The bachelor of Management Studies degree program is carefully designed with the utmost intention for producing highly skilled management graduates specialized in Human Resource Management who will be ideal candidates to meet the highest industry standard in managerial competencies. Accomplished the that intention the department of human resource management officers innovative causes in the Human Resource Management discipline which promote understanding of the field both from a local and a global perspective.
The courses offered are designed in a way to enhance and strengthen the knowledge and skills of the learners through theoretical knowledge and industry experience. The courses in Human Resource Management intend to provide learners with opportunity to understand Human Resources Management has an integral part of the overall business of an organization. Further, it would create basis for the participants to acquire the competency to relate Human Resources Management with other functional areas of management. The Department offers a wide range of courses from advanced certificate level to post graduate levels. Certain courses offered as in inter-faculty courses for programmes offered by other faculties of the university.
We operate with a team of qualified and experienced staff committed to excellence. The Academic Staff is well connected with professionals in the corporate world facilitating the enhancement of management knowledge and skills. The partnership we maintain with the prominent professional human resource institute in the country contribute towards the value creation of the department at large.
Currently, our department offers/contribute to various study programs that are well recognized in the industry;
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Management Studies Degree Program (few courses)
Short Courses in Human Resource Management
At present the department of Human Resource Management is planning to broaden its scope by developing a specialized degree leading to a Bachelor of Management Studies Honors in Human Resource Management.