Senior Lecturer (G I)
BA (University of Peradeniya, SL), M.Phil (University of Peradeniya, SL), Ph.D (University of Adelaide)Social Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Central Campus, Room 12, 2nd Floor, Faculty of HSS, OUSL, Nawala
Office: +94112881000, Ext: 2406 Mobile: 718740706
Last Updated on 2 years
Areas of Specialization:Sociology of Gender
Research interests:Gender equality in higher education, Spirituality and peace, Love and love labouring
Programme Coordination:MA in Development and Policy Studies
Course Coordination:SSD 2106 SSU 2207 SSU 2208 SSU 3209 SSU 3153 SSU 3157 SSU2252 DSU4652 DSP9403
- International Summer School-University of Oslo awarded by the Norwegian Development Agency from June-August 2007
- Awarded the Best Research Article award for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for a collaborative paper on “Quantitative & Qualitative Dimensions of Gender Equity in Sri Lankan Higher Education” The Women’s Studies International Forum in June 2007
- Asian Institute of Technology Fellowship awarded for MSc in Gender and Development Studies at the School of Environment, Resources and Development (January 2008-December 2009)
- Awarded Commonwealth Split-site PhD Scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom in 2008 by the UGC and the Commonwealth Commission in the UK.
- Awarded AFSI (Adelaide Fee Scholarships International) Scholarship for the Master of Arts (research) candidature in 2008 by the Discipline of Gender, Work and Social Inquiry, University of Adelaide, Australia (this was upgraded to Ph.D. in March 2010)
- Awarded International Travel Grant Scholarship for feild work in Sri Lanka for Ph.D.candidature in 2010 by the Center for Graduate Studies, University of Adelaide, South Australia
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist of National Science Foundation of the Ministry of Science and Technology from August 2018 to February 2019 (At present).
Journal Articles
Bulumulle, Kanchana S.(2016).‘I was a source for various rumors and sexually associated fabrications… I’ve had very bad experiences’: Gender politics and women’s disadvantage in the academy In: Felicitation volume of Senior Professor A.K.G. Jayasinghe, (Kumara, N.V.G.A.H., Wijesundara C.G and Premarathne M.T.K (eds), Department of Sociology, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Bulumulle,Kanchana, Ranasinghe, Sudatta,Vidanapathirana,Upali, Rajamanthri, Senani, Abeysuriya,Pathma, Devendra,Dineli and Goonathilake, Sunethra –(2009), “A Study of the Effects of Student Support Services (SSS) on Learner Performance in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:Inter-Department Study on Distant Education”, The OUSL Journal, Vol 5, OUSL: Colombo.
Bulumulle-Kanchana, Gunawardena-Chandra, Yoga R., Tressie L., Asha V., (2006) “Quantitative & Qualitative Dimensions of Gender Equity in Sri Lankan Higher Education” The Women’s Studies International Forum 29, 562-571p.
Book chapters (Co authored)
Gunawardena-Chandra, Lekamge, Dayalatha, Bulumulle, Kanchana S., Dissanayake, Samudra. (2005), “A Study of Child Rearing Practices Prevalent in Selected Communities in Sri Lanka”, Research Bulletin of The Department of Education: University of Stockholm, Sweden.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., and Gunawardena-Chandra (2005), “Gender equity Interventions on Access in the University of Colombo “. Gunawardena, Chandra (ed.):Not Adding Up –Looking Beyond Numbers. OUSL Press, Colombo, pp130-157
Gamaathige, Amarasena, Dissanayake, Samudra ,Bulumulle, Kanchana , &Piyaratne, Anton (2007) First Edition Introduction to Sociology – Vol I : OUSL
Gunawardena-Chandra, Yoga R., Tressie L., Kanchana B., Asha V., “Quantitative & Qualitative Dimensions of Gender Equity in Sri Lankan Higher Education” The Women’s Studies International Forum 29, (2006), 562-571p.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., Dissanayake, Samudra &Warnakulasooriya, Theodore (2000) Gender and Development– Vol I : OUSL Press, Colombo. (Experimental Edition)
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., Bandaranayake, Padmini&Manuratna, M, (2000) Gender and Development– VolII : OUSL Press, Colombo. (Experimental Edition)
Pinnawela, Sisira & Bulumulle, Kanchana (1998), Sociological Theories and Research Methods – Vol II: OUSL Press, Colombo. (Experimental Edition)
Hettige, S.T., Gamaathige, A., Dissanayake, Samudra & Bulumulle, Kanchana (1997) Applied Sociology – Vol II: OUSL Press, Colombo.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2018), “Gendered Opportunity: Gendered opportunity: A pre-academic career dynamic in the academic life of Sri Lankan and Australian academics” the Second Women and Society Conference of the Royal University for Women 18- 19 April Riffa, Bahrain. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2016), “Gendered Micro Politics: Exploring the Conventional and ODL Academic Systems in Sri Lanka” the Eighth Pan Commonwealth Forum 28- November- 3rd DecemberKL Malaysia, The Commonwealth of Learning. Paper
