Senior Lecturer (G II)
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Central Campus, Ground floor, Science and Technology building, Room No : W12
Office: 2881446, Ext: 446
Senior Lecturer (GII) in Zoology (2017- to date)
Lecturer in Zoology (2008-2017)
Last Updated on 3 years
Areas of Specialization:Animal physiology, Parasitology, Immunology
Research interests:Pharmocognosy, Behavioral Genetics, Toxicology
Programme Coordination:MSc in Medical Entomology and Applied Parasitology
Course Coordination:ZYU5307- Mammalian Biology, ZYU5309- Paleobiology
- Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship for post graduate studies in Japan (2010)
- MIND (Munsinghe Institute for Development) scholarship for the undergraduate student. (MIND is a private, nonprofit organization, established to play a key role in sustainable development issues).
- Best paper award for the paper titled as “In vitro procoagulant and thrombolytic activities of sri lankan wild type Carica papaya l. mature leaf concentrate against blood coagulation cascade” at the 2nd scientific session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Laboratory Animals Sciences.
- Third prize for the best poster presentation at IPR retreat organized by the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan (2011)
- The Gulamhusein A. J. Noorbhai Gold Medal for the highest competence at the Special Degree Examination in Zoology (2006).
- The Gulamhusein A. J. Noorbhai Gold Medal for the best undergraduate Research Project in Zoology (2006)
- The Keerthisinghe Memorial Prize in Zoology for special student in Zoology (2003/2004)
- The Gulamhusein A. J. Noorbhai Scholarship for special student in Zoology (2003/2004)
Manatunga, D. C., de Silva, R. M., Nalin de Silva, K. M., Neelika Malavige, G., Wijeratne, D. T., Williams, G. R., … & Udagama, P. V. (2018). Effective delivery of hydrophobic drugs to breast (MCF-7) and Liver (HepG2) cancer cells: A detailed investigation using Cytotoxicity assays, fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics:
Sashini D. Perera, Uthpala A. Jayawardena, and Chanika D. Jayasinghe, “Potential Use of Euphorbia hirta for Dengue: A Systematic Review of Scientific Evidence,” Journal of Tropical Medicine, vol. 2018, Article ID 2048530, 7 pages, 2018.
Jayasinghe, CD, Gunasekera, DS, De Silva, N., Jayawardena, KKM., & Udagama, PV. (2017). Mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya Linn. modulates nonfunctional and functional immune responses of rats. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 17(1), 230.
Balasooriya ER, Jayasinghe CD, Jayawardena UA, Ruwanthika RWD, de Silva R M, and Udagama PV (2017).Honey Mediated Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles: New Era of Safe Nanotechnology. Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2017, Article ID 5919836.
de Mel, Y., Perera, S., Ratnaweera, PB., & Jayasinghe, CD. (2017). Novel insights of toxicological evaluation of herbal medicine: Human based toxicological assays. Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 3(2), 41-49.
Udalamaththa, VL., Jayasinghe, CD & Udagama, PV. (2016). Potential role of herbal remedies in stem cell therapy: proliferation and differentiation of human mesenchymal stromal cells. Stem cell research & therapy, 7(1), 110.
Jayasinghe, CD., Udalamaththa, A., Imbulana, IBPS., & Suetake, I. (2016). Dietary Phytochemicals as Epi-drugs: Role in Modulating the Epigenetic Mechanisms of Human Diseases. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research, 7(1), 50-58.
Mishima, Y., Jayasinghe, CD., Lu, K., Otani, J., Shirakawa, M., Kawakami, T., … & Suetake, I. (2015). Nucleosome compaction facilitates HP1γ binding to methylated H3K9. Nucleic acids research, 43(21), 10200-10212.
Jayawardhane N D C K K, Jayasinghe C D, Vivehananthan K and Udagama P V (2014). Immunostimulatory activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate in a rat model. Proceedings of the 13th Agricultural Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.195-199.
Mishima, Y., Watanabe, M., Kawakami, T., Jayasinghe, CD., Otani, J., Kikugawa, Y., … & Tajima, S. (2013). Hinge and chromoshadow of HP1α participate in recognition of K9 methylated histone H3 in nucleosomes. Journal of molecular biology, 425(1), 54-70.
