The Department of Organizational Studies of the Faculty of Management Studies aims to develop future managers for key positions in the corporate sector in both, local and global contexts who could command and grow in the managerial, information and communication technology sectors.

Our Department is structured according to multidisciplinary areas of management, namely: organizational behaviour and psychology, information systems, operations management, business strategy, quantitative techniques, entrepreneur development and study of new trends of management. The courses offered have been designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students through theoretical knowledge and industry experience and to provide exposure to highly recognized resource persons from the industry.

The Department offers a wide range of courses from advanced certificate level to postgraduate levels. Further, certain courses are offered as inter-faculty courses for programmes offered by other faculties of the university.

The Department of Organizational Studies operates with a team of qualified and experienced staff, committed to excellence. The academic staff is well connected with professionals in the corporate world facilitating the enhancement of management knowledge, skills. They are capable of inculcating essential personal values and attributes to improve the positive attitudes of learners to fit into the contemporary world of work.

The courses related to entrepreneurship are designed to benefit entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to acquire new knowledge and skills to start new businesses or to manage their ongoing businesses. Further, the courses related to Information Technology, Operations Management, Quantitative Techniques and Public Administration offered through undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes are developed in such a way to broaden the knowledge horizons of students for strategic use in business environments. Apart from that, the research component augments the skills of students by applying theoretical knowledge in real-life situations addressing managerial problems. As the emphasis of the research is to address a management-related issue or a problem, it is expected to empower students with the conceptual skills and analytical skills required for solving a problem.

At present, the Department is planning to broaden its context by developing specialization areas in the Legal Environment for Business, Entrepreneurship, Information and Communication systems for organizations and Operations and Logistics Management for the BMS (Honours) Degree Programme.

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Academic Staff

Senior Lecturer (Gr.I)

Senior Lecturer (Gr.I)

Senior Lecturer (Gr.I)

Senior Lecturer (Gr.II)

Lecturer (Unconfirmed)

Lecturer (Probationary)

Lecturer (Probationary)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Lecturer (On Contract)

Academic Support Staff