Illankoon-Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2012), “Gendered micro politics: Experiences of Sri Lankan and Australian academics” Critical women: women as agents of change through Higher Education, International conference organized by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, 05th -8th March 2012. Colombo, Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2010), “Academic privilege in the work place” Emerging possibilities: New possibilities at critical times, Australian Women’s and Gender Studies conference, Australia 29th June-2nd July 2010. Adelaide, Paper
Bulumulle, KanchanaS.andSenaniRajamanthri, (2006), “Student Expectations of Classroom Sessions: ODL or Conventional?” the Fourth Pan Commonwealth Forum 30-3 November Jamaica, The Commonwealth of Learning. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2006), “Gender Equity Interventions on Access in a Sri Lankan University” , 10th Annual Conference on Women by WEXDEV-ATN 11th-13th April, Adelaide South Australia . Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2015 October) “Gendered opportunity: A pre-academic career dynamic in the academic life of Sri Lankan and Australian academics” Presented for Sri Lanka Sociological Association University of Colombo 29th October 2015. The Department of Sociology-University of Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2015 August) A report on the status of female Heads of households and their access to economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Anuraohapura District: Kebethigollawa and Mahavilachchiya Submitted to and funded by Fokus Women. Colombo. Report
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2015 July), “Gender subtleties of academic micro-politics: interrogating the academy” ICSGBV 9th and 10th July 2015 Eastern University of Sri Lanka- Batticaloa . Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2014), “Gender subtleties of academic micro-politics: an exploration of the academy” Fourteenth Conference on Women’s Studies by CENWOR 2nd -4th December .CENWOR:Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2008), “A Gender equality Ideology: The Nordic Experience” Eleventh Conference on Women’s Studies by CENWOR 4th -8thApril .CENWOR:Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2007) “A comprehension of effects of inter-parental violence on children”,The Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) Annual Sessions on 5th -9th December, Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2007) “Effects of Marital Violence on Children” ,The OUSL Annual Academic Sessions 28t-29th June, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2006), “How Bad is Violence: The case of wife abuse in Sri Lanka” The Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) Annual Sessions on 12-17th December, Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2006), “The role of Patriarchal values among Victims of Wife abuse” Tenth Conference on Women’s Studies by CENWOR 2nd-5thApril .CENWOR:Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2005), “Gender Equity Interventions in a Sri Lankan University”, 10th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies- 16-18th December, The University of Kelaniya: Colombo. Paper
Ranasinghe, S.,Vidanapathirana, Rajamanthri, Abeysuriya, Devendra, Bulumulle,Goonathilake –(2005), “A Study of the Effects of Student Support Services (SSS) on Learner Performance in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:Inter-Department Study on Distant Education”, The OUSL Silver Jubilee Academic Sessions November, OUSL Colombo. Paper
Gunawardena-Chandra, DayalathaLekamge, Kanchana S Bulumulle, SamudraDissanayake, (2004), “Gender Role Socialization in the children”, on The OUSL annual Sessions 8th December, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Colombo. Paper
Gunawardena-Chandra, Kanchana S Bulumulle, Asha Van Dort, (2004), “Gender Equity in the University of Colombo” The Nineth Convention on Women’s Studies20th -23rd March, CENWOR, Colombo. Paper
Gunawardena-Chandra, DayalathaLekamge, Kanchana S Bulumulle, SamudraDissanayake, (2004), “A study of Child Rearing Practices and Gender Role Socialization Prevalent in Selected Communities in Sri Lanka-A Pilot Study”,The Nineth Convention on Women’s Studies, 20th -23rd March, CENWOR, Colombo. Paper
