The Department of Secondary & Tertiary Education is one of the pioneering Departments of the OUSL which was originally named as Department of Education. It currently serves around 3500 students enrolled in seven different study programmes, out of which five are Post Graduate level programmes. The Department also offers a stand-alone On-line course, a short course in Research Methodology and a short course in Multi-grade Teaching. In addition, the Department is responsible for coordinating two modules of the B.A. in English Language Teaching Programme conducted by the Department of Language Studies. Currently 23 academic members, and 03 non-academic staff serve the Department. Around 100 visiting academics and 400 Master Teachers from other Universities, National Colleges of Education, National Institute of Education and schools help the Department in the conduct of day school sessions, tutorials, teaching practice and marking of assignments.

News & Events
Study Programmes

Academic Staff

Lecturer (Probationary)