.

Weerahewa, Jeevika and Sunil Thrikawala (2009). Impacts of Global Rice and Agricultural Market Liberalization on the Sri Lankan Economy. In  “Rice Trade Liberalization in South Asia” edited by M.M. Razzaque and Selim Rehman and published by the Commonwealth Secretariat, London .

Hussain, I., S. Thrikawala and R. Barker. (2002). Economic Analysis of Residential, Commercial and Industrial Use of Water in Sri Lanka. Water International, Vol. 27(2); 183-193.

Weerahewa, J.., H.M. Gunathilake, S. Thrikawala and H.B. Kotagama (2000). Impact of Potato Trade Liberalization on Soil Erosion: A Multi Period Market Simulation Model. Sri Lanka Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 3(1). Pp 123-141.

Thrikawala, S., A. Weersink, G. Kachanoski, and Glenn Fox (1999). Economic Feasibility of Variable-Rate Technology for Nitrogen on Corn. Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Vol. 81 (November): 914-927.

Thrikawala, S. and H.B. Kotagama 1998. Impact of Selected Macro-Economic Policies on Soil Erosion in Sri LankaTropical Agriculture Research. Vol. 10:179-191.

Thrikawala, S., A. Weersink, and G. Kachanoski 1998Management Unit Size and Efficiency Gains from Nitrogen Fertilizer Application. Agricultural Systems, Vol. 56(4). Pp. 513-531.

Thrikawala, S. and D. Bandara 1992. Evaluation of Leaf Characteristics of Cowpea and Mung Bean Varieties for Drought Resistance. Tropical Agriculture Research. Vol. 4:42-53.



Hussain, I., M. Hanjra, S. Thrikawala and D. Wijerathne. Impact of Irrigation Infrastructure Development on Dynamics of Incomes and Poverty: Econometric Evidence Using Panel Data from Sri Lanka.  JBIC Research Report. N0 32. Japan Bank for International Cooperation, March 2007.

Sivamohan, M.V.K. C. Scott, I. Hussain, U. Ganguly, J. Bauma, S. Thrikawala and D. Wijerathna. Pro-poor Intervention Strategies in Irrigated Agriculture in Asia—Poverty in Irrigated Agriculture: Issues and Options. Project Report, IWMI-ADB. 2004.

Hussain, I., F. Marikkar and S. Thrikawala. Impact Assessment of Irrigation Infrastructure Development on Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study from Sri Lanka.  JBIC Research Report N0.19., Japan Bank for International Cooperation, AUGUST 2002.

Weerahewa, J., S. Thrikawala and S. Liyanage. Applicability of Economic Instruments for Environment Management: Household Solid Waste. Report submitted to the Global Affairs and Environment Division of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment. 2001.


Senarathna, U.N., K. Hettiarchchi, and S. Thrikawala 2012. Varietal Evaluation of Exotic Tomato Varieties in Mid Country Wet Zone. In the Proceedings of the Academic Annual Sessions 2012 of the Open University of Sri Lanka. 27 to 28 of February 2013. Pp 29-32.

Sangakkara, B.N.K, W.A.P. Weerakkody, S. Thrikawala and P. Amarasekara. 2012. Effect of Exogenous NAA and 1-MCP on Reducing Immature Fruit Drop and Enhancing the Quality of Yield of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.). In the Proceedings of the Academic Annual Sessions 2012 of the Open University of Sri Lanka. 27 to 28 of February 2013. Pp 33-35.


Papers Presented

Thrikawala, S. and M. Sudasinghe (2010). Sustainable Urban Sanitation through Sewerage Treatment Plants. Paper presented at National Research Dissemination Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research in Integrated Water Resources Management. December 21, 2010. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Thrikawala, S. and N. Gunawardena (2010). Urbanization and Water: Emerging opportunities and challenges in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 5th South Asia Workshop on Globalization and  Governance of Water – Implications for Water Management in South Asia. During May 3-5, 2010.

Sunil Thrikawala and Nimal Gunawardena. (2008). Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Sri Lanka through Policy Interventions. Paper presented at the International Conference on Water Resources Policy in South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 18-20, 2008.

Thrikawala, S. (2007). Impact of different tariff structure on residential water demand: A case Study from Kandy, Sri Lanak, Paper presented at the Third South Asia Water Research Conference: INNOVATIVE MODELING APPROACHES FOR IWRM. May 24-26, 2008 Dhaka, Bangladesh

Thrikawala, S. and N.C. Narayanan (2007). Donor Influence and Institutional Changes in the Foreign-aided Projects of Sewerage and Water Supply in Kandy City, Srilanka: Questions of Dependence and Debt”. Paper presented  at the workshop on “Civil Society in Water Governance in South Asia” held in Pune, India during October 8-10, 2007.

Sunil Thrikawala, Susantha Jayasundara and Alfons Weersink (2006). Profitability and Environmental Effects of Nitrogen Application on Winter Wheat. Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting of Canadian Economic Association. Montreal, Canada.

Deepananda Herath, Alfons Weersink and Sunil Thrikawala Environmental Regulations and Livestock Production Levels: What is the Direction of Causality? Paper presented at the American Agricultural Economic Association Annual Meetings, Long Beach, California, US, July 2006.


Ongoing Research:

Food security through newly introduced pre-harvest technologies.

Development of household food security models for poverty stricken areas of Sri Lanka.

Research Supervisions:


An assessment of water quality of the community wells in Wellampitiya

Impact of fertilizer application on surface water; An assessment of water quality of Polwatta river in Matara District.

Human elephant conflict incidents and crop degradation in Polpitigama area in Kurunegala district

Effect of different staking methods  on pole bean yield and cost analysis

Identification of effective pre-seed treatment techniques & enhancing  seedling growth of early grafting ber (masang)

Extension influence  on popularity  of adoptability of nature farming  habits of Dikwella region

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