Bulumulle, Kanchana S. (2018). Author of the report on Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education and STR-Training of Trainer Inaugural workshop based on INASP Gender equality toolkit Organized by National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL) and OWSD Sri Lanka held on 30th March 2018 at Hilton Residences, Colombo 03 submitted to INASP, Cambridge UK.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S. (July 2017). Co-Author Report on The training workshop on Leadership and career development Women in science, technology and research (STR)Organized by National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL) and National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) in collaboration with Sri Lankan Academy of Young Scientists (SLAYS) held on 23rd May 2017 in Colombo 03 submitted to the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2015), “ Interrogating What is Male Privilege in the Academy”: A Ph.D.Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the Discipline of Gender and Women’s’ Studies to the School of Social Science, University of Adelaide. Australia
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (2004), “Wife Abuse and Patriarchal Values :An examination of domestic Violence in the Urban households”: A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Sociology to the Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (June 1997), “Gender considerations in forestry development in Sri Lanka: A special study report submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands & Forestry and the Overseas Development Administration (ODA), Colombo.
Athukorale, Tissa & Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (1994), “The Rural Energy Situation of Sri Lanka”;A report submitted to ITDG (Integrated Technology Development Group Colombo by ADRC, Kandy.
Bulumulle, Kanchana S., (1993), “Rehabilitation of Youthful Offenders Under the Borstal Setup; An Institutional Survey”: An unpublished Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Bachelor of Arts Degree to the Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya. Sri Lanka
(2018 June).Resource person of workshop creating Gender Awareness among Gender cell officials of OUSL -Training of Trainer Organized by the OUSL Gender Equity Cell and Director Gender Equity OUSL at SDC/OUSL.
(2018 May).Resource person and Coordinator of workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education and STR-Training of Trainer Inaugural workshop based on INASP Gender equality toolkit Organized by National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL) and OWSD Sri Lanka held on 30th March 2018 at Hilton Residences, Colombo 03.
(2017 May) Resource person on Perceived Challenges to academic career advancement: An exploration of the Sri Lankan Academy– AtThe training workshop on “leadership and career development” Women in science, technology and research (STR)Organized by National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL) andNational Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (NSF) in collaboration with Sri Lankan Academy of Young Scientists (SLAYS) held on 23rd May 2017 in Colombo 03
Contributed to the National Action Plan on Sex and Gender Based Violence in Sri Lanka, by the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs in November 2015 in Colombo
Television discussion (Live) on the National Television Network TNL Television “Bihidora” broadcasted on the 8th August 2007at 9.45 pm-11.30 pm.
Presentation on “Patriarchy-Pithrumulikatwaya” the monthly public seminar conducted by the Academic Circle of the Pollonnaruwa Archaeological Museum on 27th February 2007
Presentation made on “Wife Abuse: A result of Patriarchy” to the Academic Circle of the Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences on 2nd October 2006
Conducted Workshop on “Child protection” for child care workers at the Sarvodayachildren’s Development Division, RawatawattaMoratuwa on 23rd August 2006
Television discussion commemorating the “International Women’s Day” on the National Television Network Rupavahini, “Vishwa Sara” broadcasted on the 12th March at 9.30 pm
Trained as an Instructional Design Coordinator for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and transformation of course material online from 2006Nov to 2008(on moodle)
International Summit on “Theme Centered Interaction-TCI, Conducted at the Mahatma Gandhi University in India from 12-14th February 2006”
Ongoing Research:National Project on Gender in STEM fields as its Lead Researcher: National Science Foundation of the Ministry of Science and Technology Postdoctoral Research Scientist from August 2018 to February 2019 (At present).
Research Supervisions:MA in Development and Public Policy 3 students
Research Titles
OUSL New Letter Bullatine 2016 Article
OUSL New Letter Bullatine 2017 Poetry
OUSL New Letter Bullatine 2018 Poetry