Ratnasooriya, WD., Jayasinghe, CD., & Udagama-Randeniya, PV. (2007). An investigation of in vivo antimalarial activity of black tea brew of Camellia sinensis LO Kuntze in mice. Journal of Tea research institute, p
Jayasinghe, CD., Udagama-Randeniya, PV., & Ratnasooriya, WD. (2008). In-vivo antimalarial activity of aqueous root extract of Barringtonia acutangula in mice. Phamacognasy Magazine.
Jayasinghe C D and Udagama PV (2016). Cancer chemopreventive activity of mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan wild typeCarica papaya. 2nd International Conference on Natural products Genomics and Drug Discovery, “Basic and translational research on Cancer and Inflammation”. , Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp14
Jayasinghe C D, Hettigodage A N, Gunasena S and Udagama PV (2016). The mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan wild typeCarica papaya exhibits antitumor activity and regulates antitumor immunity. Allergy & Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, 8th Biennial Scientific Sessions. Pp29.
Kurukulasuriya SP, Jayasinghe CD, Wijeratne S, Kaluarachchi A and Udagama PV (2016). Association of serum IFNγ, IL10, nitrogen oxides, estradiol and progesterone levels in the success and failure of pregnancy. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2016, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp25
Kurukulasooriya S P, Jayasinghe CD, Wijeratne S, Kaluarachchi A and Udagama PV (2016). Association of serum IFNγ, IL10, nitrogen oxides, estradiol and progesterone levels in the success and failure of pregnancy. Proceedings of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2016, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp25
Kurukulasooriya S P, Jayasinghe CD, Wijeratne S, Kaluarachchi A and Udagama PV (2016). Association ofserum IFNγ, IL10, nitric oxide levels in the success and failure of pregnancy. Allergy & Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, 8th Biennial Scientific Sessions. Pp28.
Balasooriya ER, Jayawardena UA, Jayasinghe CD, de Silva RM, de Silva KMN, and Udagama P V (2016). Evaluation of immunotoxicity of nanomaterial for safe gene delivery. 3 rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15-16 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka.Pp 59
Balasooriya ER, Jayasinghe CD, de Silva RM, de Silva KMN, Chandrasekharan N V and Udagama P V (2016). Hemocompatibility of PEI and PEI-IONPS on platelet membrane integrity and erythrocyte membrane damage using LDH assay and hemolysis assay. 3 rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 15-16 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp 44(Won award for best presentation)
Abeysekera WPKM, Premekumara GAS, Ratnasooriya WD and Jayasinghe CD. (2016).Anti-inflammatory Activity of Bark of Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) 9th international research conference general sir john kotelawala defense University
Jayasinghe CD, Ratnassoriya WD and Udagama PV. (2015). In vitro procoagulant and thrombolytic activities of Sri Lankan Wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate against blood coagulation cascade. Proceedings of the 2nd scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animal Science. Pp49
Jayasinghe C D, Jayawardhane NDCKK and Udagama PV. (2015). In vivo antioxidant activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate in a rat model. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology,
Jayasinghe C D, Ratnasooriya WD and Udagama PV (2015). The mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan Wild type Carica papaya stimulates in vitro proliferation and phagocytosis of rat immune cells. Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2015, University of Colombo, Pp113.
Jayasinghe C D, Ratnasooriya WD and Udagama PV (2015). Platelet increasing activity of mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya: Potential mechanisms. Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2016, University of Colombo, Pp
Jayasinghe C D, Ratnasooriya WD and Udagama PV (2015). In vitro and in vivo immunestimulatory activity of the Sri lankan wild type Carica papaya mature leaf concentrate. Drug Discovery and Therapy World congress. Boston , USA
Jayasinghe CD, Ratnasooriya WD and Udagama, PV. (2014). In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate. Allergy & Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, 7th Biennial Scientific Sessions . Pp23.
