Dr. Chandana Kulasuriya

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

PhD [Curtin, Australia], MEng. Struct Eng [Moratuwa, SL], BSc.Eng.Hons [Moratuwa, SL] CEng.[IESL], CPEng.[IEAus], IntPE [IEA via IESL]

Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology

, Room No. 07, Civil Engineering Laboratory Building 2 (Block No 2 ), The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda

Office: 011 288 1006, Ext: 4316

E-mail: ckula@ou.ac.lk

Last Updated on 2 years

Research interests:
  • Structural engineering
  • Construction engineering
  • Materials engineering
  • Sustainable buildings
  • Aesthetics of engineering and technology
  • Philosophy of science, engineering and technology
  • Science and engineering education
  • Interdisciplinary research related to architecture, engineering, humanities and philosophy

Affiliations with Professional Bodies

  • Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (CEng)
  • Chartered Professional Engineer of the Institution of Engineers Australia (CPEng)
  • International Professional Engineer of International Engineering Alliance, via IESL (PE)

Affiliations with other Universities

  • Visiting Research Fellow of Curtin University, Australia
  • Former Sessional Lecturer and Research Scholar at Curtin University Australia
  • Former Senior Lecturer (Higher Grade) at Curtin Colombo Campus Sri Lanka
  • Former Program Coordinator (Engineering) at Curtin Colombo Campus Sri Lanka

Academic Awards & Scholarships                                                      

  • Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) to pursue doctoral studies in Australia, funded by the Australian Government
  • Curtin Research Scholarship (CRS), awarded by Curtin University Australia



Refereed Journal Papers:

  1. Kulasuriya, Chandana, Vanissorn Vimonsatit, and W. P. S. Dias. 2021. “Performance-based energy, ecological and financial costs of a sustainable alternative cement.” Journal of Cleaner Production 287 (2021): 125035.
  2. Kulasuriya, C., Dias, W.P.S., Vimonsatit, V., De Silva, P. 2020. “Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Alkali Pozzolan Cement (APC)”. Int J Civ Eng.
  3. Kulasuriya, C., Dias, W.P.S; Vimonsatit, V., 2019. Durability properties of alkali pozzolan cement (APC). Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 47(1), pp.121–131.
  4. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn; Dias, WPS; De Silva, P. “Design and Development of Alkali Pozzolan Cement (APC)”. Construction and Building Materials 68
  5. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Dias, Priyan; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. “Integral Sustainability of Alkali Pozzolan Cement.” Journal of Integral Theory & Practice 9 (1)
  6. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2006. “Aesthetics in Structures” Engineer: Journal of  the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 38 (3)
  7. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Dias, WPS;  Hettiarchchi, MTP.  “The Aesthetics of Proportion in Structural Form”. The Structural Engineer, Journal of the Institution of Structural Engineers, United Kingdom, 80 (14)
  8. Knight, E; Gunawardena, C; Bouachrine, F; Dassanayake, N;   Gnanakumar, T;   Kulasuriya, C. “A cross-cultural study of icons and images used in North American web design” WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies 36, pp. 135-144


Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:

  1. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Dias, Priyan; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2015. “Recognition of Emergive Reality and a Conceptual-Practical Dimension for Integral Projects”. The 4th Biennial Integral Theory Conference, California
  2. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn; Dias, Priyan. “Design of Alkali Pozzolan Cement: Early Compressive Strength.” The First Australasia and South East Asia Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction (ASEA-SEC-1), Perth
  3. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn; Dias, Priyan. 2013. Properties of Alkali Pozzolan Cement (APC), Concrete Institute of Australia’s Biennial National Conference, Concrete 2013, Queensland
  4. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Dias, Priyan; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2013. “Developing an Approach to Assess Integral Sustainability of Alkali Pozzolan Cement”. The 3rd Biennial Integral Theory Conference, California
  5. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012.   Integral Research Framework for Sustainable Structures for Future, Proceedings of Australian Structural Engineering Conference. Perth.
  6. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012. Conceptualising Alkali Pozzolan Cement for Sustainable Future, Proceedings of Australian Structural Engineering Conference. Perth.
  7. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012. Conceptual Design Framework for Sustainable Structures, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur.
  8. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012. Conceptualising Alkali Pozzolan Cement, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur.
  9. Kulasuriya, C, Dias, WPS; Hettiarchchi MTP. 2002. Development and Evaluation of Aesthetics of Structural Form, Proceedings of 6th Annual Symposium, Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
  10. Vimonsatit, Vanissorn; Kulasuriya, Chandana; Dias, Priyan. 2016. “Integral Framework for Sustainability Management in Civil Engineering Work”. SEE-Osaka, Japan.
  11. Maduwantha, Nuwan; Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2022. “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Fly-Ash Cement Mortar Samples Made Using Fly-Ash Generated in Power Plants in Sri Lanka”. SLIIT International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka.


Abstracts Presented at the Conferences/ Symposiums

  1. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012. Contextual Approach to Understand Visual Pollution, The Thirteenth Humanities Graduate Research Conference, Curtin University
  2. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2011. “Teaching Module of Conceptual Engineering Design for Civil Engineering Undergraduates”, Proceedings of Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, Fremantle, Australia.
  3. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Vimonsatit, Vanissorn. 2012. “Sustainable Buildings”, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Colloquium, Curtin University, Australia.


Selected Academic Presentations

  1. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2013. Visual Pollution: Aesthetics and Pollution of Visual Environment, Postgraduate Open Day Society, Curtin University, Australia
  2. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2012. “Aesthetics in Steel Structures”, Monthly Seminar, School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia.
  3. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2005. Aesthetics of Structures. Seminar on Design of Steel Structures, Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka.
  4. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2001. Philosophy of Aesthetics & Proportioning Systems used in Structures. Question Time, Society of Structural Engineers, Sri Lanka.


Selected Creative Work (Academic and Promotional Video Films)

  1. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2002. ‘In-attention’, a 60 min academic feature film on ‘Visual Pollution’. The Open University of Sri Lanka (conceptualized, scripted and directed by Chandana Kulasuriya); Screened at Integral Theory Conference at Sanoma State University, California, the USA in 2015.
  2. Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2006. ‘A Hundred Year Renaissance’, a 20 min academic documentary film on ‘History of Engineering in Sri Lanka’, Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. (Conceptualized, scripted, and directed by Chandana Kulasuriya). Screened at BMICH, at the Occasion of Centenary Celebrations of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka in 2006.
  3. Kumarage, Amal; Kulasuriya, Chandana. 2004 ‘Road Design’, a 20 min academic documentary film on ‘Road Design. National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka (scripted by Amal Kumarage and directed by Chandana Kulasuriya)
  4. Kulasuriya, Chandana; Weerasinghe, Buddhi. 2009, a 20 min promotional documentary film on the Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Lanka (scripted by Chandana Kulasuriya and directed by Buddhi Weerasinghe)
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