Jayasinghe, CD, Jayawardhane, NDCKK and Udagama PV (2014). In vivo immunostimulatory activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrates in a rat model. Proceedings of the 34th Annual sessions of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. Pp27
Jayasinghe CD, Ratnassoriya WD and Udagama PV. (2014). In vitro antioxidant activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate. Accepted for the Proceedings of the 70th Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Pp33.
Jayasinghe CD, Ratnassoriya WD and Udagama PV. (2014). In vitro and in vivo Haemostatic activity of Sri Lankan Wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate. Proceedings of the annual research symposium2014. University of Colombo, Pp218.
Jayasighe CD, Ratansooriya WD and Udugama PV (2014). Heamostatic activity of wild type Carica papaya L mature leaf concentrate. Drug Discovery Inida, Mumbai.
Jayasinghe C D, Ratnasooriya WD and Udagama PV (2014). Haemostatic activity of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya L. mature leaf concentrate. Drug Discovery India. Poster presentation.
Jayasinghe, C.D., Mishima, Otani, J., Kikugawa, Y., Shirakawa, M., Nishimura, O., Aimoto, S., Tajima, S., and Suetake, I. (2011). Inhibitory effect of chromo shadow domain of heteromchromatin protein 1γ (HP1γ) on its recognition of the trimethlyated lysine 9 of histone H3 in nucleosome structure. Poster number 75. International Epigenetic Conference, Japan, 2011
Jayasinghe CD (2011). Inhibitory effect of chromoshadow domain of Heterochromatin Protein 1 gamma (HP1γ) on its recognition of the trimethylated lysine 9 of histone H3 in nucleosome structure – Poster number -03, IPR retreat Organized by Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Mishima, Y., Watanabe, M., Kawakami, T. Jayasinghe, C.D., Otani, J., Kikugawa, Y., Shirakawa, M., Kimura, H., Nishimura, O., Aimoto, S., Tajima, S., and Suetake, I. The Hinge Region of HP1α cooperatively supports the recognition of trimethylated K9 of histone H3 in reconstituted nucleosme.Poster number 46 International Epigenetic Conference, Japan, 2011
Ratnasooriya W D, Jayasinghe C D and Udagama – Randeniya P V (2007) An investigation of in vivo antimalarial activity of black tea brew of Camellia sinensis in mice. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.pp 39.
Jayasinghe, C D, Ratnasooriya, W D and Randeniya, P V (2006). An investigation on antimalarial activity of Barringtoniia acutangula aqueous root extract in rodent malaria models. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. pp37.
Ongoing Research:
- Preliminary Investigation on scio-environmental and genetic factors affecting the violence behavior of convicts of Sri Lanka (Undergraduate project)
- Investigating the anti-inflammatory potential of herbal medicine
· Toxicological analysis of compounds using Zebra fish model
Research Supervisions:
- Effect of the mature leaf concentrate of Sri Lankan wild type Carica papaya on Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and platelet activating factor (PAF) levels tested on murine inflammatory models- OUSL 2016 grant
- Preliminary Investigation on scio-environmental and genetic factors affecting the violence behavior of convicts of Sri Lanka (Undergraduate project)
- Jayasinghe C D and Udagama PV (2014). Standardization of herbal preparations: Scientific approach for conventional herbal medicine. Link Natural Digest, vol 10(1); pp35-37
- Jayasinghe C D and Udagama PV (2016). Novel drug delivery systems for herbal remedies. Link Natural Digest, vol 11(2); pp 21-23
- ‘Nature and Nurture work together!’ for the Saukyadana news! Published by Saukyadana Task Forceƒ??
- Systematics of plants and animals, their collection and preservation- ISBN- 978-955-23-1269-4- CLT-coauthor
- Biology laboratory and Techniques for microscopy -ISBN- 978-955-23-1270-0- CLT- Coauthor
- Practical manual of Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Certificate Course in Laboratory Technology (CLT)-Author
- Practical manual of the MLU2241- Medical Entomology and Parasitology- Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of health Sciences- Author
- Practical manual of the ZLU4183 -Molecular Biology (Level 5)– Coauthor
- Laboratory Techniques in Biology, Diploma in Laboatory Technology (DLT)- Coauthor